The thing is, there haven't really been "new" codes in years. So a Coder's job is really just the latter these days. The Code Vault section has quite a lot of posters who don't read the rules and make new threads instead of asking in existing ones, as well as people who more or less spam the threads by asking for things that are clearly located on the front page. So I don't really blame the sectional mods there for wanting some extra help, because this happens quite often. Not everyone has the time or motivation to be a full-fledged mod, though. But I think it makes sense to have Coders (people who should know answers to most questions asked, and have knowledge of how the Code Vault works) act as mini-mods for that section. Besides, if a Coder should start to abuse their mod-like powers, couldn't a sectional moderator just revoke the Coder status?
So, uh, don't know if any of you more experienced coders had this already, but I didn't see it anywhere in the thread. I've found the code that lets you go into MP recharge mode. "But, Gultigargar, isn't that useless?" Well, it can't really make the game easier for you per say, but one could use it creatively for a couple of things. This code, for example (which was the main reason I was working on it): Mickey Cure spell "emulation" E004BBFF 0034D45C 01C6C750 0000003C 01C6C8D0 00000000 21C6C90C 453b8000 21C6C910 453b8000 Bolded part is the MP-recharge part of the code. By pressing L1 + X (that's the shortcut I have for cure), Mickey's MP will go into recharge and his health will fill up. Sure, you can cheat and use this at any time, or you can restrict yourself and only use it when you have MP, which gives Mickey a pseudo-cure spell.
OK, so... First one: Shading on the hair looks out of touch with the shading on the rest of the drawing. The hair also suggests the upper part of her head is huge. The neck is also very long. Hands look kind of weird, but honestly, they aren't too bad. The way the feet are attached to the legs make it looks as if they might be broken. And not to be rude, but they are kind of shaped more like blobs than feet. Second one is probably the best. Major problem is the pose itself. She's completely out of balance and would instantly tip over if we applied gravity (she does, in fact, already look like she is falling over). Arms are very thin, anorexia-thin, and also very long (it looks like her hands would be able to reach her knees in an idle pose). Wouldn't it normally be located slightly farther towards the hips? Neck is a bit too long and attaches weirdly to the body. Skirt seems (imo) attached kind of high up (around her navel). Her right foot is also looking kind of weird. But really, other than that it's a pretty nice drawing. Don't have much to say about the last one. In general, your necks are too long.
I've been wanting to do this for a while, but one thing stood in my way: If you texture mod one character, you texture mod all instances of the character. This means I can't texture mod Terra into Aqua and then make a copy Terra. The alternative was to add another boss to the fight and change its model/animations/etc. However, Terra seems to be very picky about who he canbe replaced with. By pretty much pure chance, I discovered that Hercules works. (Still not sure what makes characters work/not work. I'm guessing it's the amount of textures they have...?) [video=youtube;OzCJrnTL7WY][/video] This video is obsolete! The codes below have been improved from what is shown in the video! As you can see, it's hardly a perfect code. Hercules has no aerial attacks, so the attacks we can use are limited. Coupled with that, Terra's hitboxes are kind of weird. His 3-hit ground combo is pretty much the only one with hitboxes (if you're using animation mod). Still, I think it's a pretty unique hack, and I thought I'd share it with you guys. XEEYNAMO REV-5 Spoiler Code: PARTY 11ce0b6a 000009e7 11ce0b6c 00000910 MODEL/EFFECTS/HITBOXES/SOUND 2119b658 00c38e90 2119b698 00caf22c 21286658 00cafe80 21286678 00f57ec0 TEXTURES 211c7764 00c36cc0 211c77f4 00c69540 211c7884 00bfecc0 211c7914 00c89540 SIZE 21ad85f0 3F500000 ANIMATIONS 21320658 00f5c620 21320678 00f618d0 21320688 00f69bc0 21320698 00f6f750 213206a8 00f74050 213206f8 00f7ae70 21320708 00f84df0 21320718 00f8e580 21320728 00f97cb0 21320738 00fa1360 21320748 00faaa80 21320758 00fb5100 21320768 00fbb790 21320778 00fc9010 21320788 00fcf760 213212e8 010160c0 213212f8 00fecb80 21321308 00fecb80 21321318 0112efb0 21321328 010a6ac0 21321028 01090bb0 21321038 01090bb0 21321048 01090bb0 213214c8 010a6ac0 - Party/model/effects must e activated in cutscene. - Textures/size can be activated either in cutscene or in battle. Might be best in battle if you're trying for PS2. - Animations must be activated in battle. MAJIK/UNPATCHED Spoiler Code: PARTY 11ce0b6a 000009e7 11ce0b6c 00000910 MODEL/EFFECTS/HITBOXES/SOUNDS 2119a658 00c37e90 2119a698 00cae22c 21285658 00caee80 21285678 00f56ec0 TEXTURES 211c6764 00c35cc0 211c67f4 00c68540 211c6884 00bfdcc0 211c6914 00c88540 SIZE 21ad85f0 3F500000 ANIMATIONS 2131f658 00f5b620 2131f678 00f608d0 2131f688 00f68bc0 2131f698 00f6e750 2131f6a8 00f73050 2131f6f8 00f79e70 2131f708 00f83df0 2131f718 00f8d580 2131f728 00f96cb0 2131f738 00fa0360 2131f748 00fa9a80 2131f758 00fb4100 2131f768 00fba790 2131f778 00fc8010 2131f788 00fce760 213202e8 010150c0 213202f8 00febb80 21320308 00febb80 21320318 0112dfb0 21320328 010a5ac0 21320028 0108fbb0 21320038 0108fbb0 21320048 0108fbb0 213204c8 010a5ac0 - Party/model/effects must e activated in cutscene. - Textures/size can be activated either in cutscene or in battle. Might be best in battle if you're trying for PS2. - Animations must be activated in battle. I have not been able to get this to work on my PS2, though in theory the code should work work... Maybe I'm just activating the codes at the wrong times. Either way, if any of you can get this to work on your PS2, I'd appreciate it if you would tell me how you did it.
PARTY 11ce0b6a 000009e7 11ce0b6c 00000910 MODEL/EFFECTS/HITBOXES/SOUND 2119b658 00c38e90 2119b698 00caf22c 21286658 00cafe80 21286678 00f57ec0 TEXTURES 211c7764 00c36cc0 211c77f4 00c69540 211c7884 00bfecc0 211c7914 00c89540 SIZE 21ad85f0 3F500000 ANIMATIONS 21320658 00f5c620 21320678 00f618d0 21320688 00f69bc0 21320698 00f6f750 213206a8 00f74050 213206f8 00f7ae70 21320708 00f84df0 21320718 00f8e580 21320728 00f97cb0 21320738 00fa1360 21320748 00faaa80 21320758 00fb5100 21320768 00fbb790 21320778 00fc9010 21320788 00fcf760 213212e8 010160c0 213212f8 00fecb80 21321308 00fecb80 21321318 0112efb0 21321328 010a6ac0 21321028 01090bb0 21321038 01090bb0 21321048 01090bb0 213214c8 010a6ac0 - Party/model/effects must e activated in cutscene. - Textures/size can be activated either in cutscene or in battle. Might be best in battle if you're trying for PS2. - Animations must be activated in battle.
