lol i used to many slieght and stock cards and all my cards are gone ^^; well not exactly all gone i have about 5 in the battle now maybe i shouldn't use too many sleight and stock card the point is i ran out of cards
hmm have you tried traverse town? i got 8-9 meeting ground cards there you should go there and get into some battles
i think the chinese and japanese voice are the best i think there's about 2 or 3 movies
bleach,fullmetal alchemist,and death note ftw!!
man i want to watch it looks so funny i like harry potter pig
so in one of the rooms i use a calm bounty?
omg i download the ds one it was so fun XD i can't stop playing it,its like monoploy o_O
i played it before it was the most awsomest online mmo but i had a gravity error i have a knight priest stalker super novice sniper alchemist sin cross dancer monk wizard ninja gunslinger taekwon master o.o wow i have alot
played it but my internet always sucks so it kicks me out of the game T_T
how do you get it? is it a sleight?
i was bored one day..i went to youtube to see some kh parody and i saw it says adn i got interested and went to check out the site and i joined and it rocked!
i dunno kh2 kinda..sucked i mean i still liked it,the only thing was good in it was the grahpic and new improvement and stuff.. i rather choose a more challenging game like kh
can't beat him he's too fast stupid cheater using portals and warping DX
how do u get blizzard raid?
damn those desu people!! damn them to hell!!!!!!!1
thanks for the info xal! :D *starts yelling in the streets about the news*
i say mish! ;D o.o i thought every1 was happy that she's back and after 50 seconds its the end of the world for khv DX
omg my head *desu desu desu* lawl 8D *dies of laughter and explodes* DESU 8D
she's back?! yippy