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  1. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    I think during Jump Feista.

    Boy, isn't this great news -__- Oh well guess I'll just wait for Re:coded then be happy again.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Say wha... o_0 Totally forgot about this guy, I haven't played FFVIII in sooo long :/

    Anywho I've heard rumors that SE was going to release another character around the 15th or during Jump Feista... Hoping it's a villian this time ^^
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 8, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  3. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Riku's last form, I believe. Probably more annnoying than hard though. :/
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 6, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    It's personal preference really; I've always said: Tie-dus, but since I've heard Te-dus in they game I pronounce it like that now ^^
  5. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Few extra boss fights/scenes..even music at times...etc.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 4, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    lol xD

    kinda expected something like this since it's in the Spam Zone
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 4, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Intresting, I've never expirenced any problem with Wonderland; some of the shading can be off at times but usually that is it. Unless you're running an emulator, then that is most likely the problem if you are.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 4, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. kingdom_hearts_loverXX

    Probably because I spent more hours into this game rather than the other two. I thought it was a lot more fun than the first, Com was cool - but didn't really like the remake. And also the game got a little more serious towards to the story. But my favorite was probably fighting the organization in the game.
  9. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    KH1, I had no idea what I was doing; I didn't even last one minute in battle. But when I finally beat him, that was such a glorious moment in KH1 history. :D
  10. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Wow this is surprising to me...I had no idea that Nintendo Power was still out :O
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 3, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Also...just to add you have to remember that Axel is limited on what he can do because of him being in the organization and everyone dutys was assigned specifically by Xemnas.; Axel wanted Roxas to remember his friendship with Axel what he had forgot during KH2. While playing Days I did feel pretty bad for Roxas (mainly becuse half of the time he'd like be sad and put his head down.

    oh and I doubt they'd kill him xD ...that's a little to graphic for disney :]
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 3, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Although different compared to the other covers I actually like this. I guess style just differs from person to person... lol but it does look like Terra is conjoined together with Aqua and Ven xD
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 3, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    I'm definitely going to look into getting this. I loved the BBS music.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 3, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Personally I prefer the original GBA version of Com, I mean it's great to hear voice acting, have diffuculty settings, and just more space in move around on the screen. But it's the exact same game pretty much; I've spent more hours into the handheld version than the remake, not because I've had the GBA game was just a lot more fun and less complicated to play...especially with the card system battling; I feel that the controls were the best for the handheld, because you have basic L and R shoulder buttons, the console version has of course double L2 and R2, but honestly I believe that game didn't need a remake in the first place.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 2, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Intresting, I'd buy it since haven't played cardgames in a long time, and plus it's an official SE card game at that...hmm wonder if this will ever be released overseas.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 2, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  16. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Kinda stumbled upon this but, "New Assist Gameplay" title is self explanatory great addition I must say. Also it's great to finally see Kain and Lightning in action.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 2, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  17. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Agreed. I enjoyed FF1 and 2 for the PSP also FF3 for the DS, though I do not have 4 yet. Remakes make a great addition to have especially for those as myself who aren't going to buy the older games that cost way too much. Although - games that generally aren't that old such as FF7 I believe shouldn't get a least not at this time; since they were considering it before.

    oh and I was just being sarcastic about the whole modern gamers thing. xD lol I'm a modern gamer as well.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 1, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. kingdom_hearts_loverXX
    Really? While playing this game it never even came across my mind, but once I search up Xion and Riku all I see is complete fanservice of thier "relationship". But besides that scene with them on Destiny Island and when she "fought" him near Beast Castle (I believe)...Riku was the one who wanted her gone in the first place. :/ (To bring back Sora's memories)

    BUT I do like the pairing ^^.
    Post by: kingdom_hearts_loverXX, Dec 1, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX