Lets see, HoMolly
Portgas, lol
Real funny ****, umm Woliby
Holly (^_^)
Oh yeah, you said it, when toonami had yu yu hakusho, and rurouni kenshin, It was awsome.
Boy: Orion Girl: Kayla
Well my mom sees me on it but only when she wants to use this computer. But other than that, no i guess.
Not while i'm around.
I beg to differ, are you serious the power of the force is insanely strong, i'd like to see someone's kick try to make its way through lightning while stuck in mid-air.
ummm Jack?
Of course folks you should already know Jack Sparrow is the one I pick I love the movies espicially Dead Man's Chest. woooo.
Orochimaru is dead in the manga but not in Shippuuden yet. My favorite characters are Lee, Gai, Shino, Sasuke, and Naruto
Nice avvy and sig, I would name it "Tango of a Thousand Hearts". Cheezy isn't it.
I likey the Italiano bread, white bread, and wheat. and potato a little
Clothes,Star Wars Battle Front Bundle, Burnout Paradise for the PS3. I can't wait.
I think you're craving that attention little to much there pal.
As do I.lol sorry guys.
Just kidding, it was me.