PARTY 11ce0b6a 000009e7 11ce0b6c 00000910 MODEL/EFFECTS/HITBOXES/SOUNDS 2119a658 00c37e90 2119a698 00cae22c 21285658 00caee80 21285678 00f56ec0 TEXTURES 211c6764 00c35cc0 211c67f4 00c68540 211c6884 00bfdcc0 211c6914 00c88540 SIZE 21ad85f0 3F500000 ANIMATIONS 2131f658 00f5b620 2131f678 00f608d0 2131f688 00f68bc0 2131f698 00f6e750 2131f6a8 00f73050 2131f6f8 00f79e70 2131f708 00f83df0 2131f718 00f8d580 2131f728 00f96cb0 2131f738 00fa0360 2131f748 00fa9a80 2131f758 00fb4100 2131f768 00fba790 2131f778 00fc8010 2131f788 00fce760 213202e8 010150c0 213202f8 00febb80 21320308 00febb80 21320318 0112dfb0 21320328 010a5ac0 21320028 0108fbb0 21320038 0108fbb0 21320048 0108fbb0 213204c8 010a5ac0 - Party/model/effects must e activated in cutscene. - Textures/size can be activated either in cutscene or in battle. Might be best in battle if you're trying for PS2. - Animations must be activated in battle.
D'aww, thanks for the praise, guys. Guess that means it's time for a lazy update :p Since KH 3DS features Hunchback of Notre Dame as a world, I thought I'd sketch out a possible keyblade. Laziness (my eternal arch-nemesis) prevented me from drawing all of it by hand, though. So yeah, a tower from Notre Dame is basically the keyblade, which is why I did not feel like drawing it.
Since this thread all of a sudden got active again, I've updated the front page with some higher resolution images. Can't guarantee I'll have any more designs coming, but I'll see if I can think of something.
Not really. Was kind of hoping people would participate, but that didn't happen. Got kind of burned out after those 7 anyway. EDIT: All of a sudden my thread just rose from the dead. What the...?
Try using PCSX 9.7 (or perhaps even 9.6) instead. I think 9.8 was programmed in a way so that Emuhaste couldn't access it or something along those lines.
And that's exactly the part I don't understand. You'd rather ruin the video than have some black bars on the side? Huh? What? Why? (Granted, YouTube really could have handled 4:3 videos better in their player, but still...)
The idea that the universe has a sense has a sense of "good" and "evil/bad" and rewards/punishes people's acts accordingly seems pretty silly to me.
Is it just randomly when 5-10 minutes have passed, or is it when you try to save? 'Cause RemoteJoy just crashes when you try that, no fixes as far as I know.
Gonna do like The Fuk? and do 5, 'cause 10 is just too much effort... 5) Kingdom Hearts - The only Kingdom Hearts game with a tolerable story, imo. Still great fun to play. I love the combat system, don't get why people diss on it so much. And the boss fight against Riku-Ansem is probably my favorite fight in the series. 4) Super Smash Bros Brawl - Just a plain fun fighting/party game. Not the most balanced fighting game out there, but I don't really play competitively, so who cares. Tons of characters to choose from, lots of crazy items, custom stages, dozens of music tracks - this game just has so much content, and I love it. 3) Bayonetta - Now if only I was better at it. Bayonetta is a (kind of hard) action-game, directed by the creator of the Devil May Cry games, and made by Platinum Games, known for making God Hand, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Madworld, etc. This game is just incredible. Fast-paced, hard (but fair) combat system, with incredible replayability. It is also very, very pretty, and has some very entertaining cutscenes. 2) Okami - Another game by Platinum Games (or Clover, as they were called then). Very unique art-style (one of the few times I've seen cell-shading and been able to stand it), tons of colorful characters (seriously, like every NPC is unique), huge world, interesting game mechanic with the magic brush. While the combat system is fairly simple and easy, using brush techniques to fight is a lot of fun. Bosses are also great, especially the final boss. Also, gotta love the french-speaking prophet samurai Waka. 1) Nier - Easily the best-written JRPG I've played (Not that there's really much competition, but seriously, it's really well-written). I'm using "RPG" loosely here, because it's really more of an action game. The characters are all amazing; Nier, the father in search of a cure for his sick daughter; Weiss, the snide and somewhat smug talking magical book (who will get very offended if you call him a book...); Kainé, the lingerie-wearing, foul-mouthed, shade-possessed warrior-woman; Emil, the all-around likeable kid who just keeps having bad things happen to him. The plot itself is also great, though I think it's better to experience for yourself, rather than having me tell you why it's so good. Gameplay is also fun, especially boss fights are incredible, both gameplay-wise and visually. There are also tons of weapons to choose from, as well as plenty of sidequests with hilarious banter from the party members. It's story is also one of the most depressing things I have ever experienced. Literally sat and cried in front of my TV at least twice during the game. Other stuff I feel should be mentioned: Chrono Trigger, Warcraft 3, Claw, No More Heroes 1 and 2, Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.
Went and grabbed the battle warp digits for the Cavern of Remembrance fights. Here they are: Code: ---------------------------- Cavern of Remembrance ---------------------------- CoR 1st Heartless Battle 2032BAE0 00001804 2032BAE4 00010002 2032BAE8 00000001 CoR 2nd Heartless Battle 2032BAE0 00001804 2032BAE4 00020003 2032BAE8 00000002 CoR 1st Nobody Battle 2032BAE0 00001904 2032BAE4 00010000 2032BAE8 00000001 CoR 2nd Nobody Battle 2032BAE0 00151904 2032BAE4 00020000 2032BAE8 00000002 CoR 3rd Nobody Battle 2032BAE0 00161904 2032BAE4 00030000 2032BAE8 00000003
---------------------------- Cavern of Remembrance ---------------------------- CoR 1st Heartless Battle 2032BAE0 00001804 2032BAE4 00010002 2032BAE8 00000001 CoR 2nd Heartless Battle 2032BAE0 00001804 2032BAE4 00020003 2032BAE8 00000002 CoR 1st Nobody Battle 2032BAE0 00001904 2032BAE4 00010000 2032BAE8 00000001 CoR 2nd Nobody Battle 2032BAE0 00151904 2032BAE4 00020000 2032BAE8 00000002 CoR 3rd Nobody Battle 2032BAE0 00161904 2032BAE4 00030000 2032BAE8 00000003
Unskippable cutscenes were my main problem. And I guess I'm one of the few people that actually kind of liked Atlantica. Hated Deep Jungle, though. Having to backtrack all over the level several times with no clue as to where to go next got really annoying.
Most digits can just be grabbed from the other BbS code threads.
Their heads are huge. Seriously huge. Mos of their heads are as wide as their shoulders, if not wider. Arms sometimes look a bit "noodle-y".
Here's what I have (that wasn't already posted). Code: _C0 Boss Warp _L 0x20347AC0 0x0000XXYY _L 0x10347AC6 0x000000ZZ _C0 Start Final Round Keepers of t _L 0x211546A8 0x09080909 _C0 Start Final Round Villain's Ve _L 0x211546A8 0x08070808 _C0 Start Round 4 A Time to Chill _L 0x2114BCE8 0x08040404 _C0 Replace Zack (Ventus only) _L 0x20626000 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20626004 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Hades (Ventus only) _L 0x20626010 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20626014 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Zack (Terra/Aqua only) _L 0x20625000 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20625004 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Hades (Terra/Aqua only _L 0x20625010 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20625014 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Low Gravity _L 0x21074284 0x7247656C _L 0x21074288 0x74697661 _L 0x0107428C 0x00000079 _C0 Attack Modifier _L 0x01719B12 0x000000xx _C0 Magic Modifier _L 0x01719B13 0x000000xx _C0 Defense Modifier _L 0x01719B14 0x000000xx _C0 Max Mirage Arena Level _L 0x01719B17 0x0000001E _C0 Easy Command Board _L 0x21730E48 0x0001869F _L 0x21730E6C 0x00000000 _L 0x21730E90 0x00000000 _C0 Ice Cream Minigame Score 9999 _L 0x11166AA4 0x0000270F _C0 Easy 300 Unverse Minigame _L 0x1118190E 0x0000012C _C0 Easy Fruit Minigame _L 0x0117E61C 0x00000063 _L 0x0117E620 0x00000000 _C0 999 Hits On Do-the-Magic Minig _L 0x11144A64 0x000003E7 _L 0x1118CD54 0x000003E7 _L 0x1118CD56 0x000003E7 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Country Ch _L 0x0115B1AC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Disney Dri _L 0x011843DC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Grand Spre _L 0x0118B4EC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Castle Cir _L 0x0117641C 0x00000000 _C0 Infinite D-Link Gauge _L 0x2011E664 0xE616003C _C0 Vanitas D-Link (Ventus) _L 0xD1719BD0 0x00000000 _L 0x21719BD0 0x83000173 _C0 Character Mod _L 0x201873C0 0x340200xx _C0 Weapon Mod _L 0x01719B15 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 1 _L 0x11719B28 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 2 _L 0x11719B30 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 3 _L 0x11719B38 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 4 _L 0x11719B40 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 5 _L 0x11719B48 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 6 _L 0x11719B50 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 7 _L 0x11719B58 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 8 _L 0x11719B60 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command Finisher _L 0x11719B68 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command Shotlock _L 0x11719B70 0x000000xx _C0 Japanese language mode (= no voices) _L 0x0035B02E 0x00000001 Didn't make any of these, so don't give me credit.
_C0 Boss Warp _L 0x20347AC0 0x0000XXYY _L 0x10347AC6 0x000000ZZ _C0 Start Final Round Keepers of t _L 0x211546A8 0x09080909 _C0 Start Final Round Villain's Ve _L 0x211546A8 0x08070808 _C0 Start Round 4 A Time to Chill _L 0x2114BCE8 0x08040404 _C0 Replace Zack (Ventus only) _L 0x20626000 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20626004 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Hades (Ventus only) _L 0x20626010 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20626014 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Zack (Terra/Aqua only) _L 0x20625000 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20625004 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Replace Hades (Terra/Aqua only _L 0x20625010 0xXXXXXXXX _L 0x20625014 0xXXXXXXXX _C0 Low Gravity _L 0x21074284 0x7247656C _L 0x21074288 0x74697661 _L 0x0107428C 0x00000079 _C0 Attack Modifier _L 0x01719B12 0x000000xx _C0 Magic Modifier _L 0x01719B13 0x000000xx _C0 Defense Modifier _L 0x01719B14 0x000000xx _C0 Max Mirage Arena Level _L 0x01719B17 0x0000001E _C0 Easy Command Board _L 0x21730E48 0x0001869F _L 0x21730E6C 0x00000000 _L 0x21730E90 0x00000000 _C0 Ice Cream Minigame Score 9999 _L 0x11166AA4 0x0000270F _C0 Easy 300 Unverse Minigame _L 0x1118190E 0x0000012C _C0 Easy Fruit Minigame _L 0x0117E61C 0x00000063 _L 0x0117E620 0x00000000 _C0 999 Hits On Do-the-Magic Minig _L 0x11144A64 0x000003E7 _L 0x1118CD54 0x000003E7 _L 0x1118CD56 0x000003E7 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Country Ch _L 0x0115B1AC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Disney Dri _L 0x011843DC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Grand Spre _L 0x0118B4EC 0x00000000 _C0 Easy Race Minigame (Castle Cir _L 0x0117641C 0x00000000 _C0 Infinite D-Link Gauge _L 0x2011E664 0xE616003C _C0 Vanitas D-Link (Ventus) _L 0xD1719BD0 0x00000000 _L 0x21719BD0 0x83000173 _C0 Character Mod _L 0x201873C0 0x340200xx _C0 Weapon Mod _L 0x01719B15 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 1 _L 0x11719B28 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 2 _L 0x11719B30 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 3 _L 0x11719B38 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 4 _L 0x11719B40 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 5 _L 0x11719B48 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 6 _L 0x11719B50 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 7 _L 0x11719B58 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command 8 _L 0x11719B60 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command Finisher _L 0x11719B68 0x000000xx _C0 Slot Command Shotlock _L 0x11719B70 0x000000xx _C0 Japanese language mode (= no voices) _L 0x0035B02E 0x00000001
So I noticed that we still only have very few UCM replacements on the front page (Hall of the Cornerstone, Throne Room, Memory's Skyscraper, and Olympus Colisseum). I went and did (a lot) more, and I believe I've already posted them somewhere in this thread, but I can't find it anywhere. Either way, I think it's pretty front page worthy. Being limited to four locations for hacekd fights can get old. So I'll just post them here again. Code: ------------------------------ Dive into the Heart - Station of Serenity ------------------------------ Warp to area (R2): E001FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00002002 Save point 11C588AC 0000xxxx Small treasure chest 11C58920 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Dive into the Heart - Station of Calling ------------------------------ Warp to area (R2): E001FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00002102 Small treasure chest 11C5B714 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Agrabah - Palace ------------------------------ Jasmine NPC 11C332BC 0000xxxx Wagons/stands (8) Don't know the right digit, can't find them (Possibly part of map model?) ------------------------------ Agrabah - Treasure Room ------------------------------ Mushroom 5 11c555cc 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (2) 11C540D4 0000xxxx 11C54114 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Beast's Castle - Bridge ------------------------------ Mushroom 3 11C55080 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Land of Dragons - Palace Gate ------------------------------ Mushroom 11C4C358 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Disney Castle - Courtyard ------------------------------ Skateboard (Only when comming from Gummi Hangar) 11C59D00 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (7) 11C599D8 0000xxxx 11C59A18 0000xxxx 11C59A58 0000xxxx 11C59A98 0000xxxx 11C59AD8 0000xxxx 11C59B18 0000xxxx 11C59B58 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Halloween Town - Christmas Tree Plaza ------------------------------ Mushroom 2 11C56194 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Hollow Bastion - Marketplace ------------------------------ Leon/Squall NPC Don't know the right digit, can't find it Cloud NPC 11C4D430 0000xxxx Scrooge NPC 11C4D178 0000xxxx Moogle Shop Don't know the right digit, can't find it NOTE: The following NPCs might not be useful because they are inside their booth. Huey NPC 11C4C808 0000xxxx Dewey NPC 11C4C8C4 0000xxxx Louie NPC 11C4C980 0000xxxx Armor Shop Guy Don't know the right digit, can't find it ------------------------------ Hollow Bastion - Castle Gate ------------------------------ Mushroom 9 11C4CEF0 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Port Royal - Black Pearl ------------------------------ Donald NPC 11C3C4E8 0000xxxx Goofy NPC 11C3C89C 0000xxxx Jack Sparrow NPC 11C3C464 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Port Royal - Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook ------------------------------ Mushroom 10 11C5C13C 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (3) 11C5C110 0000xxxx 11C5C150 0000xxxx 11C5C190 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Olympus Coliseum - Underworld Caverns: Atrium ------------------------------ Mushroom 6 11C53DD8 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - Sandlot ------------------------------ Skateboard (Only when comming from Back Alley) Can't find for some reason... Seifer NPC 11C3B1A0 0000xxxx Rajin NPC 11C3B548 0000xxxx Fujin NPC 11C3B928 0000xxxx Fat Guy NPC Can't find for some reason... ------------------------------ Twilight Town - The Old Mansion ------------------------------ Mushroom 12 11C4454C 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (2) 11C43680 0000xxxx 11C436C0 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - The Woods ------------------------------ Vivi NPC 11C58FC8 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (3) 11C579D8 0000xxxx 11C57A18 0000xxxx 11C57A58 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - Tunnelway ------------------------------ Mushroom 7 11C58F8C 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (2) 11C57B84 0000xxxx 11C57BC4 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - Station Plaza ------------------------------ Skateboard (When comming from Central Station) 11C30330 0000xxxx Setzer NPC (Tends to freeze on the PS2 for some reason) 11C328D8 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Olympus Colisseum 2nd visit - Hades fight part 2 ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00000D06 2032BAE8 0000000B Hades boss: 11C5C0B0 0000xxxx Hercules partner: 11C5C0F0 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - Axel partner fight ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00002802 2032BAE8 00000001 Axel 11c505D8 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Hollow Bastion - Leon partner fight ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00000804 2032BAE8 00000003 Leon 11C45984 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - Mickey partner fight ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00000e02 2032BAE8 00000005 Mickey 11C5B768 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Disney Castle - Minnie partner fight ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 0100000C 2032BAE8 00000001 Minnie 11C55860 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Hollow Bastion - Final Fantasy partner fights ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E003FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00001004 2032BAE4 003E003E 2032BAE8 0000003E Yuffie 11C4BF68 0000xxxx Leon 11C4C8CC 0000xxxx Tifa 11C4D9F8 0000xxxx Cloud 11C4E664 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Hades Paradox Cup - Round 49 ------------------------------ Squall/Leon 11C569C8 0000xxxx Cloud 11C56948 0000xxxx Tifa 11C56908 0000xxxx Yuffie 11C56988 0000xxxx ------------------------------ The World That Never Was - Armor Xemnas 1 ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E003FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00001812 2032BAE4 00470047 2032BAE8 00000047 Xemnas 11C5A9AC 0000xxxx Saïx weapons 11C5A7AC 0000xxxx 11C5A7EC 0000xxxx Xigbar weapons 11C5A82C 0000xxxx 11C5A86C 0000xxxx Xaldin weapons (May spawn in chair, making it inaccessible) 11C5A8Ec 0000xxxx 11C5AFA0 0000xxxx Axel weapons 11C5A92C 0000xxxx 11C5A96C 0000xxxx NOTE: Mickey can normally rescue you here, but he may not work depending on what you replace. VVV @illegalcheese: Kingdom Key replaced by Kingdom Key D (Mickey's Keyblade) 1032E020 00000051 11CD4390 00000074 This code also equips you with Mickey's "dummy Keyblade" (FAKE), just for kicks, I guess.
------------------------------ Dive into the Heart - Station of Serenity ------------------------------ Warp to area (R2): E001FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00002002 Save point 11C588AC 0000xxxx Small treasure chest 11C58920 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Dive into the Heart - Station of Calling ------------------------------ Warp to area (R2): E001FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00002102 Small treasure chest 11C5B714 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Agrabah - Palace ------------------------------ Jasmine NPC 11C332BC 0000xxxx Wagons/stands (8) Don't know the right digit, can't find them (Possibly part of map model?) ------------------------------ Agrabah - Treasure Room ------------------------------ Mushroom 5 11c555cc 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (2) 11C540D4 0000xxxx 11C54114 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Beast's Castle - Bridge ------------------------------ Mushroom 3 11C55080 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Land of Dragons - Palace Gate ------------------------------ Mushroom 11C4C358 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Disney Castle - Courtyard ------------------------------ Skateboard (Only when comming from Gummi Hangar) 11C59D00 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (7) 11C599D8 0000xxxx 11C59A18 0000xxxx 11C59A58 0000xxxx 11C59A98 0000xxxx 11C59AD8 0000xxxx 11C59B18 0000xxxx 11C59B58 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Halloween Town - Christmas Tree Plaza ------------------------------ Mushroom 2 11C56194 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Hollow Bastion - Marketplace ------------------------------ Leon/Squall NPC Don't know the right digit, can't find it Cloud NPC 11C4D430 0000xxxx Scrooge NPC 11C4D178 0000xxxx Moogle Shop Don't know the right digit, can't find it NOTE: The following NPCs might not be useful because they are inside their booth. Huey NPC 11C4C808 0000xxxx Dewey NPC 11C4C8C4 0000xxxx Louie NPC 11C4C980 0000xxxx Armor Shop Guy Don't know the right digit, can't find it ------------------------------ Hollow Bastion - Castle Gate ------------------------------ Mushroom 9 11C4CEF0 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Port Royal - Black Pearl ------------------------------ Donald NPC 11C3C4E8 0000xxxx Goofy NPC 11C3C89C 0000xxxx Jack Sparrow NPC 11C3C464 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Port Royal - Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook ------------------------------ Mushroom 10 11C5C13C 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (3) 11C5C110 0000xxxx 11C5C150 0000xxxx 11C5C190 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Olympus