has your uncle been killed by a mugger?
that's all i got for now...
a super moderator!?!?!? i should look up a clever picture... but maybe not....
Dr. House is better.
because, i just want to.... lol
it's like... the Apocalypse! or something....
ask someone to.... return it, and the person be caught DEAD OR ALIVE (preferably dead) [shoot to kill] there ya go! or offer a reward.
yep, that convoluted!
if someone took it, bring a bat, and beat the crap out of them! or just call the cops, either way.
2 rubber band, a few nail clipper, some paper clips, and a neck tie.... >: D
im not evil, but my plot is >: D
Triangle: Fire/Thunder/Blizzard Square:Reflect/Magnet X:Cure Circle: item (usually potion/hi-potion/ether) i dont really use many items aside from potion ether and hi potion for in-battle items
you have no power over me. you never will! my evil plot thicken >:D
that's why i quit gaia after about... 10 minutes...
like i said, it's like an Elemental Russian Roulette!
i am still a virgin, in your face!<- read if you dare i've never been able to beat the original CoM because i get bored like... halfway through....
when i got Re:CoM, it was with KH2FM, so i just put together my deck on proud for both stories. when i got it, i SPAMMED the Lethal Frame Sleight Stop/Attack/Attack i believe) and well, it slaughtered anyone. for hook, wait til his 0 effect wears off, then wail on him!
let that be a lesson, Donald is like a Elemental Russian Roulette. someone's gonna lose. just hope it's not you. NEVER use donald on elemental enemies on Re:CoM. he's to stupid to disclude spells... they should have done that...