I am sorry to hear about this ;_ ; rest in peace Matilda.
Right there with ya.But I do other things like eat,sleep,drink,and all that good stuff xD.
Tried not to make the whole thing brushes most of it is smudging.I think I spelled Shippuden right but I dunno.Anyways CnC please?
Hey there ;]
Hi *gives cookie* yum xD.
Hello there!
OMG! Hi. xD your profile picture is soooo cute ;) is that your bunny?
You are right xD.
Hi Kingdomheartsgirl lolz *gives cookie*
Hello xD what's up?
Oh my gosh I am so sorry to hear this.The best thing to do is try not to think about because if you do it will make you feel worse.You should just try to accept it because things happen that you can't control.You should maybe make a memorial of her/him that might make you better too so you'll always remeber her/him in your heart.I hope I helped i'm not very good at giving advice but after reading the title I was so sad I had to.
Thank you ^^. I made a couple more CnC please? (Got the idea for this one from Tootsie's avatar)
Good kinda bored but yeah...And you?
Thanks for the message I shall leave you one *gives cookie* everyone gets a cookie ^^.
xD Hi yeah I like to look at people's profile xDD.
This game is so awesomefull I play it all the time.
I've been trying to make better avatars and this was what I came up with I also made a sig too.CnC? Avatars Sig
Yay for cookies thank youz and I am not usually on AIM Dx I sorry.
HI! :DD *gives cookie*
Yayz more notes hi ^_^