Silly, how could you forget about that whole episode with you, me, and namine_of_kh2? I don't think that was the earliest I remember, but it's the one that comes to my mind first. I remember sitting in art class telling one of my friends about getting 100 posts, though. Does that count?
Asking people to pay more for their internet is a little much to ask, don't you think? I don't think GIFs should be removed...people spend time making them, and they're fun to have in sigs and avatars. There's already a limit on how many and how large they can be, so I don't really see a point in getting rid of them completely. It would just be boring without them.
Those people are annoying, but if you know exactly what you want you can just go up and ask them move over for a minute...or point them in the direction of the reading chairs.
I actually remember reading them because I was afraid of doing something wrong and getting a bad reputation with the people here. I always hate being a noob...
*cough* 300 million....
5 million? What? Canada's 30 million, and I think we're way larger... *off to check*
Of course it is...but there's plenty of people who are perfectly skinny...
You forgot to mention that they have awesome accents...but I think I'll skip out on the pie. 0.o
...Of any good laptops on the market lately? I'm in need of one since I obviously can't drag this desktop everywhere, but I want advice before I go off to buy one because my family is more desktop-ish. Anyway, I just need the basics...a word processor, internet, decent enough graphics for youtube, you know...but I don't want to spend too much money. Any suggestions?
Try and break the world record for the longest macarena.
Well, at least in terms of the scans. We haven't actually seen the game itself, so there's no real way to be sure... (And it's a freakin' cell phone game...I bet the graphics are only like that for the cutscenes.)
I think it's pretty dang good for an early creation. You actually gave it a pretty good 3D effect, which is great! ^^
Yes Spit, mah'dear, I am. How did you know? Are you a psychic as well?
Probably roughly two million dollars. Or Three BILLION dollars *pinky chew* if you go through Skye's Phone Service...we use lasers!
*yanks leash repeatedly*
Oh no, HN, he's gonna rape you! RUUUN!
Um, only if your plan states that under its term If you use a cell phone, I think you don't have to pay for long distance...or maybe that's just me. Dunno. *shrugs*
Do you eat the gum off the bottom?
Sounds good to me! That guy is sex, I sweardagod....
But it's still kinda cute. (Remind you of any songs? *cough*) I don't think moving back to my family in Italy would help me any...the only thing that would help would be to live about a hundred and fifty-odd years ago. xD A girl can dream, at the very least.