I actually read about it in another thread. I kind of thought it would be my message on that Boris thread. EDIT: I just noticed, you can now see my name properly instead of [][][][].
Why? What did I do to give you that impression?
I love the message you get when you try to put yourself on Ignore.
I let myself be controlled by a fish? Damn I suck.
She broke a rule in this thread: girls come join
A signature is a message that goes beneath all of your posts, you can edit your signature in your User CP.
Is it possible to have a dark red username without being banned? After being white for all this time dark red looks pretty good.
What is so bad about people knowing what you are doing.
You have to enter the codes /D/J/_!DaNgEr_*MOU5E* posted into a cheat device, I am not sure which one he posted it for though.
This is new, two introductions from the same member in the same exact thread.
No, he just goes into a thread and copies and pastes the same message.
That does not work for me.
Banned for pointing out dark red is a cool username color.
That has nothing to do with is dumbass. Nice knowing you NRA.
Especially this one, how easy it was to get into her account. Seriously does everyone here have an IQ of 3? I see maybe 1 intelligant post and the rest are made by idiots. ****ers
You know what Boris the Blade? Go ahead and hack my account, I stopped caring what happened to me here anyways. You do whatever you want with it, it will not affect me one bit. You are just becoming an annoying little *****.
Moniter settings, I should have thought about it. I guess that answers the question. To the member who gave me negative reputation, how am I arrogant? I agree with everything else you said except the arrogant part.
Roxasvsriku looks a lot different then this: Roxasvsriku. How do they get mixed up like that?
I wonder how my post count is now that this is moved. Kurt Zisa - Boss in a Disney game. (I can not think of anything that starts with a "K".)
Wrong thread. Furniture - Doing things with certain furniture will have diferent outcomes in Wonderland.