i agree it ticks me off
ants are god!!!!!!!o.o
omg! DUCK! *falls on floor*
yea mine has the same thing i thought it was just my freakin long username did that XD
Ybnhn3e6 O Gt Dexx
a hamster stole my ds O_O
thjis hz4rxcd t9v 60o3de gah DX screw it!!!
xaldin has a strong buttom and when he gets high and press it this site goes KA-BOOOOOM!! for days T_T but i forgive you.
uh....Hayden Christensen. i dunno know her though
yeah i'm with you I do the same but when i say it i don't really mean i swear for god to be damn it's just a phrase half of everybody uses.but i have a friend and she doesn't like to hear it so she thought i offended god....
i am 199,999% against animal cruelty that is just wrong.Just think about if we were the animals being treat like that!The animals are suffering and losing their habitat and their family!I wish we can support the animals
that's horrible,animals are part of nature!i would really like to see those 100,000 ppl get slaughter instead of killing animal also like penguin.Some people are cruel I just don't get them.
the wife. 1.She has a husband but she is not that loyal to him instead she has a lover which she is cheating on her husband if she didn't cross she would not have been murder.
i dunno sometimes i have little bit of memory when i was in my past life. i think i was a guy in war so,maybe that's how i died. Or it could be my imagination.
what the...? there's a chest somewhere in that place i got it and equip it and then i battle him.wait was that right i don't remember what keyblade i use.The first Battle i used a chocobo metal and the second one i got an oblivion.
Yes!!Thank You DS,the site is back TTuTT I thought i was gonna die 'cause this is the most awesome-est site i ever been too. Well,I hope you guys can catch them.
i say yuna cause she can do some black magic from lulu but she always has aeons so she can PWN aerith
that's really messed up um.. is yuna magic point suppose to be higher than lulu's
I say that is pretty stupid because if child molester would ask children their address ,name,and stuff they wouldn't be that stupid to write something like that.T_T lol,I'd like to see a child molester carry a ds around XD