Ooohh! Welcome to the site!! I hope you have fun :)
Hi jonxjon. hehe I know a guy called Jon in my school XD anyway, I hope you have a fun time here
even though this is old... nooooooooooo mickey mouse!!! :(
it'll come out soon :) maybe next year
OMG JESSE MCCARTNEY IS BACK! YAY! I love it when Xion talks at 1:00 - 1:02, it sounds good :D she also does the hair flick :) Oh, and is Namine's still Brittany Snow or camp rock girl? Thanks Mike!!
1. Roxas 2. Xigbar 3. Luxord ( I loved his voice )
awww I can't read japanese :( but that's nice to see that his name is ferminine =]
Oooh! Welcome to the site :D er, i don't think you should post out your personal info(such as your school) 'cos there might be some 62 year old man lurking around the site and might try to stalk you :) but anyway, have fun :D I was your age when I started to like KH :D
well, this is a tough situation. Maybe you and Michelle can meet up at a coffee shop or something and talk it through. If she doesn't go then the important thing to remember is not lash out on her. You could invite another friend or a relative or someone else. And plus, Annie might stay with you guys for a few days too :D
oh my gosh, are you serious? I am sorry for your loss =[ aww geez, that's really sad. i hate it when someone dies :(
You have the game? I am soooo jealous! lol, is Axel's name really Lea? hehe it's a girls' name :D
Thank you Mike!!! only a few more months ~~
OMG Are you serious? I can't wait!!! Oh, and don't forget the other 3, you can go to the website and click 'extras'
Yay! News about Coded! Selphie is there too! :) Thanks Mike!!
Oooooh~~!! This is interesting, it has actual days too! WOw! hehe, I decided not to spoil myself anymore :D I can't wait 'til this comes to aussie!! :D
even though it was old clips, the intro was awesome :)
Um, Well, maybe you should drink coffee :) and study study study! Don't think of failing, it will haunt you.
wow you've been thinking alot :) well, um, I guess Marluxia wanted Sora because he is the REAL person to wield the keyblade unlike Roxas and Xion(maybe not) are nobodies. And Xion entered a while after Roxas so I guess it's after KH1, in the middle of KH:CoM and before KH2. OH and I think that the girl AnneSophie or something, from Bridge to Terabithia would be a good VA for Xion. She also plays Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(2005). ^^
well, I personally think that they will not start a war because of that...
Nooooo~~! Not Traverse town!! every step you take in the second district there's like 100x Heartless popping out! :( but anyway, I would like to see the scans :D YAY! 3 more days :)