o yea that's right *goes edit* there :D
i guess this isn't about fightning anymore *throws mic* it's about the greatest love amv !! yeah,that was pretty random.
lmfao XD let's go for it *goes to halo*
oooh,i can't wait to see >D
i hate it.I'm changing it back to dark
to say that was kinda creepy i thought this thread was gonna be locked >.<
lolz that's fun i'll probraly mess up my video and save it and the next thing i know that i used on my fav video do the fma one ghetto,fma ftw!
hmm we're all even and..sofa is the odd..
hey what kind of movie editing program you guys using i'm tired of using window movie maker T_T
ok i can't wait to see it man i wish i have an amv maker cause i have alot good ideas in my head >_<
so how about it, stick arena will settle this.
its an online game of killing its fun c'mon XD
aww great,my idea was a genuis.Well, any other great ideas? anybody? stick arena! well i can't see cause my internet always cut me off so yea? stick arena??
yeah i feel the same way too now. It's like your the item and ghetto and sofa are bidding as high as they could to get you.
since i know one of u guys would kinda fight over who would win i'll tell her who wins
well i never played halo online its mah first time playing it on the comp.So, sofie do you have halo? we can get on it and play and you two fight eachother who ever wins get jade....