It's a small world dude...PM ME!!
And...what was she implying about this?
Is a Moogle.
^ Is a chicken? Or a Moogle? < Is waiting on an avatar HAPPY NOW PEOPLE?! V Is bored.
I know I don't have an avatar! That's why I'm here! OK OK... -Pink Whisper Hair -Normal dark blue eyes -Strawberry Margarita from H&R Wesley -The Pink Ruffled Dress, Celebrity Sunglasses and Peek-Toe shoes from Sunset Couture -EDIT: Oh and that pink flower hairpiece from...Barton Jewelers I think? -And that black clutch purse, also from H&R Wesley, dunno the correct name at this moment... Got all that?
Does pocky count?
So does Ashley. Yeah, I'm sure this image works. I hope...Warioware fans/Gaia Online members/Roleplayers PM me!
That's stop-motion animation, dude. They use dolls and take a bunch of pictures so as to create an animation. Claymation is SIMILAR--but not the same. Clay figures+Plastic dolls=different.
Eh, what the hell. *signeth*
Really? PM me! Oh yeah-- ^ Is lonely. < Is bored. V Is weird...
Uh, buy more cheese?
Not AIDS? You weren't just sure, you were HIV-positive. Anyone who didn't get that South Park reference is a nooblet.
*looks at thread*...AIDS?
I highlighted all of that!
Infected with what?!
Say what?!
What kind of disease were you dying from?
*drool* That was sezzeh...I'm still a fangirl! :poketoungeb: