How could anyone forget L he's the best character ever.
Indeed it has. Yeah I'm good currently in a world of exam pain but other than that I'm good. What you been up to
Hello how are you?
I'm not so mad that light died but I'm really mad L died
Gotta love deathnote it's amazing though sad
Cool love anime. Whats type of anime and manga are you into?
What do you draw?
Nothing much just watched doctor who. Omg! What about you
Moth looks at the still unconscious form of Docyx and sighs with exasperation "for heavens sake is this guy ever gonna wake up. I have my own stuff to do" she says before once more sitting and watching the still sleeping form of Docyx.
Ouch you all very harsh. But i totaly agree. I thing very slow bbqing. Or staple her to a dart board and then play darts.
LOL yes. yes it does.
You need to clear your inbox out I can't send you stuff
Yeah I'm good exams and prom stuff what you been up to
Hey how are you.
Hey havent talked to you in a while.
Gee thanks i love you to.
Awwwwww. I gotta go bye have fun talking to the bf. ;)