22915 hi ctr
22913 oh ok so ignore my last post
i dont hate ive never even met you
22911 SORRY SORRY SORRY i was busy over the past two days and forgot to log on sorry
22726 but not right now :( sorry but i will be on to morrow but for now i gotta go bye
22724 hi as well finally got my comp back! ill be on more often now!!
22722 bump!!!!!!!!!!!
20931 ok thanks well bye again hope you get to 30000 soon
20928 did you get divorced or something because i just noticied your not married to saxorvsaros anymore and that now it says carcrazydogboyx
20926 before i go i have a quick question ctr
20920 its ok im trying to get it back once i do ill give you lots of candy corn but for now, i must leave sorry and goodbye
20918 my comp got taken away so i dont get on much anymore im at a friends house now thats why im on
20913 hello all
i wont be able to log on for a while i will not go into detail but i wont be able to log on for several months well everyone i hope to see you soon, goodbye
ok, can you get ahold of tar?
i only drink Fiju water