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  1. Haru66
    ( Am I able to have Rinnegan?)
    Post by: Haru66, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Haru66
    Year 0 - Majin Buu is defeated, but little do the z-fighters know that Buu was just broken into molecular pairs so small that it would take him years to regenerate them all. The molecules drifted through the air and got carried far throughout space attached to lifeforms that left Supreme Kaio's, including Goku and Vegeta. Eventually they spread throughout many spots in the galaxy.

    Year 1 - Unknown to the Z-Fighters all planets and people are restored to the way they were before they were destroyed, the wish was made by an unknown individual. The planets restored included Vegeta and soon after that the Saiyans populated a planet which would be called New Vegeta.

    Year 4 - The multiple alien civilizations which were once under the command of Lords Frieza, Cooler, and King Kold finally become organized under their own governments.

    Year 6 - An group of aliens on their way to Arconia crash land on a mysterious uncharted planet, only to find that it is populated by a race of Changelings similar to the ones which ruled them nearly 20 years ago. The ruthless Changelings possessed no space travelling technology but did have reasonable intelligence, the Changelings saw this as a way to escape their planet and killed the aliens, then they took the ship to its chosen destination, Arconia.

    Year 7 - Arconia is conquered by the newly arrived Changelings, but jealousy spreads among them since they are too greedy to share power, massive wars ensued until only one remained, and through the battles this one Changeling gained something the others had not, a form which gave him enough power to dominate any opponent with ease. The new Changeling King was known by the aliens as Lord Frost from then on.

    Year 9 - Lord Frost has all rebellions on Arconia under control, and decides to conquer the nearby world of Vegeta, and New Vegeta, which was set in orbit around its brother planet.

    Year 10 - Lord Frost's squad of Low-Class aliens are defeated upon trying to conquer the Saiyans. Lord Frost heads to Vegeta personally... Upon landing he heads to the capitol and destroys it, no questions asked.

    Year 13 - 3 Years after Lord Frost's conquest of Vegeta and New Vegeta he finally has control over most rebellions on the planet, and integrates the Saiyans into his personal army, and uses them on his deadliest missions since he sees them as expendable units. It seems that no one can stop him from getting what he wants.

    Year 17 - All planets near Arconia are conquered by Lord Frost, even the Changeling Planet did not have the power to stop him since he achieved power which no one seemed to match, maybe exceeding the former rulers, King Kold and his two sons in power and has even less mercy.

    Year 18 - Lord Frost has a daughter, and names her Sleet. She is born with a Battle Power around 6000 and an extremely ruthless outlook to match.

    Year 19 - Lord Frost has a son, and names him Bleak. He is born with a Battle Power of over 9000 and soon grows to a huge size, however he does not think things through as well as the rest of his family.

    Year 26 - Lord Frost's son and daughter have matured quickly, so Frost gives them each a planet to rule... Lady Sleet gets Vegeta, while Lord Bleak gets New Vegeta. King Frost now primarily rules Arconia, which is the most powerful planet under his rule.

    Year 28 - Lord Bleak has two sons of his own, which are twins of each other. He names one Frigid and the other Chill. They are both born with battle powers of 5200... They are both born with the same mindless ambition to conquer as their father, and kill for pleasure.

    Year 29 - After mediocre training of his two sons, Lord Bleak sends them off to a far away star system to conquer two planets for him, and keeps the mission secret from his father, Lord Frost. He supplies his two sons with 2 elite aliens and an army of 50 henchmen to aid them in the mission.

    Year 30 - Prince Frigid arrives on Earth, and around the same time Prince Chill arrives on the planet Namek, they are in constant communication with each other. Prince Frigid scans Earth for strong life forms, thinking that the planet must be ruled by the strongest one, just as it is where he comes from, this is a stupid mistake which his brother makes as well. Prince Frigid discovers the highest power to be 600, which is pathetic by his standards, he sends one henchmen to destroy it and the henchmen comes back to tell him that it was merely a large reptile. Prince Frigid then realizes his error and sees that the rulers of this planet must be weak, he locates the nearest city and sends a squad of 4 henchmen and 1 elite commander to conquer the city in his name and to announce that Lord Bleak is their new ruler.

    The squad announces this in a big crowd, and demands to see the leader, but instead the commander gets laughed at, instantly he fires a blaster into the crowd destroying many people, the crowd goes into a panic... This city just happens to be West City, and to the squads surprise an old man of about 70 years old is the only remaining person in sight, that old man is Vegeta. Vegeta instantly recognized the armor and gear of the Aliens, it was the same insignia he used to wear in his days in Frieza's army, just with a different name, he also recognizes one henchmen to be a Saiyan.

    Vegeta asks them where they came from and they tell him that they are under the command of Prince Frigid of Planet Vegeta . Vegeta is surprised by this response since Planet Vegeta was destroyed. All is explained to him and then Vegeta is asked if he is the leader, he proclaims that he is, although in fact he is not. The squad orders him to come with them to see Prince Frigid and surrender the planet. Vegeta agrees out of curiousity so he can find out more about the so-called Planet Vegeta.

    Vegeta arrives to see Prince Frigid, and instaly recognizes him as a Changeling. Frigid threatens to destroy him if he does not surrender the planet and and its people to become his slaves, Vegeta merely smirks and tells him that if he wants it, he has to go through him. Feeling insulted Prince Frigid orders his henchmen to attack, they are destroyed instantly before even touching Vegeta... 'FOOLS! You cant even beat an old man?' Frigid declares frustrated, Frigid informs Vegeta that there is no way he can win, because his Battle Power is over 60000, Vegeta laughs at this statement, and tells him that over 40 years ago he had three times that power, Frigid is confused asking him how he would know such a thing with the primitive technology on this planet. Vegeta explains that he himself is a Saiyan, and after destroying Frigid he will go back to Planet Vegeta and take his place as its rightful King. Frigid wastes no more time and attacks Vegeta, only to be destroyed as easily as his henchmen. Vegeta then leaves on the ship to Planet Vegeta.

    Prince Chill receives a message from his brother's scouter which tells him that his brothers vital signs have terminated. Although Chill does not know how, he doesnt really care, and sets plans to conquer Earth as soon as he is done on Namek. Chill is more motivated than his brother, and goes personally to conquer Namek, taking 4 elites with him. Prince Chill meets his end just as easily as his brother at the hand of the Namekians, who were far better prepared than the last time their planet was nearly taken over. When Chill died he had a Battle Power of 80000.

    Year 31 - The henchmen accompanying Prince Frigid and Chill return to Lord Bleak and report to him that both of his sons have been killed, And they cannot conquer the planets Earth and Namek. Lord Bleak is not happy, and sets off to do it himself, thinking that not even his father Lord Frost can beat his newly found power. But on the nearby planet New Vegeta, Lord Bleak's sister Lady Sleet hears from one of her spies that her brother plans to conquer far away planets and to overthrow their father Lord Frost soon. Sleet is smart and has always known that her family kept many secrets from each other. Sleet sets off to 'visit' her brother on Planet Vegeta.

    Upon arriving Sleet reveals what she knows about Bleak's plan, and Bleak offers her to join him, she refuses and a fight eventually ensues. Sleet is winning easily until Bleak reveals that he has been hiding his true power,

    and then progresses into his next form, bringing his BP from 40000 to 540000... Sleet is surprised but reveals to him that she too has another more powerful form. Sleet transforms bringing her BP from 250000 to 750000, the fight ensues and Sleet comes out the winner... Sleet informs her father that she has killed Bleak, Lord Frost is angry and orders her to tell him why she would do that... She explains that Bleak was planning to overthrow him and she killed him to stop that. Sleet receives praise from her father and is given control over both Vegeta and New Vegeta.