Coliseum - Underworld Caverns: Atrium ------------------------------ Mushroom 6 11C53DD8 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - Sandlot ------------------------------ Skateboard (Only when comming from Back Alley) Can't find for some reason... Seifer NPC 11C3B1A0 0000xxxx Rajin NPC 11C3B548 0000xxxx Fujin NPC 11C3B928 0000xxxx Fat Guy NPC Can't find for some reason... ------------------------------ Twilight Town - The Old Mansion ------------------------------ Mushroom 12 11C4454C 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (2) 11C43680 0000xxxx 11C436C0 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - The Woods ------------------------------ Vivi NPC 11C58FC8 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (3) 11C579D8 0000xxxx 11C57A18 0000xxxx 11C57A58 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - Tunnelway ------------------------------ Mushroom 7 11C58F8C 0000xxxx Small treasure chests (2) 11C57B84 0000xxxx 11C57BC4 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - Station Plaza ------------------------------ Skateboard (When comming from Central Station) 11C30330 0000xxxx Setzer NPC (Tends to freeze on the PS2 for some reason) 11C328D8 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Olympus Colisseum 2nd visit - Hades fight part 2 ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00000D06 2032BAE8 0000000B Hades boss: 11C5C0B0 0000xxxx Hercules partner: 11C5C0F0 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - Axel partner fight ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00002802 2032BAE8 00000001 Axel 11c505D8 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Hollow Bastion - Leon partner fight ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00000804 2032BAE8 00000003 Leon 11C45984 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Twilight Town - Mickey partner fight ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00000e02 2032BAE8 00000005 Mickey 11C5B768 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Disney Castle - Minnie partner fight ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E002FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 0100000C 2032BAE8 00000001 Minnie 11C55860 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Hollow Bastion - Final Fantasy partner fights ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E003FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00001004 2032BAE4 003E003E 2032BAE8 0000003E Yuffie 11C4BF68 0000xxxx Leon 11C4C8CC 0000xxxx Tifa 11C4D9F8 0000xxxx Cloud 11C4E664 0000xxxx ------------------------------ Hades Paradox Cup - Round 49 ------------------------------ Squall/Leon 11C569C8 0000xxxx Cloud 11C56948 0000xxxx Tifa 11C56908 0000xxxx Yuffie 11C56988 0000xxxx ------------------------------ The World That Never Was - Armor Xemnas 1 ------------------------------ Warp to battle (R2): E003FDFF 0034D45C 2032BAE0 00001812 2032BAE4 00470047 2032BAE8 00000047 Xemnas 11C5A9AC 0000xxxx Saïx weapons 11C5A7AC 0000xxxx 11C5A7EC 0000xxxx Xigbar weapons 11C5A82C 0000xxxx 11C5A86C 0000xxxx Xaldin weapons (May spawn in chair, making it inaccessible) 11C5A8Ec 0000xxxx 11C5AFA0 0000xxxx Axel weapons 11C5A92C 0000xxxx 11C5A96C 0000xxxx NOTE: Mickey can normally rescue you here, but he may not work depending on what you replace.
Oh my god, why does everyone ****ing stretch their videos!? It's the ugliest damn thing! ( Herp derp, HD obviously means being 50% wider! It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the video's resolution! ) \ (Not after you here in particular, Yamato-Akitski, I've just seen lots of people do this, and it completely baffles me...)
Eyes are very big. Her left eye is also larger than her right. I'm a bit torn on the hair. I think you made the hair strands themselves look nice, like real hair. My problem with it is that it looks too large for her, if that makes sense. Also, the way you've drawn her hair connecting to her head would make her head impossibly large... But overall, it's a pretty nice drawing. (Nicer than what we usually see here, anyway...)