I'm going to see if I can manage to work myself to be connected to the thieves. More complete bio will be uploaded possibly when I'm done shoveling snow, but by Monday at the latest.
No, the RP'ing was still good when I stopped. I just didn't have time for it anymore. I just think if one has the time to come up with a plot and story, he or she should just take the time to make sure it's at the very least understandable. Grammar I'll usually let slide because the English language is difficult in that aspect, but spelling when it's absurdly easy to check it? Perhaps over break I'll try to get back into RP'ing as you suggest, but lately I simply do not have the time for it. Sorry. D=
I haven't RP'd for a few months, but I have to say that it's rather pathetic to see the terrible spelling and grammar present in many of the opening titles and background stories of the role-playing threads. I'm not singling anyone out; I used to RP myself on this site; but seriously, how hard can it be to run at least the opening post of your thread/ thread title though Microsoft Word? Or maybe even an old-fashioned thing called a dictionary? If I'm overstepping my bounds, I apologize. Just thought someone should point this out.
Okay, I was jsut checking. xD
Since I've actually used shuriken (without much skill, I'm afraid... but getting there!) I had to vote that.
Is EVERYONE (including me) the silver and red wolf?
You know, I had the feeling he was going to end up blaming it on his family. They always do.
I wouldn't say that. It's frustrating for one who's only played the original three (like me); if she's played/liked Angel of Darkness, she'll probably like it.
Can I name one of my children after you?
That was me. I did a running leap into a wall. >_<
*running leap* SPAM!!!
That's what I was wondering! Why is it that before I was gone for a few months, it was rare to see more than two gems. Now it's simply ridiculous.
...I'm egotistical.
O-XIII's raincoats equal epic win; though I do love Roxas' Twilight Town outfit, the raincoats beat them out in sheer awesomeness.
Good answer. XD
^ Still makes me smile a little bit ^ That's me, by the way. XD
And here I though DA was this bright beacon of maturity... Scratch that. XD
He's married to me... of course he's not okay!
Just saw this a few minutes ago as I signed on... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071205/ap_on_re_us/mall_shooting_28
F.Y.E. (For Your Entertainment)- I don't know if it's only an American store, but depending on the store itself, you can find pretty good deals. http://www.fye.com/ And, as always, www.amazon.com is always a good bet.