She's been going easy on all of us. She could've gone through Jaden like he was tissue paper.
I'm not offering it. She's going to uuuuuuse it.
Aqua_Heart is going to finally unleash her top card if TDT gives her the chance.....Horakhty. Apparently she's been going easy on all of us...
Dude Aqua_Heart has been going easy on all of us. She has yet to unleash her top card....Horakhty
Aqua is thinking about unleashing her main card. Her father translated it into english and she re-made it.....Horakhty
Her father translated the card....Horakhty
Jaden I';m sorry to say it's true they did touch your deck....that's not the worse part...Aqua...she found an actual version of the card in...
Yeah sorry mkan. TDT....the card was translated from the anime version.
It's real alright. There's a smaller version in the yu-gi-oh fanclub social group.
Alright but she's got a super secret card that she's never used.
No the card. I can find it for you. Call out a monster name and your opponent can't play it. Skill drain also.
Ok here's another though...phrohibition.
How are there new ones though? Replacement maybe like they'll probably do with Mickey Mouse. Maybe Kaxej can cheero you up. A funny, living Bily Mays
The hand refills at the end of your turn just so you know. Now that you have Mound of the Bound creator use raigeki or dark hole since it doesn't...
6000 att/def
What music do you like then if not techno?
I think she means DW Roxas vs, Axel battle as an ally
Ok. I thought they were good already. Oh it mustn't have been clickable ok
Jaden OKed her using them Jaden promoted Xakota to the rule moderator in this thread and I'll gladly go find the pages. The page declaring Xakota rule moderator of the Duel Arena And the page that has Jaden saying she can use them
Thank you Xakota.