Awwww Docyx is in love. Sound fun.
Oh well that makes sense then. So what you up to?
Lucky i still have about 9 left till i finish.
Owwie I feel your pain :,(
Bye sorry i missed you had an exam.boooooo my hand hurts
indeed it is an IF.
Fine ill dig up his body and then have a go. Or we can do it together.
Being optomistic is good to. But IF he does i will hurt him.
oh gonna see that boyfreind of yours. You do realise if he hurts you i will nail his balls to a dart board then have a bit of target practice.
Ok then. So whats going on in the life of you?
It will probably come up if i get asked if Moth isnt feeling defensive about it at the time.
I didnt put the reason at the time no
Cos of my charachters past.
Ok then i shall continue to guard you sleeping form. "sits by docyx with blade in hand" I aint movin :P
Im goona wait for you to wake up and continue to gaurd you.
Most people would share your oppinion. :p
Yay its always good to suceed the first time round.
OUCH! Poor you. Ive got an english one this afternoon
What were you taking?