I couldn't help but cry when I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it was so sad when a certain character died that I went like "Oh noes but he's too little to die!" I think the people who read it know who I mean.
We're so cool in school we have several people who represent someone (or we try to) from a kh game, ff game or an anime. We have many people I'll label: -Josh, He's our Sora cos hes started spiking his hair upand have the chocolatey brown haircolour sora has, though at times it represents roxas's hair style when the wind has de-spiked it a bit. -Whitney, she most resembles Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura. -Yvette, she is Aerith witha darker hair colour, she's even tried having the plaited pontytail with a ribbon in her hair. -Me, the in-working Zack Fair from FFVII. I need longer hair and to make mine 100% black and spike it and I'd be his twin I've been told. (thus we have Zack/Aerith cos me and yvette hug lots to show our fan love of the pairing) -Emma L, She is our Garnet(from FFIX), the face is a replica She'd only need to remove freckles via make-up and have her hair dyed black. -Emma C, definitely Rikku's twinvia perosnality and appearence (she even had her hair poofy and somewhat braided like her FF X-2 look) -Tifa Lockheart had two look-alikes, my friend Laura has the facebut my other friend Sam has the body and could dye and cut her hair like it. and then there was Jen, back when she had red hair she looked just like Gaara from Naruto (she still wears so much eyeliner that she had his panda eyes). well we're all kinda nerdy in our school but it was a fun day we had looking at photos on my ipod deciding who out of us all looked like someone from an anime or kh/ff game.
Ugh I known Jen in person since last year september and hippie jesus ahs annoyed our friend cupcake and she already disliked him before joining the site no deceivingneeded on my end :P once again on topic Jen read the rules or you will defo get a ban in no time.
But Yer ma sucks donkeys hooves for her tea every night (you need to de-british this to fully get it)
She doesn't want to talk to your kind, you're the type of people she'll fight back with ¬_¬ Glad you joined Jen kinda mine and cupcakes doing I s'pose but welcome ehre and have a laugh readin stuuff and looking at ART!! Yeah try to look at the rules once and don't get banned five times :D
You have Jesus in your name...He's DEAD and was really a stalker after children offering sweeties :P You're also an ugly emotionally unstable rudist for destroying Cupcake who is a gorgeous lady with fab boobies.And I don't know your gender so I'll say you're an ugly 'IT' no matter what and...you think yer an ugly hippie when they're blates no fun. you have NO MATES. Yep i don't know but i already despise you so before you insult me I'll give you my list of bad flaws: -I'm 15 and not so gorgeous -I'm really skinny but not anorexic -I'm Bisexual but prefer men over women and could be in denial of ebin gay -I've never had a conrete or real relationship -I'm obsessed with anime -I'm obsessed with games -I have many friends but only three i would consider trustworthy -I recently have braces and still have some glue stuck to my teeth -my stomach carries three bread rolls -my gramamar is poor and terrible online -my handwriting is poo -my hair is a mess -my thighs are terrible and wide -i'm not well endowed -i dislike feet and wear socks uness i'm in the shower -i hate baths and only shower -my eyes are ugly green and have brown spots in them -I have no arse (wel I do but it's really flat) -i'd drink and smoke if i could afford it -i'm bankruptbecause of gamin eyt my fmaily isn't butthye hardly ever give me money -I love my junk food too much -i lam british and steal a lot of cultures -i like japanese things too much -i used o be obsessed with america now I mildly dislike it Ok that's everythng embarrasing, boring, demeaning and ugly about me so care to add or say something Jesus' wannabe homeboy? (oh yeah I'm a strong athiest and hate all other religions and would gladly see them burn to hell sincemny are against gay rights) EDIT: Darn this thing got resolved too soon i spent a while working ona my come-back for cupcake my online bf but whatevs
Oh yeah they are... Xemanas: Onion Knight/Warrior or any all-round job class that focuses on blades. Xigbar: Gunner Xaldin: Dragoon or a Lancer but both are the same. Vexen: Not sure what he is maybe a Scholar? Or any Job that uses a shield for fighing. Lexeaeus: Berserker or Warrior Zexion: Scholar Saix: Berserker or a Knight Axel: whatever Fuijin was. Demyx: Bard. Luxord: Gambler. Marluxia: Necromancer or Assasain or something that wield large weapons or focuses on death. Larxene: Assasain, ninja or thief according to her weapons. Roxas: Warrior. that's only acording to their weapons though I doubt they have the same abilities as those ff job classes because...well they don't.
