Negima! Magister Negi Magi (Alt. title: Mahou Sensei Negima) This is the story about a 10-year-old mage in training who becomes a teacher at an all-girls school. (Sounds like kind of a lousy start right? Yeah, but:) The story quickly takes a turn for the awesome when he has to battle an evil vampire mage from his class. Then he goes on a school trip where he fights a horde of summoned monsters. He then battles a (self-proclaimed) time-traveling martian that wants to expose magic to the world. In more recent events, he has gone on a search to find his father in the Magic World. Lots of interesting stuff happens there, such as Spoiler learning dark magic. Pros - Wizard battles. Seriously, what more could you want? - Just gonna say it again: Wizard battles. (Image contains spoiler.) - Very detailed lexicon-like descriptions of spells, magic items, and lots of other stuff. A lot of thought went into the world-building, and it shows. - Colorful cast of characters. There are 31 girls in his class, several mages (including his master, who is an "evil" vampire mage), his father's team of legendary heroes, villains with funky hair, and much, much more. - Oh so very pretty art style. Uses 3D-modeling to make backgrounds that look incredibly nice. - Great humor. Cons - Slow start. You might as well start reading at volume 3 (chapter 16), 'cause you pretty much won't miss anything. It's like the author forgot he wasn't doing Love Hina anymore for those first two volumes. - Lots of fanservice. Author can't seem to go more than a couple of chapters without it. (Doesn't bother me too much, but I can imagine it could get really annoying if you're not into that stuff.) - Tends to have some rather uneventful filler chapters with character development of the girls in the class. - Some criticize his art for being too detailed, making it hard to read. (I personally don't see how detailed drawings are a problem, but since people have mentioned it, I thought I should too.) (@Saxima: While I agree that Yozakura Quartet is nice, you really should give more reasons other than "it's pretty awesome".)
Play as Valor Form with Sora's Model 11CE0B68 00000055 01C9559F 0000000A 01C95557 00000000 21C95558 00000000
Nice to see it's finally done. Seems crash-free so far. (Tested a couple of areas that have always crashed in previous patches, they work fine now.) Gonna have to do a full replay eventually just to see if everything works, but for now I'm having too much fun with Bayonetta to bother. Anyway, awesome work, can't thank you enough for this. :noworries:
RahXephon. But I didn't actually like it in the beginning, I was just told it was a good series and decided to check it out. Quite a disappointment. Can't really name anything the show did right. Didn't have a good story, and it couldn't tell a story well either. Animation was pretty lackluster too.
While I can't really prove anything here, this looks like it's traced. If it is, feedback is pretty much pointless. I can't really stand Akira Toriyama's art style, but you've got the faces down, as far as that goes. However, once we start moving down below the neck, everything gets really flat. Trunks is pretty much the only one with a body that desn't look completely flat. Vegeta is the worst, especially that armor-thing on his chest. EDIT: Well, as you've clearly shown in a later post, this was traced. No point in critiquing something you didn't actually make. With that said, if you really want to learn how to draw, Dragonball is not a good place to start.
This should hide the HUD 2036ACA4 00000000 2036AD64 00000000 2036CE98 00000000
------------------------- Struggle Battle (Hayner) ------------------------- Hayner (Enemy) E001FEFF 0034D45C (L2) 11C37718 0000???? Pence (NPC) E001FEFF 0034D45C (L2) 11C3BED8 0000???? Donald (NPC)(Works for all battles?) E001FEFF 0034D45C (L2) 11C3BFBC 0000????
Let me just start by saying that I'm not trying to be mean or anything, just trying to help you find out what went wrong so it can be improved. - Face looks dislocated. The face itself is frontal view, but it's placed in the lower right section of the head. - Her hair should be affected by gravity and hang down, but it "sticks" to her face instead. - It looks like her neck goes straight into her shoulder, or is immediately next to it. - Right hand sticks a little out a little "under" the arm; it should be a bit "above" the arm. Fingers on both hands don't really look like they're bent. (But I can't really blame you here. Hands are friggin' difficult.) - Right arm has a problem with too many curved lines, which our brain doesn't like, and thus ruins the illusion. Looks kind of more like balloons than arms. - Her upper body, on the other hand, seems to be straight lines only. Should be more curved. - Speaking of upper body, something is seriously wrong with her breasts. It kind of looks like they're trying to escape in opposite directions... :P - Torso/legs area actually looks good. left leg looks a tad weird, but nothing too bad. - Feet look bad. Left foot connects weirdly with the leg. The toe-area should not be smaller then the heel. They also seem to be too short. You do have some of the shapes down (mostly legs, also the left arm). Keep practicing and it'll get there eventually.
It's definitely something that's wrong on your end, because music mods and DW Roxas works fine on my PS2. For reversing keyblades, either use the size mod like so: Keyblade size mod 2036ced0 3F800000 or use the joint mod. (Too lazy to link). ... Also, backwards wielding is dumb. (There, I said it!)
No. Things that are not in the game are, in fact, not in the game.
Days is the worst KH game. Controls are sloppy as hell. Battles were mostly boring because a large amount of enemies had no hitstun. A lot of attacks easily miss even though you are swinging your weapon all over the place. (But the leveling system was actually really neat. My only complaint about it is that it takes forever to use. I think I might have spent just as much time just fiddling around with menus as I've spent playing...) Re:coded was actually pretty good. I can't decide if I like Re:coded's or BbS's better, I think they're pretty close, though Re:coded is a lot smoother than BbS.
This one: Infinite Drive 201A1BE0 C60001B8
Wheel of Time did a tutorial on how to rip models from KH1. Just follow this link. It has the instructions and files needed:
I don't normally make AMVs, and I'm not even really sure if this should be called one. I was really just testing my video editing program more than anything. Still, I kind of liked the result, so I figured I might as well post it. [video][/video] (I think I made it too loud, so you might want to turn down your volume a bit) I should warn some of you that this contains what I consider to be one of the major spoilers of the series. But it's a spoiler that's just so damn cool it might be worth it to just spoil it for the heck of it.
I think when he says "perfect" he means "normal idle/walking/jumping/etc animations with no mushballing"
I vote for bizarro-Woody as the villain in the next movie.
I replay KH1 something like once a year, maybe? Despite having unskippable cutscenes, I find it to be the most tolerable game to replay. It's been quite a while since I replayed KH2 over from the beginning, though. Not that I don't like KH2, but it's just so looong, especially the awful 3-hour tutorial. They really should just have started the game with Sora waking up... EDIT: Though the topic was replaying, whoops. Yeah, still play both. Mostly because codes from our lovely Code Vault give them tons of replay value.
I don't quite see why you dismiss gender for hermaphrodites. It's not like you can't be feminine or masculine just because you have two sets of genitalia.
You're totally right, the "experience mods" in the attachments are all using weapon mods addresses. Here is the actual EXP mod. EXP is shared among the entire party: Total EXP 2032f210 003493A6 The value I've inserted is the highest value, when the party is are level 99. I don't see much use for this except for maybe as a "quick level up" code.
You've captured the art style very well. The only real problem I can find with this is that his head and neck are too big.