It's because I am a moron. I've used the joker from KH2FM instead of usign the KH1FM joker... Warp to Xemnas battle (R2) E003FDFF 004E42DC 102BC128 0000000F 102BC130 0000000C 102BC134 00000002 World of Chaos Part I - Final Ansem I (Battle Alone) [R2] E003FDFF 004E42DC 102BC128 00000010 102BC130 00000021 102BC134 00000000 Fixed now...
Mickey's animations: A333 - Multihit + upwards slash finisher A334 - Round spin finisher A370 - Pearl UCM list:...
...? There's no "pearl finisher" ability. This thread has a video that...
Yes. But I personally think it's annoying when his attack animations are replaced, so I made these instead: Play as Mickey *Pearl fix* (R2/L2)...
Ah, I see. Well, the closest I could find to an official announcement was this: Knowing Capcom, it's not unlikely they would re-release MvC3. (Haven't they also re-released like every Street Fighter, too?) I just don't know if I'm feeling very optimistic about the accuracy of that list. Probably best to take it with a grain of salt. Still pretty excited though. MvC3 is a really fun game, so I'd definitely be interested in more.
Mind posting where you have this from...? Or is "some guy said it" all you have?
1) The code won't work if you're playing as Roxas. Play as Sora. 2) No, because there is no coat Roxas model that has bones that fit with normal Roxas' animations. For some unknown reason, they made the pajamas Roxas model have the exact same bones, and that's why he works. It's really odd, because other similar models (Sora/KH1 Sora, Mickey/Coat Mickey) can't be swapped this way.
Warp to Xemnas battle (R2) E003FDFF 004DD49C 102BC128 0000000F 102BC130 0000000C 102BC134 00000002
Dunno if this is what you were looking for, but this was the easiest to make on short notice: Dual Wield Anti Form 11CFAC7C 00000058 21cb9d78 464c5448 21cb9d98 464c5448
It's not really a surprise those codes aren't working, because they're not for KHFM. They're for NTSC-U KH1. AP Up P9YQ-X9CW-54WUP 45QE-26Q1-14Y4K I haven't seen a quick level up code for KHFM, but I think this should do: 50,000 EXP from all enemies UEA1-R4CC-2XHTY ZZ7X-7QDV-UDRCD FW86-U64J-Q8XGQ
You most certainly do need help, but not for the reasons you are thinking. It sounds like you are trying to "play" the patch-file as though it as a game...
You'll need a code that has jokers to switch between Riku and Sora. A lot more trouble than it's worth, imo, but it can be done: Play as Riku(R2)/Sora(L2) 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 21CB8C80 00000000 01CB8C96 00000005 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 21CD52A8 48455F57 21CD52AC 00303030 21CD52B0 00000000 21CD52B4 00000000 11CD4390 00000317 E001FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 0000089B E001FEFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 00000054 This should do the trick, though I haven't bothered to test it.
1) Target mod is DMA. You have to hack it specifically for one room. I have some notes on how to do it, but you probably shouldn't be messing with it if you haven't touched PS2Dis before. 2) Master left hand > Goofy hand 21cd528c 58455f57 21cd5290 00303330 11cd5294 00000000 3) Chances are he probably hasn't got that code anymore, as that isn't an actual Sora boss. I made a similar attempt (for practice more than anything), and I have that here: MODEL, TEXTURES, EFFECTS 20ed8858 007a5480 20ed8868 007c8240 20f4f858 00810480 ANIMATIONS 211fb058 008988c0 211fb078 008c49b0 211fb088 008cbe20 211fb098 008d1790 211fb0a8 008d68e0 211fba68 00ae00e0 211fb0f8 008fc280 211fb108 00903030 211fb118 0090a0d0 211fb128 00911760 211fb138 00918e00 211fb148 0091f250 211fb158 00925be0 211fb168 0092b000 211fb178 00931870 211fb188 00936940 211fbce8 00a5ddf0 211fbcf8 00aca650 211fbd08 00a69860 Go to Terra battle. Activate model/texture/effects mod in cutscene. Activate animation mods when the battle has started.
Remove the last three lines (equipment mods) so it becomes: All Forms unlocked (Including Anti Form) 2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF 2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF I assume those lines were there to prevent crashing, if one was trying to use this code without having unlocked any forms. You also need this code if you want to be able to actually drive into Anti Form: 9 Drive bars/infinite 21C6C900 0A090964 EDIT: VVV That's not the point. I'm pretty sure you still need this code.
Battle Level 99 in all worlds 2034138C 00060000
Bayonetta and KH2FM (now that it has a non-crashing English patch).
KH1 is a bit picky about how its room/boss warp codes work. If the room loads incorrectly, try warping from another place. You basically need to enter the area from the right "door", so maybe try warping from an area with only one exit? EDIT: Wait, no, you're right, doesn't work. I'll try to fix it.
I assume this is the one you want? World of Chaos Part I - Final Ansem I (Battle Alone) [R2] E003FDFF 004DD49C 102BC128 00000010 102BC130 00000021 102BC134 00000000 EDIT: Accidentally posted the KH1 NTSC-U version code, fixed now.
He's right, though, the Cavern of Remembrance digits weren't there. They're here now, though: 15 - Cavern of Remembrance: Depths 16 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mining Area 17 - Cavern of Remembrance: Engine Chamber 18 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft 19 - Transport to Remembrance 1A - Garden of Assemblage All of these are rooms in the world Hollow Bastion.