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  1. Blademaster Mai'kel
    QFT. You can't believe in Jesus as God without believing in him as human as well (this is from a Catholic perspective, of course), and yes, he did have a family: 4 brothers, namely Jacob, Joses, Judas, and Simon, and a few unnamed sisters (I can't remember how many sisters exactly).

    But like you said, it's a work of fiction. I read The Da Vinci Code. Was I offended by it? No. Did I believe it? Of course not; that was never Dan Brown's intent. I'm surprised people didn't make the same fuss over Angels and Demons (the book) when it was released. Or did they? I was probably too young to remember if there was.

    EDIT: Apparently the sisters' names were Mary and Salome.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, May 15, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  2. Blademaster Mai'kel
    I don't like rap either. I listen to all kinds of rock: industrial, metal, funk, progressive, alternative, some classic. I really try to stick to rock. But I do like me some Aphex Twin.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, May 9, 2009 in forum: Music
  3. Blademaster Mai'kel
    They actually sound good again. Thank God.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, May 7, 2009 in forum: Music
  4. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Lol. No. Never.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 30, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  5. Blademaster Mai'kel
    I read the first one. Good book for fantasy people. Haven't read the others, though.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 29, 2009 in forum: Literature
  6. Blademaster Mai'kel
    WHO's is declaring an imminent pandemic. Fun.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 29, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  7. Blademaster Mai'kel
    QFT. That and the Ender saga are awesome.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Literature
  8. Blademaster Mai'kel
    1,600 suspected cases. 1,000 confirmed in Mexico. Direct human-to-human transmission possible. Characteristics similar to the Spanish flu, including its ability to kill healthy adults. I don't see how this can be overrated.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  9. Blademaster Mai'kel
    It's Texas. Of course it's stupid.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  10. Blademaster Mai'kel
    But he was raised/spent most of his life in Texas.

    Anyway, good luck with that. You have a bunch of crazies versus roughly 300 million other people. I don't think the odds are in Texas' favor in the event that they do try to secede.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  11. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Wow, lotta Libertarians.

    Economic Left/Right: -3.25
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.36

    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 21, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  12. Blademaster Mai'kel
    PC. Better processing power,graphics, more programs, etc. If you can't figure out how to use a PC, you shouldn't even be given a computer.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  13. Blademaster Mai'kel
    I'd say they count, even though The Fragile isn't really this decade (1999).
    But yeah, NIN is probably a contender too.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 13, 2009 in forum: Music
  14. Blademaster Mai'kel
    The Mars Volta. Look them up.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 12, 2009 in forum: Music
  15. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Because it's better than American animation most of the time.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 9, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Electric rapes anything else.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 9, 2009 in forum: Music
  17. Blademaster Mai'kel
    First song in this topic that I actually know.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Brondsningham. Far more eloquent and insightful.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 7, 2009 in forum: Literature
  19. Blademaster Mai'kel
    Way better than the second one fo sho.
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Blademaster Mai'kel
    And how. :ff10sora:
    Post by: Blademaster Mai'kel, Apr 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone