Illegal move alert: Slifer can't be targeted by spells, traps, or monster effects because of his effect so Slifer remains on the field controlled by Aqua so redo your move TDT
character form Username- Petru Name- Yusei Fudo Deck Name- Stardust Main Card- Junk Warrior Deck Type- Balanced Personality- stubborn, kind, protective and stratedgic Age- 16 Rank-(satellite or new domino city)- Satellite
Maybe later. Heard there was a new yugioh rp
Mimi's tough. Too bad she got taken off the elite duelist league.
Finally got me. Good game Mimiru.
I activate my facedown scrap-iron scarecrow. Now I special summon Cyber dragon and then I summon tuner warrior to synchro summon Stardust Dragon then I play monster reborn to special summon cyber dragon then I play double summon to summon nitro synchron tp synchro summon Nitro Warrior. Then i play snchro blast wave to destroy Paladin of White Dragon. Then I play shrink on chaos emperor. I attack with Nitro warrior and my target is Blue eyes you-3400 me- 6500 Then I attack again with Nitro Warrior and my target is Chaos emperor you- 1100 me- 6500 Then I attack with Stardust Dragon anf my target is White-Horned Dragon. you- 800 me- 6500 then I end my turn
The post that needs to be delted(answering for Mimi while she makes her turn) is on the bottom of page 226
I play spell shattering arrow then I summon junk synchron and double summon and then atlantean pikeman then synchro summon junk warrior then I set one-facedown then I attack you directly. you-6200 me- 10,000
I'm here. Now where's Mimiru.
You can use Deadroot's abilty to halve it's attack and I think she's reffering to it's second head ability. @Xakota Jaden gave her permission to use them so it might not get banned @Aqua take this to Xakota's social group please.
7:23 here in Illinois
Central zone. I'd have a heart attack if it were southern illinois you lived in.
She thought it was her turn she's says shes sorry and she'll edit her post and keep her hand the same so you may destroy it
She thought that was the end of your turn
How'd she cheat?
I'll tell her to get back on.
Ok man but if your going to set cards that negate spells/traps she'll bluff with cards so determine which cards to negate.
I read your response to Mimi and kuriboh is allowed to be activated then. That's what his effect is made for. Fusion recovery isn't either and you...
Hey man how was Mimi and Aqua's duel they were talking about?
I lose anyway. Oh well