If I had my scanner/printer working right now I would print these fake cards and show them to my friends
Please do show me you'r hell seals.
I'am hon`estly bored So please Sing along with the song being sung. Row, Row, Row, ya boat...(Join in)
I'd forfeit, or at least create a card that makes th game a tie?
aww thats sad he left
Lol that was so god mode, that is why i like playing original cards here
Lol does anyone here even watch the new sea`sons?
The description kind of matched deathnote but with out the romance..Well if you call a fake love romance then yes its romantic AWESOME :D I'll...
`ello there little `oddish Munchkin-face
........I'ama sub`scribe to this guy
Aw well then forget it. Nice dueling earlier
Yes but customize the effect and atk/Def points and here is my favorite card