    Year 32 - Vegeta arrives on Planet Vegeta. And memories of his past flood back into his mind, its just as it was when he was a child... Vegeta finds that the capitol is exactly where it was before, and upon overhearing some Saiyan warriors he hears that the King is indeed a Saiyan, but a Changeling named Sleet rules even higher than he does. To make a long story short, Vegeta kills Lady Sleet and reclaims the planet for his people easily. Some time passes and King Frost hears the news and heads to Planet Vegeta to destroy this supposed Super Saiyan which the Saiyans are talking about. To make another long story short, King Frost arrives, scans Vegeta and sees that his BP is over slightly over 960000 and Lord Frost compliments him on being the strongest non-changeling he has ever seen, but tells him it still isnt enough, (Lord Frost is a King Kold type with 460000 base and 11930000 Final Form) Frost is always in his final form, and attempts to destroy Vegeta, only to see a golden aura form around him as his hair turns golden white, Vegeta destroys him easily and later appoints a Saiyan to rule the planet in his place, since he wanted to return to Earth.

    Year 33 - An automated computer left by King Frost activates and detects that him and his family are no longer living... The computer is programmed to clone his body and restore his memories which are recorded yearly into the computer, although these memories do not include anything about the Saiyans being freed by Vegeta... Soon after King Frost, Lady Sleet, and Lord Bleak's clones are complete and to the alien and Saiyan's surprise they are taken over again by the Changeling family they thought were destroyed.

    Year 35 - Vegeta dies at the age of 75, he lived out his days on Earth and did not communicate with the Saiyans who he liberated from Lord Frost.

    Year 50 - Gohan dies at the age of 68.

    Year 51 - Bulma dies at the age of 90.

    Year 53 - Chichi dies at the age of 88.

    Year 55 - Yamcha dies at the age of 94.

    Year 56 - Krillan dies at the age of 92.

    Year 58 - Tien dies at the age of 97.

    Year 61 - Choutzu dies at the age of ??.

    Year 63 - Goten and Trunks die at about 70 years old

    Year 65 - Goku dies at the age of 100.

    Year 70 - A Geneticist, Dr. Heratip, seeks to make his name known throughout the Planet Earth before he dies. He is attempting to develop the first artificial lifeform and be recognized for his acheivement all over the world. Luckily for him, he stumbles upon the destroyed Dr. Gero's lab while on a search for rare DNA from extinct animal fossils, instead he finds something much greater, laboratory records on the development of Cell... Dr. Heratip keeps this find from his fellow Doctors and exits the site.

    Year 71 - Dr. Heratip has worked day and night to comprehend Dr. Gero's genius schematics and has built the necessary machines to develop an embryo of Cell,

    Year 72 - Using the technology of his time Dr. Heratip has accelerated Cell's growth, but the first specimen dies even after all his work. Needing more time, Dr. Heratip deposits all of his memories into a computer in case he is unable to continue the work himself. Sure enough, Heratip dies and the work is left up to the computer, which has gone deep into space to continue the development of Heratip's, and Gero's life work.

    Year 95 - Many of Majin Buu's molecules build up to enough size to become sentient and different Majin Buu like creatures begin appearing. Each Majin Buu retains the memories of the original but since the original was broken down so much they do not realize they arent complete and many different copies of Buu have spawned from the missing cells all around the galaxy. They are not as powerful as the original it seems, and they are all mutated in slightly different ways, Majin Buu was so damaged that he couldnt even heal himself to his original state.

    Year 100 - King Frost still rules all the planets except Earth and Namek, Lady Sleet still maintains command over New Vegeta and Vegeta, and Lord Bleak was turned into a partial android by King Frost to control his ambition to rule over his father. Earth and Namek are not affected by this at all and live out their lives peacefully. Year ??? - Anything that takes place past year 100 happens in game and if it is important then it will be put into the storyline which you can also view in-game in the Misc tab. If there is a player wipe then any events past year 100 will be reset.

    -List of Maps-

    Space Station
    New Vegeta
    Jungle Planet
    Desert Planet

    Afterlife Checkpoint
    Afterlife Fountain / Haunted Desert
    King Kaio's
    Grand Kaio's

    Rare Races: Legendary Saiyan , Bio Android , Majin Buu

    Races: Alien






    Demi God



    Half Saiyan

    Quater Saiyan ( Can't go Super Saiyan ) ( Not Unlocked )

    1/16th saiyan ( Could go super saiyan but not above.) ( Not Unlocked.)

    MakyoJin ( Garlic Jr.)

    Spirit Doll ( Chiaotzu)

    Tsufurijin ( Start off as a normal one. Not a virus like baby..YET.)


    Power Level: 1000 ( Send me a training rp in PM and I will grade the rp and give you the amount of Pl.)


    Turtle Hermit:

    Crane Hermit:

    Android Doctor:

    Tuffle Doctor:


    King of Vegeta

    Guardian of earth

    Assistant Earth Guardian

    North Kaio:

    West Kaio:

    East Kaio:

    South Kaio:

    Supreme Kai:

    Grand supreme kai:

    Elder supreme kai:

    Check out point master:
    Thread by: Haru66, Jun 20, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Haru66
    Year 0 - Majin Buu is defeated, but little do the z-fighters know that Buu was just broken into molecular pairs so small that it would take him years to regenerate them all. The molecules drifted through the air and got carried far throughout space attached to lifeforms that left Supreme Kaio's, including Goku and Vegeta. Eventually they spread throughout many spots in the galaxy.

    Year 1 - Unknown to the Z-Fighters all planets and people are restored to the way they were before they were destroyed, the wish was made by an unknown individual. The planets restored included Vegeta and soon after that the Saiyans populated a planet which would be called New Vegeta.

    Year 4 - The multiple alien civilizations which were once under the command of Lords Frieza, Cooler, and King Kold finally become organized under their own governments.

    Year 6 - An group of aliens on their way to Arconia crash land on a mysterious uncharted planet, only to find that it is populated by a race of Changelings similar to the ones which ruled them nearly 20 years ago. The ruthless Changelings possessed no space travelling technology but did have reasonable intelligence, the Changelings saw this as a way to escape their planet and killed the aliens, then they took the ship to its chosen destination, Arconia.

    Year 7 - Arconia is conquered by the newly arrived Changelings, but jealousy spreads among them since they are too greedy to share power, massive wars ensued until only one remained, and through the battles this one Changeling gained something the others had not, a form which gave him enough power to dominate any opponent with ease. The new Changeling King was known by the aliens as Lord Frost from then on.

    Year 9 - Lord Frost has all rebellions on Arconia under control, and decides to conquer the nearby world of Vegeta, and New Vegeta, which was set in orbit around its brother planet.

    Year 10 - Lord Frost's squad of Low-Class aliens are defeated upon trying to conquer the Saiyans. Lord Frost heads to Vegeta personally... Upon landing he heads to the capitol and destroys it, no questions asked.

    Year 13 - 3 Years after Lord Frost's conquest of Vegeta and New Vegeta he finally has control over most rebellions on the planet, and integrates the Saiyans into his personal army, and uses them on his deadliest missions since he sees them as expendable units. It seems that no one can stop him from getting what he wants.

    Year 17 - All planets near Arconia are conquered by Lord Frost, even the Changeling Planet did not have the power to stop him since he achieved power which no one seemed to match, maybe exceeding the former rulers, King Kold and his two sons in power and has even less mercy.

    Year 18 - Lord Frost has a daughter, and names her Sleet. She is born with a Battle Power around 6000 and an extremely ruthless outlook to match.

    Year 19 - Lord Frost has a son, and names him Bleak. He is born with a Battle Power of over 9000 and soon grows to a huge size, however he does not think things through as well as the rest of his family.

    Year 26 - Lord Frost's son and daughter have matured quickly, so Frost gives them each a planet to rule... Lady Sleet gets Vegeta, while Lord Bleak gets New Vegeta. King Frost now primarily rules Arconia, which is the most powerful planet under his rule.

    Year 28 - Lord Bleak has two sons of his own, which are twins of each other. He names one Frigid and the other Chill. They are both born with battle powers of 5200... They are both born with the same mindless ambition to conquer as their father, and kill for pleasure.

    Year 29 - After mediocre training of his two sons, Lord Bleak sends them off to a far away star system to conquer two planets for him, and keeps the mission secret from his father, Lord Frost. He supplies his two sons with 2 elite aliens and an army of 50 henchmen to aid them in the mission.