About arms length: Miss Earles (our schools best art teacherl): "Now most people draw arms too short than they actually should be because in real life if you have your arms down they reach your legs above the knee caps somewhere on the thighs roughly. Not above or around the stomach like most poeple do" I couldn't have been that far off with length. but yeah V2 is essentially done but I need to work on a shading effect (I refuse to shade the skin until I've finished all else) and possibly a background (though I may be a dirty cheat and trace one for it)
Xianghua looks like she's going with the cute/innocent but very naughty chinese girl look for this game (thus adding to skimp factor we're expecting in this game). Kilik is dressing a bit too formal for my liking (I wanted something showing off his abs a bit more), and I dont give a donkey's about Lizardman but his fans will be happy he's in it.
Your li'l bro is cute and my mom won't let me add colour to my hair... ..or let me paint my nails or wear make-up because I'll draw too much attention to myself.
1. Computer 2. Gaming 3. Sketching (very poorly mind you) 4. Town with mates on saturday (AKA loitering and drinking) There's my hobbies and btw we drink 'lemonade' not 'alcohol' XD and we're all 25+ anyways XP PMSL
http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Bubble_Master_Califa/Newhairsideglance.jpg http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Bubble_Master_Califa/Newhairsmile.jpg http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/Bubble_Master_Califa/Newhairsideglance.jpg[ I recently cut my hair but it's not that different. Oh and @ Kitty my friend Kyle told me about what type of people are those who always put pictures up of themselves that never show their faces, they're self concious and/or hate the way their faces look ro someone has criticised it or they have issues about someone else online recognizing them and shaming them. It's one of his well proven facts though so which one are you guilty of?
I'm not in a single one of those catagories I come on the forums sometimes 9at least weekly and daily at most) and I'm not that popular but I have friends. There should be a 'Meh! They're on sometimes and post a fair bit' group for me to fit into.
oh I've got my friend to draw the lips and I am working on the legs but hands are a demon for me so they have to look as best as i can do and leave it there.
It's not that harsh at all i'm already redrawing it on a larger sheet of blank paper oh and it's sort of an amano style with the eyes but keping some realism/anime to it it'smeant to look believable but stilll very fictional. I'll probably have it up by tomorrow
18 years in UK and many of us minors think it's far too high, we break that rule because it's there and getting alcohol is easy. You can sk hobos, older siblings or older friends to get it for you and mix it with soft drinks and drink them while walking down a road. And no that's not from personnal experience but i think the age should be lowered, less people would drink because many do it for the thrill of law breaking.
I orginally wanted to do Rinoa's orginal outfit but tweaked it massively and turned her vest thingy into a cardigan flashing her midriff. The lips are not her but I can't draw those for toffee + the hands are awkward cos I forgot which hand she had on griever so I did her left. i also tried to draw the blaster edge in pinwheel model. I really like how I did the hair especially the fringe. CnC please and I know itmay be hard todo but it was the best I could do to take a photograph of it as our scanner is not working.
I'e had this game for a while now, some aspects are rather good in the game (some plot points like Don Corneo was quite good and humorous actually) but I dislike the Materia rules and stuff. Some characters were very dull but some were great (I connected well with Aerith. Zack was a sad story) though Tifa was just boobs to draw in under 18 horny boys. The only character i disliked but found interesting was Cid he was very realistic but not that typical of a character.
I recently got this off a friend, it seems like a good game from what I've played.
I know these use motion actors sometimes in the final fantasy games. I know Kumi Koda did motion capturinf for when Yuna sngs real emotion at the beinning of FFX-2. I Think Gackt did some motion acting when we saw G appear in the secret ending of FFVII:DoC