*opens her mouth as if to speak* Meh, I'm not touching this right now.
Oh yeah that episode where James dressed like a chick...
^ It's HARD to get an avatar, OK? < Wishes everyone would get off her case about the no-avatar thing V *charges up magic staff*
OMG if they made HSM into a KH world...Nah, they won't do it. HSM sucks.
It's not like the admins there do anything authoritative...All they do is promote stupid monthly prizes.
Is lonely...Liar.
Is member...25226!
^ Not really. < Feels that Aroused should be one of the mood choices. V ...
Is lonely...Aww.
When you think you're a Moogle.
Is bored....
Is a Moogle?
Has a PUNY siggy!
You don't know the first thing about bbCode, do you? But I guess that's what the Spam Zone is for...
Can't wait to graduate...
500gg says it's a pedofile...Or a stalker. Or just some n00b.
Is just really nice...
^ I dunno... < Is waiting for that Moogle timeless to reply to her PM! V Will PM me as well?
I'm a Phoenix! Sweet! Phoenix: (June 25 - July 24) Phoenix is the bird of life and resurrection. Those born under this sign can create possibilities from scratch. Strengths: Optimistic, flexible and can promote optimism in others. Weaknesses: solitary, stubborn, dreamy and unrealistic. Jobs assumed : risky jobs, sometimes self-employed and are most probably great engineers.
*gives you hanky* Is online!