That's a good idea. By the way, are all these posts going to be deleted by the time of actual play, or will we just continue to post after these? Oh, and don't mind me lurking at the bottom of the page here. I'm just refreshing every couple of minutes while I'm working on a paper.
That's fine; that's the one I was using anyway, so don't worry about it. XD Thank you for the clarification.
Lovely, Vivi. XD Oh yes, Shoush, this has been bothering me: you used two distinct spellings of "magic"... "magick" and "majick." May I ask which you prefer? I'm guessing the one with the 'g' since I saw that one most often. know me with the grammar xD
Well, Shoush, after reading yours, I can see why. xD There's tons more I can think of (two hour delay, don't feel like doing anything school-related), as long as you don't mind reading it all, I'm game. EDIT: There, done. I'll add more if you want.
I don't hate it per se; I just think it warps characters when they're not, in fact, gay. Same with yuri; if the character isn't lesbian, don't make them so just for your own twisted amusement.
So my father quotes every time the subject is brought up. Opinions?
Black Cat FTW! Anyway, back to chocolate.... I had some kind of Italian chocolate when I was in Italy, but for my life I can't remember what it was called. >_<
Doesn't it amount to the same thing? If not, I'd rather go to the past and change my present. Would you rather read minds or have telekinesis?
Indeed. I think he just prank-called my house a few minutes ago. >_<
They do... sort of. It's hard to miss the constant clackity-clack of the keyboard when I'm on. XD But they respect my privacy and let me stay on.
I'm not even that old and I do. It's kind of sad. You spend the first 10 years of your life wishing to grow up, then once there, all you want to do is go back. :/ You could wear Velcro shoes and carry a stuffed animal everywhere... and cry to get out of almost everything. Except that never worked for me, unfortunately. D:
Angel-hair spaghetti in butter with shrimp. I love that.
I would. I'd probably better watch what I say, though; my boyfriend is on this site. XD I don't even know. I'd probably want a girl, but I'd be happy with either. I don't even know where to start with names. I'm too afraid I'd be a terrible mother to think too much in that direction. D:
Unfortunately, since I changed my profile, I can't anymore. XD Ah well.
No. You fail. Again.
Oh, don't give me that, or I won't call you tonight. XD Anyway, my favorite dead person (such a morbid topic) would have to be... hmmm. I'm not sure.
Why is it you seem to make an *** out of yourself everywhere you go?
Jade's really only a thief as a secondary; thief abilities won't be her main thing. The main is the martial-arts concept, so don't worry. xD I'll add in about the parents now.
I left it in the printer. I left it on the counter. I left it in my locker, and when I tried to go get it, the hall-monitor ate it. o.0
YET ANOTHER EDIT: Posted more background information because I didn't have much else to do. ADDITIONAL EDIT: Added information on parents as Shoush requested. EDIT: Since everyone seems to be an assassin, I've changed my profile. This one's not as good as the other, but it'll do. Name: Jade Rhade Age: 22 Appearance: 5'4, she has long brown hair woven around several laquered needles. Her intense jade-green eyes are slightly thinner due to the increased sunlight where she was born. Magick Ability: Low level 2; requires hand to manipulate levitation. Uses magick only to increase her skills, preferring to rely only on herself and her own abilities than any kind of outside force. Refuses to use magick for combat of any kind. Job Class: Traveler/thief; Jade is roving martial artist attempting to find a student worthy of her teachings or a master worthy to instruct her further; whichever she finds first. Noble/Citizen: N/A District: Currently staying in Mhaura Alignment: Neutral - she lives by her own code of honor; as such, she will aid both those of evil and those of good, depending upon the situation Background: Originally from a city further to the south, she was taken in by a martial arts master after her parents were only two of many victims taken by a virulent Plague that swept through her home village of Durlote. Some still believe that the Plague was spread on purpose through magickal means, but nothing was ever uncovered; not that anyone was looking for it. Against the background of unrest in the larger cities, the obliteration of Durlote was all but overlooked. She trained for ten years under her master, Eubwelo, swiftly rising to physical mastery of the art, bypassing his other students. It was Eubwelo who gave her the first name Jade, to symbolize the mastery over self and the taking of one’s anonymous place in the wider world. She rarely refers to herself by her former given name, Mystryal, but she kept her last against her master’s wishes to show she never forgot her parents’ mysterious deaths. She never explains, but it is enough for her to know and remember. This event is brought to the surface of her mind whenever she introduces herself, preventing her from reaching true mastery over body and soul through self-purification. When there was nothing more for her to learn at the hands of her old master, she left at the age of seventeen to wander the world in search of further training or her own apprentice. Long since given up on finding the reason or perpetrator of the Plague, she still harbors a strong grudge against those who use their magick for the physical or mental harm of others; she will never use any kind of magick for battle, as she would rather die than betray her honor code. Since she has no friends or responsibilities, she needs not worry about whether battle-magick might be necessary to protect someone else. Jade takes small jobs for enough coin to stay at an inn or steals just enough to get by. She is quiet and observes every situation fully before committing herself to anything; her strange honor code is difficult for others to understand, as is her sometimes almost archaic and indirect method of speaking; she is never in one place long enough to make any friends or rivals. With no cause to commit herself to, she has no enemies or allies that she knows of. She is strongly loyal to individual people, not organizations or groups. Though she carries a two swords on her back as a sign of her physical mastery, she has sworn to never use them in combat until she attains self-purification through emptiness of self; the blades themselves are the uniquely southern sword referred to as a scimitar. Instead, she carries a simple darkwood staff she uses as an almost inconspicuous weapon. If ranged combat is necessary, Jade hurls the sharpened lacquered needles in her hair with the accuracy of a dart; still, she prefers to use her skills up-close whenever possible. Valdeaunia is only is only one of many cities she has visited on her trek northward, and in its present state, could prove interesting enough for her to stick around, at least for a while. Demo Post: Wind blew at her back as she entered the city of Valdeaunia, the hems of her sandy brown tunic flapping slightly. She surveyed the area around her with a calculating eye before stepping forward into the bustle of the city. She doubted there would be anyone worthy in this city; the very air itself stank of corruption. "Your pardon," she murmured, sidestepping a puffing merchant dragging a cart of fruit. She waved her hand without looking back, and an apple flew from the top of the cart to land in her outstretched hand. The end of her wooden staff clacked sharply against the cobblestones in time with her sure steps. Better-dressed nobles looked down their noses at her simple garb and outlandish hairstyle, while thieves in the shadows rightly dismissed her as having nothing worth stealing. Moving with slow purpose, she climbed the stairs near one of the border walls and gazed over the rest of the city until she finished her snack and left the core on the top of the wall. She paused her study of the city and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Amidst the corruption, there was the faint scent of... rebellion. Perhaps this city would be worth her time after all.