    Year 30 - Prince Frigid arrives on Earth, and around the same time Prince Chill arrives on the planet Namek, they are in constant communication with each other. Prince Frigid scans Earth for strong life forms, thinking that the planet must be ruled by the strongest one, just as it is where he comes from, this is a stupid mistake which his brother makes as well. Prince Frigid discovers the highest power to be 600, which is pathetic by his standards, he sends one henchmen to destroy it and the henchmen comes back to tell him that it was merely a large reptile. Prince Frigid then realizes his error and sees that the rulers of this planet must be weak, he locates the nearest city and sends a squad of 4 henchmen and 1 elite commander to conquer the city in his name and to announce that Lord Bleak is their new ruler.

    The squad announces this in a big crowd, and demands to see the leader, but instead the commander gets laughed at, instantly he fires a blaster into the crowd destroying many people, the crowd goes into a panic... This city just happens to be West City, and to the squads surprise an old man of about 70 years old is the only remaining person in sight, that old man is Vegeta. Vegeta instantly recognized the armor and gear of the Aliens, it was the same insignia he used to wear in his days in Frieza's army, just with a different name, he also recognizes one henchmen to be a Saiyan.

    Vegeta asks them where they came from and they tell him that they are under the command of Prince Frigid of Planet Vegeta . Vegeta is surprised by this response since Planet Vegeta was destroyed. All is explained to him and then Vegeta is asked if he is the leader, he proclaims that he is, although in fact he is not. The squad orders him to come with them to see Prince Frigid and surrender the planet. Vegeta agrees out of curiousity so he can find out more about the so-called Planet Vegeta.

    Vegeta arrives to see Prince Frigid, and instaly recognizes him as a Changeling. Frigid threatens to destroy him if he does not surrender the planet and and its people to become his slaves, Vegeta merely smirks and tells him that if he wants it, he has to go through him. Feeling insulted Prince Frigid orders his henchmen to attack, they are destroyed instantly before even touching Vegeta... 'FOOLS! You cant even beat an old man?' Frigid declares frustrated, Frigid informs Vegeta that there is no way he can win, because his Battle Power is over 60000, Vegeta laughs at this statement, and tells him that over 40 years ago he had three times that power, Frigid is confused asking him how he would know such a thing with the primitive technology on this planet. Vegeta explains that he himself is a Saiyan, and after destroying Frigid he will go back to Planet Vegeta and take his place as its rightful King. Frigid wastes no more time and attacks Vegeta, only to be destroyed as easily as his henchmen. Vegeta then leaves on the ship to Planet Vegeta.

    Prince Chill receives a message from his brother's scouter which tells him that his brothers vital signs have terminated. Although Chill does not know how, he doesnt really care, and sets plans to conquer Earth as soon as he is done on Namek. Chill is more motivated than his brother, and goes personally to conquer Namek, taking 4 elites with him. Prince Chill meets his end just as easily as his brother at the hand of the Namekians, who were far better prepared than the last time their planet was nearly taken over. When Chill died he had a Battle Power of 80000.

    Year 31 - The henchmen accompanying Prince Frigid and Chill return to Lord Bleak and report to him that both of his sons have been killed, And they cannot conquer the planets Earth and Namek. Lord Bleak is not happy, and sets off to do it himself, thinking that not even his father Lord Frost can beat his newly found power. But on the nearby planet New Vegeta, Lord Bleak's sister Lady Sleet hears from one of her spies that her brother plans to conquer far away planets and to overthrow their father Lord Frost soon. Sleet is smart and has always known that her family kept many secrets from each other. Sleet sets off to 'visit' her brother on Planet Vegeta.

    Upon arriving Sleet reveals what she knows about Bleak's plan, and Bleak offers her to join him, she refuses and a fight eventually ensues. Sleet is winning easily until Bleak reveals that he has been hiding his true power,

    and then progresses into his next form, bringing his BP from 40000 to 540000... Sleet is surprised but reveals to him that she too has another more powerful form. Sleet transforms bringing her BP from 250000 to 750000, the fight ensues and Sleet comes out the winner... Sleet informs her father that she has killed Bleak, Lord Frost is angry and orders her to tell him why she would do that... She explains that Bleak was planning to overthrow him and she killed him to stop that. Sleet receives praise from her father and is given control over both Vegeta and New Vegeta.

