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  1. Wing
    Wing smirked and ducked under the pistol, in a split second his keyblade was at Vecked's throat.

    "I knew you'd betray us. That whole time you had it, and you did nothing. why now? Never mind I don't really care. I'm not letting you take the virus. It needs to be destroyed, you cant control it Vecked"
    Post by: Wing, May 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Wing
    Wing looked at Venture confused.

    "oh okay..."

    H stood up and headed toward the Hangar. Engima's gaze chilling him to the bone
    Post by: Wing, May 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Wing
    Wing sighed and rested his head in his hands.

    "Well then, kill him we will." He looked in to Xardius eyes, so full of hatred and fury. He knew it wasnt all directed toward Scourge. His eyes fell on Enigma next. The cheating backstabbing brotherhood member whomade Wing believe he didn't know who's side he was on.

    "Pathetic..." He muttered under his breath
    Post by: Wing, May 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Wing
    Wing felt his jaw drop slightly. He knew the Tera Roth that had trained him was a heartless, but he wouldn't have guessed that the real Tera Roth was Scourge. It all made sense though. The rivalry between Tera and Xardius, the distance that Tera Roth seemed to keep from Xardius.

    "You mean the real Tera Roth is Scourge?"

    He shook his head, there was no feelings for Scourge, only the Heartless Tera Roth. He hated Scourge, always had, always will

    OOC: BRB
    Post by: Wing, May 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Wing
    Wing felt like Xardius was hiding something from them.

    "Where is she now? Do we know any of her kids?"
    Post by: Wing, May 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Wing
    "Interesting. What happened to the young girl?"
    Post by: Wing, May 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Wing
    Wing shook his head and laughed watching Xane and Xardius go back and forth.

    "Well then lets hear Alyt tell some stories about you Xane."
    Post by: Wing, May 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Wing
    "Whatever it takes to win"

    Wing said with a smirk
    Post by: Wing, May 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Wing
    Wing's mind focused on all the Nobodies he had fought along side of that had been Knights at first. How many of them died in battle against those old comrades, how many of them left without a word. He prayed for their souls and hoped they were happy, wherever they where.

    "So where are we headed exactly?" He asked, his gaze never leaving the window
    Post by: Wing, May 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Wing
    OOC: You have one of Xardius and Wing, Nulix?

    BIC: Wing got to his feet slowly, obviously feeling a thousand times better.

    "Lets end this." He said facing Vecked. "The virus?" He asked hoping Vecked had it.
    Post by: Wing, May 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Wing
    "Hell" Wing said with a laugh. The "bath" Xardius had given him had raised his spirits and rejuvenated his body. The twilight that he was slowly starting to regain began to heal his wounds, giving him his old strength back.
    Post by: Wing, May 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Wing
    OOC: nice Xardius nice lol

    BIC: Wing woke up to the snapping of Xardius's fingers. He looked around at his friends confused before flashing his famous smile

    "Hey..." he said before his eyes closed again and he rested his head on the table
    Post by: Wing, May 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Wing
    OOC: all will be made clear soon...ish

    Wing sat up slowly, his vision blurring from dizziness. THe sound of boots could be heard from down the hallway. Keys began to clang together and soon th sound of a cell door opening filled Wing's ears. The silloute before him rached down and grabbed at Wing's neck before pulling him to eye level.

    "Oh how the mighty have fallen."

    Liam's smooth voice said as his face twisted into an evil smile.

    "You were so easy to over power while in your dreams. And tour friends never even saw you leave, thinking it was just another trip you want to take alone."

    "Why?" Wing asked, his voice dry and raspy.

    "Simple, because i could. Now its time for you to go back. I've taken your power and have seen you helpless. My life is complete. Take this as a warning. I will kill you someday, thats a promise."

    Liam opened a dark corridor and threw Wing's tired body through. He landed before Xardius Xane and Vecked. passed out and wearing next to nothing. His body all but broken.
    Post by: Wing, May 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Wing
    Profile Post

    lol nice thanks!

    lol nice thanks!
    Profile Post by Wing for DarKnight36, May 14, 2009
  15. Wing
    Wing's eyes opened to the slick walls of his prison cell.

    "Two weeks" he said in a whisper. He hadn't eaten, and had only small amounts of water to drink in that time period. His body was slowly healing, but without proper nutrition, he wouldn't ever heal, much less survive.
    Post by: Wing, May 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Wing
  17. Wing
  18. Wing
  19. Wing
    Wing eyes opened slowly adjusting to the darkness that surrounded him before the stone walls made themselves visible. His ears picked up on the slight wind currents and water dripping in this strange prison. His hands burned beneath him, lines of blood reviling the small cuts he couldn't remember receiving. His clothes were tattered and better described as rags then clothes. Deep cuts lined his legs and arms, some were stitched closed, others were left to heal on their own. Small wisps of twilight lined the unstitched cuts, working to heal them. His power was drained, his body exhausted.

    "Where am I?" He asked, his voice shaking violently.

    a Few minutes and there was no answer. He tried to move, but pain racked his body, and caused him to wince.

    "Okay, let's not do that again..."

    He lied on his back, his eyes staring into the dark rocky ceiling. His mind racing, questioning.

    "How did I get here?"

    He asked looking around, listening closely for any signs of breathing around him.

    "What happened? The last Thing I remember was traveling to finally destroy the virus....THE VIRUS!"

    He shot straight up, crying out in pain before looking at his wrist. The crystal that contained the Virus was gone. Panic etched itself on his face for a moment before his mind reached the logical "someone else I know must have it...". He hoped it was someone on his side.

    "I need to find the others." He sighed. Their faces appeared in his mind's eye, he hoped they were all okay. Worry began to gnaw at the pit of his stomach...he was determined to get out of this prison, but he knew he was in no shape to fight...yet that wasnt going to stop the master of gales.

    OOC: hey there, Wing's back lol um can i get a PM with a quick recap? thanks guys! sorry for disappearing
    Post by: Wing, May 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Wing
    Profile Post

    hey ollie how are you?

    hey ollie how are you?
    Profile Post by Wing for Finale, May 10, 2009