Oh yes, I hacked it like crazy. How'd you know? We need to give everybody their Kadaj Family pride back, y'know? Maybe then I won't run off and disappear again. xD
I'm more bored-ed.
And he spells it wrong. That's freakin' halarious.
Ugh, I feel your pain. I have a little sister who is actually bigger than me, and she never fails to remind me of that...by getting absolutely everything she wants and making a total pest of herself. Don't worry, though...she'll be gone soon. *hugs*
OMGWTFBBQ...brings me back to some of my old avatars on MSN.
Ow, and I thought I was skinny! That's gotta be harsh...
That's lucky...I don't have to take PE...only Physical Fitness. In other words...boot camp. I've dropped twenty pounds since we started...so I'm down to 83. xD
Oh, that's cool...so it was through the school and you got grades for it? It sounds like a pretty fun way to get credits!
Eh, I'm confused...so you worked as an athletic trainer's assistant? My dad is a physical therapist and he has to do some athletic training on the weekends...
SPELL IT RIGHT! *shovel'd* Well, I don't know about Fruits Basket seeing as I thought it was weird after looking at it for, say...ten seconds? But seeing as I'm a D.Gray-man fanatic I think I have a pretty darn good answer. Sadism. I say that right off the bat. The manga has a really awesome way of taking this really naive character and throwing him into some really kinky, sadistic situations, which break him of his innocence about five minutes. It also has a kinda "The Grudge"-ish feel with some of the Noah, namely Road Kamelot, who looks to be about eleven but kills people for fun and finds people nailed to the wall really hot. (Bondage much?) Anyway, although the first few chapters or episodes seem kinda shallow, the later chapters (I prefer the manga, personally) really get you involved in the whole plotline; dropping you from almost euphoric fan-people highs to lows that make you want to cry like a little baby. It's really hard to explain, actually...but once you get past the total gross-out factor of Allen's arm, you'll find that it's absolutely addictive in every way possible. Yeah, and um...cult-like, as well. My friends and I have had multiple funerals for characters...with lots of sobbing, death threats, giggles, and attempts at licking the headstone. xD
The rank changes make me cry... and I actually DID cry when I found out about Cin. Buckets, I sweardagod. Too bad he never actually noticed me. >.<
I'm the one that's always talking when the teacher can't hear her...and then making snide comments about everything... ...and, of course, gets away with it. Example: Teacher: "...and they found him under a 'nightshade' bush. Can you imagine being so young and finding your brother like that?" Me: "I dunno. I think it would be kinda interesting to see blood coming out of somebody's mouth. Ha." Teacher: "Ms. Martucci..." Me: "Yes, and, um, well...nightshade! I can see the symbolism! Nightshade, you know, deadly plant, red berries...like blood!" (Don't get me started on the Odyssey. xD)
I knew it! I always knew it! Ha-ha-haaaa!
They said 'meow' and the world burned...
I don't trick-o'-treat anymore, but I'm having a party...and one of my friends dared me to go as Road Kamelot. I don't usually wear skirts that short, but whatever...0.o
0.o People here don't hate you...
Oh, wow...that was halarious. It's almost sig-quote worthy...
First Look at new KH Art! 09-23-2007 06:47 AM returning the favour, pet. plus rape for YOUUUUU *raperaperape* ;D We all know how pretty... 09-11-2007 05:05 PM Edward Cullen's got nuthin' on you, kid. ...I Need Some Help... 09-10-2007 09:17 PM Hi ~Nami I will ban every single... 08-30-2007 11:04 PM Koneko is the queen of awesome. ~crono Who's got better hair?... 08-30-2007 01:08 PM Yep, too right! xD How strange...
I think you should go for the second one...
I think having smaller and larger fonts is just just pointless...why would you need to write that way, anyway? We've got enough customization options to begin with...