    Year 32 - Vegeta arrives on Planet Vegeta. And memories of his past flood back into his mind, its just as it was when he was a child... Vegeta finds that the capitol is exactly where it was before, and upon overhearing some Saiyan warriors he hears that the King is indeed a Saiyan, but a Changeling named Sleet rules even higher than he does. To make a long story short, Vegeta kills Lady Sleet and reclaims the planet for his people easily. Some time passes and King Frost hears the news and heads to Planet Vegeta to destroy this supposed Super Saiyan which the Saiyans are talking about. To make another long story short, King Frost arrives, scans Vegeta and sees that his BP is over slightly over 960000 and Lord Frost compliments him on being the strongest non-changeling he has ever seen, but tells him it still isnt enough, (Lord Frost is a King Kold type with 460000 base and 11930000 Final Form) Frost is always in his final form, and attempts to destroy Vegeta, only to see a golden aura form around him as his hair turns golden white, Vegeta destroys him easily and later appoints a Saiyan to rule the planet in his place, since he wanted to return to Earth.

    Year 33 - An automated computer left by King Frost activates and detects that him and his family are no longer living... The computer is programmed to clone his body and restore his memories which are recorded yearly into the computer, although these memories do not include anything about the Saiyans being freed by Vegeta... Soon after King Frost, Lady Sleet, and Lord Bleak's clones are complete and to the alien and Saiyan's surprise they are taken over again by the Changeling family they thought were destroyed.

    Year 35 - Vegeta dies at the age of 75, he lived out his days on Earth and did not communicate with the Saiyans who he liberated from Lord Frost.

    Year 50 - Gohan dies at the age of 68.

    Year 51 - Bulma dies at the age of 90.

    Year 53 - Chichi dies at the age of 88.

    Year 55 - Yamcha dies at the age of 94.

    Year 56 - Krillan dies at the age of 92.

    Year 58 - Tien dies at the age of 97.

    Year 61 - Choutzu dies at the age of ??.

    Year 63 - Goten and Trunks die at about 70 years old

    Year 65 - Goku dies at the age of 100.

    Year 70 - A Geneticist, Dr. Heratip, seeks to make his name known throughout the Planet Earth before he dies. He is attempting to develop the first artificial lifeform and be recognized for his acheivement all over the world. Luckily for him, he stumbles upon the destroyed Dr. Gero's lab while on a search for rare DNA from extinct animal fossils, instead he finds something much greater, laboratory records on the development of Cell... Dr. Heratip keeps this find from his fellow Doctors and exits the site.

    Year 71 - Dr. Heratip has worked day and night to comprehend Dr. Gero's genius schematics and has built the necessary machines to develop an embryo of Cell,

    Year 72 - Using the technology of his time Dr. Heratip has accelerated Cell's growth, but the first specimen dies even after all his work. Needing more time, Dr. Heratip deposits all of his memories into a computer in case he is unable to continue the work himself. Sure enough, Heratip dies and the work is left up to the computer, which has gone deep into space to continue the development of Heratip's, and Gero's life work.

    Year 95 - Many of Majin Buu's molecules build up to enough size to become sentient and different Majin Buu like creatures begin appearing. Each Majin Buu retains the memories of the original but since the original was broken down so much they do not realize they arent complete and many different copies of Buu have spawned from the missing cells all around the galaxy. They are not as powerful as the original it seems, and they are all mutated in slightly different ways, Majin Buu was so damaged that he couldnt even heal himself to his original state.

    Year 100 - King Frost still rules all the planets except Earth and Namek, Lady Sleet still maintains command over New Vegeta and Vegeta, and Lord Bleak was turned into a partial android by King Frost to control his ambition to rule over his father. Earth and Namek are not affected by this at all and live out their lives peacefully. Year ??? - Anything that takes place past year 100 happens in game and if it is important then it will be put into the storyline which you can also view in-game in the Misc tab. If there is a player wipe then any events past year 100 will be reset.

    -List of Maps-

    Space Station
    New Vegeta
    Jungle Planet
    Desert Planet

    Afterlife Checkpoint
    Afterlife Fountain / Haunted Desert
    King Kaio's
    Grand Kaio's

    Rare Races: Legendary Saiyan , Bio Android , Majin Buu

    Races: Alien






    Demi God



    Half Saiyan

    Quater Saiyan ( Can't go Super Saiyan ) ( Not Unlocked )

    1/16th saiyan ( Could go super saiyan but not above.) ( Not Unlocked.)

    MakyoJin ( Garlic Jr.)

    Spirit Doll ( Chiaotzu)

    Tsufurijin ( Start off as a normal one. Not a virus like baby..YET.)


    Power Level: 1000 ( Send me a training rp in PM and I will grade the rp and give you the amount of Pl.)


    Turtle Hermit:

    Crane Hermit:

    Android Doctor:

    Tuffle Doctor:


    King of Vegeta

    Guardian of earth

    Assistant Earth Guardian

    North Kaio:

    West Kaio:

    East Kaio:

    South Kaio:

    Supreme Kai:

    Grand supreme kai:

    Elder supreme kai:

    Check out point master:
    Thread by: Haru66, Jun 20, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Haru66
    ( Am I able to have RInnegan?
    Post by: Haru66, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Haru66
    ( Can we have like a kind of spirit evolution? Or just normal partner digimon?)
    Post by: Haru66, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Haru66
    Haru would look at them with a blank expression and says, " What?.. I can't smile or something?"
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Haru66
    Haru would run downstairs and sat down next too Andrew with a devilisih grin on his face.
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Haru66
    Haru would grab one of the snacks then he would eat it quickly while looking around the room.
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Haru66
    Haru would spring back up, rubbing his face with both of his hands and says, " Im hungry, Got anything to eat?" He would jump off of the hammock.
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Haru66
    Haru would do a backflip onto the hammock, making him land with ease ontop of the hammock then he would quickly fall asleep.
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Haru66
    Haru would pull his papu fruit and spin it in his hand while chuckling then he said, " Tell your dad I said thank you." He would quickly run back to her house. He would roll inside of the house quickly and said, " Where will I sleep?"
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Haru66
    Haru would smile as he stood up from the ledge of the roof with his hand on the hilt of his broadsword. He quickly brought his hand down to his side and started to dance.
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Haru66
    Haru would be sitting down on top of his roof, flicking his lighter as he stared out at the town.
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Haru66
    Everything MUST be filled out. No exceptions.. You can use N/A if necessary.
    Character Format
    Character Name:Haru Francis
    Character Age: 179
    Character Clan: Rain Stompers.
    Character Type: Vampire
    Character Weapon: Broad sword.
    Character Biography:N/A
    Character Personality: Quiet and nice. He also likes to get right too the point.
    Character Appearance:[​IMG]
    Other: Dance water Dance.
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Haru66


    ( GAHHH I KEEP FORGETTING ABOUT THAT! Hold on let me edit.
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Haru66


    .:OC Form:.
    Name:Haru Francis
    Personality: Haru is a mysterious child since he dosen't really open up too people, But he has a short temper for a quiet person.
    Bio: Haru was working as a temporary junk helper, just to get extra munny for the train to get back home but all of a sudden.. everything just got fuzzy and he appeared in a different town.
    Appearance: Boys Harem/anime-5.jpg
    Weapon(s): Keyblade
    Other:Violet sucks when it comes to naming things. >>’
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Haru66
    ( And am I able to knock on the door of this house?)
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Haru66
    Haru would smile at Andrew again then he would put his hand on his shoulder. Haru would then say, " Don't worry."
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Haru66


    When we startin?
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Haru66
    Haru would smile at Andrew then says, " Probaly in a couple of days. Depends on how serious the damage is really."
    Post by: Haru66, Feb 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home