QFT. You can't believe in Jesus as God without believing in him as human as well (this is from a Catholic perspective, of course), and yes, he did have a family: 4 brothers, namely Jacob, Joses, Judas, and Simon, and a few unnamed sisters (I can't remember how many sisters exactly). But like you said, it's a work of fiction. I read The Da Vinci Code. Was I offended by it? No. Did I believe it? Of course not; that was never Dan Brown's intent. I'm surprised people didn't make the same fuss over Angels and Demons (the book) when it was released. Or did they? I was probably too young to remember if there was. EDIT: Apparently the sisters' names were Mary and Salome.
I don't like rap either. I listen to all kinds of rock: industrial, metal, funk, progressive, alternative, some classic. I really try to stick to rock. But I do like me some Aphex Twin.
They actually sound good again. Thank God.
Lol. No. Never.
I read the first one. Good book for fantasy people. Haven't read the others, though.
WHO's is declaring an imminent pandemic. Fun.
QFT. That and the Ender saga are awesome.
1,600 suspected cases. 1,000 confirmed in Mexico. Direct human-to-human transmission possible. Characteristics similar to the Spanish flu, including its ability to kill healthy adults. I don't see how this can be overrated.
It's Texas. Of course it's stupid.
But he was raised/spent most of his life in Texas. Anyway, good luck with that. You have a bunch of crazies versus roughly 300 million other people. I don't think the odds are in Texas' favor in the event that they do try to secede.
Wow, lotta Libertarians. Economic Left/Right: -3.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.36
PC. Better processing power,graphics, more programs, etc. If you can't figure out how to use a PC, you shouldn't even be given a computer.
I'd say they count, even though The Fragile isn't really this decade (1999). But yeah, NIN is probably a contender too.
The Mars Volta. Look them up.
Because it's better than American animation most of the time.
Electric rapes anything else.
First song in this topic that I actually know.
Brondsningham. Far more eloquent and insightful.
Way better than the second one fo sho.
And how. :ff10sora: