After a while Moth grows bored of siting and decides to practice her fighting. So she jumps from the ledge and summons midnight sun and starts to practice her technique swirling her sword in gracefull arches before summoning it's twin the moonfire before once again becoming a deadly swirl of blades. "I hope Docyx wakes up soon because i seem to have started talking to myself. It's kind of strange I actually miss people" she mused aloud while battling
Moth finishes playing and stands. Placeing the flute back in her poket she removes what apears to be glimering dust in a small vial. She places some on her hand and blows it over the edge. "Happy birthday sister. May your heart and spirit find the peace you longed for in life." She sumons the power of the sun and casts swirling shapes that catch the dust she blew earlier and the dust catches fire and turns the area around her brilliant colours. She draws her coat around her and once again sits on the side gazing over the town
Moth sits on the ledge in the Baily and sighs. "I play this for you Lillia" she says with eyes glazed over from unshed tears. She pulls out a flute from her coat poket and proceeds to play a beautiful and complex piece of music that brings tears to the eyes of anyone who hears it.
Moth awakes from her sleep and looks over at Docyx in the other bed. "Still sleeping. Not that I expected anything different." Moth says frustratedly. "oh well." She gets out of bed gets dressed and walks out of the inn nodding to the innkeeper. She walks round radiant gardens till she comes to the Baily and sits down on the edge looking over the town below with sad eyes.
Moth enteres the town and looks at the sign. "hmmm radiant gardens. This'll do." She proceeds to walk to the inn she stays at while in town and asks for two rooms. The inn keeper smiles and gives her two keys " is that all dear?" she asks kindly. "yes thank you ma'am" Moth replys quietly befor going up the stairs and placing Docyx in one of the beds and making sure hes comfortable before taking the other for herself and falling asleep.
Moth places Docyx on the floor and rests for a minuet. "hmmm... Where shall we go"org said to herself. "well I can't keep carrying you around i have stuff I need to do." Moth pulls out a map and gazes at it. "well there's a town not far from here maby there's an inn there we can stay in while I'm waiting for you to wake up." Moth puts the map away and pulls out a bottle of water and drinks some before putting the bottle to Docyxs mouth and forcing him to drink. She puts it away and Once more picks Docyx up and starts walking in the direction of the town on her map
Moth looked at Docyx with exasperation "right better get going." she picks up Docyx and puts him on her back as she begins to walk through the graveyard. "you really are more trouble than your worth you know that." she says to a still unconscious Docyx with the smallest of sad smiles on her face as she goes on her way.
Sounds fun
Nothing really. Mostly looking forward to the lostprophets gig I'm going to on the 18th. What about you?
I'm good. How are you? Love the new avatar
Dats alright
Moth sat by Docyx and looked away from Sasuke turning her gaze towards the stars and sighing sadly golden eyes full of sadness and regret.
Moth silently chuckled to herself. "Well good for you. So figure it out and be quiet about it I gotta sleep to." Moth walks away from Sasuke and takes her place once more by Docyx. "Please note if you try and hurt us or look in my bag I will kill you horribly and painfully." Moth says angrily as an after thought. Silver eyes once more changing to there original gold colour. She sits watching Sasuke carefully.
Moth chuckled menacingly "Why do people automatically assume that I'd slow them down?" she mused under her breath. She turns to Sasuke walks towards him and stands in front of him swirling silver eyes meeting his. "Well I sugest unless you are going to be of any use go. Now. Because otherwise your going to be wasting both of our time." She says quietly
Moth looked disappointed "Oh well then I guess you'd best be on your way. Because Im not leaving him" Moth said sadly not looking at Sasuke clutching midnight sun bruiseingly.
Moth thinks for a moment "a few weeks." she turns back to Docyx and says "hopefully he'll wake up soon and then I'll help you ok."
Moth chuckled as though amused "you to are misunderestimating your opponent." Moth stands and turns to Sasuke and summons midnight sun "Now unless you wanna become BBQ either sit down and keep me company till Docyx here wakes up" she says pointing to Docyx "And then I'll help. Or we can do this the good old fashioned we fight your guts end up as a burnt offering to whoever comes through here next" She says menacingly her gold eyes turning silver "So what'll it be BBQ or patience" she says smiling a smile that doesn't reach her eyes
Thanks just posted.
Moth turned to Sasuke eyes slowly turning silver a strange smile graceing her features. "I do not take to kindly to people who tell me what to do. Besides Im busy so knock yourself out and try to kill me. You wont suceed" Moth said slowly her voice calm but firm. Before turning away
Moth still sat by the door to light guarding Docyx "I f this guy doesnt wake up soon im gonna go nuts" She said with a sad sigh before standing and looking up to the stars her eyes gold eyes going glassy with unshed tears. With another sigh she turns back to Docyx and watches her sleeping partner.