The camera in KH2 was good. And while KH1's camera was bad, it still had the best targeting system. It allowed you to change targets with R2/L2 without having to lock off/on again. The handhelds tried to re-implement this, but all of the failed miserably. I can't count the number of times I've wanted to target someone next to me and the targeting system locks me on to something halfway across the map without letting me change back. It also allowed you to see whether or not your enemy was within range of your attacks. This is also something I've missed a lot in later games. There's a difference between "hard" and "bad". The fighting system in KH1 was hard (especially on proud/expert), but it was a good system. This is a bad system: is in the attachments, under the stats codes. Take the "Sora lvl 99" code and change the value to 00000001 instead of 00000063.
I liked Re:coded. It's not without problems, though. I personally didn't enjoy the platforming, it felt really slippery and hard to control. Combat was pretty fun, though. My main problem with this game is that it's a short game that doesn't really want to admit it's short, so it pads out everything with needlessly long data sections and makes you replay everything. Twice. (Though the second replay is with a "twist", so it's not that bad...) If they fixed this I'd probably like it better than Birth by Sleep. EDIT: What I'm saying is that I think Re:coded gets more hate than it deserves, while Days (which was terrible in every single way imaginable) usually gets the praise...
Seems to me like there isn't much footage of the multiplayer aspect of Birth by Sleep. Me and a friend sat down a couple of days ago and recorded a bunch of matches. So if you've wondered what multiplayer is like, here you go. (Multiplayer in BbS isn't too good, though...) [video=youtube;jdf9ije8Lp0][/video] [video=youtube;FgLoyNBA3LM][/video] [video=youtube;ojVFnSTIW7A][/video] [video=youtube;JBBMGaUe3r0][/video] [video=youtube;Y0_8rzMvMF0][/video] [video=youtube;qDZx6H3wlpE][/video]
Either use equipment mod to change the left hand weapon of whichever character whose status you used, or use weapon model mod to change the model.
There are three values that all need to be just right to make a character dual wield: Moveset, status, and sub-status. I assume you know how to...
1) You ported those wrong. None of the addresses are right, and all the values are wrong too. (The ability mod is also on the front page's attachments.) Code: High Jump Max 1032E108 00008061 Quick Run Max 1032E10A 00008065 Aerial Dodge Max 1032E10C 00008069 Glide Max 1032E10E 0000806D Dodge Roll Max 1032E110 00008237 These might conflict with your existing growth abilities. Don't know, haven't tested. 2) Like roxas9 said, you can't glide in "non-solid" parts of maps. The only ways around them I know are infinite double jumps code or the sight-seeing mode code. Code: Sight-Seeing Mode 21CA1730 58455F4E 21CA1734 00303238 11CE0B68 000003BE 2036CECC FFFFFFFF 2036ACA4 00000000 2036CE98 00000000
High Jump Max 1032E108 00008061 Quick Run Max 1032E10A 00008065 Aerial Dodge Max 1032E10C 00008069 Glide Max 1032E10E 0000806D Dodge Roll Max 1032E110 00008237 These might conflict with your existing growth abilities. Don't know, haven't tested.
Sight-Seeing Mode 21CA1730 58455F4E 21CA1734 00303238 11CE0B68 000003BE 2036CECC FFFFFFFF 2036ACA4 00000000 2036CE98 00000000
This removes special effects in gameplay, though I don't know about cutscenes: 20370B50 FFFFFFFF As for voices, don't know how to remove them in cutscenes, sorry. (And the "remove music" code wasn't mine btw.)
Pluto. Look at them dreamy eyes.
There are actually people that like this film? Color me surprised. The only redeeming feature the film had at the time was its graphics, and they haven't aged well at all. Go watch Ghost in the Shell instead.
That piano in the Haunted Mansion level from Super Mario 64 scared the **** out of me the first time I ran into it.
Reading: - Negima (If you have not read this, go do so right the **** now. I recommend starting from chapter 16. Also stay as far away from the anime/live action series as possible, because they like physical manifestations of everything that is wrong with anime.) Stopped reading: - One Piece (Too long. It was fun for a while, but Oda's humor - which was the main draw for me - kind of loses its charm when it goes on for so long.) - Yozakura Quartet (Would still read it, but it doesn't seem to be published in English anymore. Sure, there's fan-translations, but they are really terrible, and the plot is kind of confusing and hard to follow on its own...) - Fullmetal Alchemist (Obviously stopped because it ended. But holy crap was it good. Better than both of the anime adaptions.) - Azumanga Daioh! (Another manga that is infinitely better than the anime. 4-panel gag mangas do not translate well into anime at all.) EDIT: VVV They are most definitely not.