Suppose I could be the list maker again if no one objects to it. <3
I'll be stalkin' for you mate.
Hey there Jaden! :] Actually, I have a friend named Mako Tsunami who told me about the thread itself. It actually seems quite interesting and in...
I suppose they could have done more with what they had to work with. One movie that I actually took the time to go and see in theaters. And to be honest I wouldn't recommend it, although it's definitely worth waiting for on dvd or rent. And yes Red Robin..."Drugs are great<3" <~~~Moral of the story.
Amazing stuff dude, really enjoyed it! Keep it up ;]
Limitless... Pretty much the moral of the story is that it's okay to use drugs, as long as you use them AS MUCH AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. Good movie in the end. Hehe.
So very IN~
This is my first time playing this game completely actually. Gathering names proved pretty simple once I put my mind to it. It becomes addicting almost, haha.
This game is fun.
Round Disco Fever Shinigami TsumetaiTaichou Tsumetai's Supervisor Tikem Detectives Makaze Feenie Curious . : tale_wind Mako Tsunami Axel-chanviii Deceased rikusorakairiown KH2man13 terra254 tummer Christhor :D Ienzo Red Robin Midnight Star
Round Disco Fever Shinigami TsumetaiTaichou Tsumetai's Supervisor Tikem Detectives Ienzo Makaze Christhor :D Feenie Curious terra254 . : tale_wind Mako Tsunami Deceased rikusorakairiown Axel-chanviii KH2man13 tummer Red Robin Midnight Star
Round Disco Fever Shinigami TsumetaiTaichou Tsumetai's Supervisor Tikem Detectives Makaze Christhor :D Feenie Curious tummer terra254 . : tale_wind Mako Tsunami Axel-chanviii KH2man13 Red Robin Deceased rikusorakairiown Midnight Star
Round Disco Fever Shinigami TsumetaiTaichou Tsumetai's Supervisor Tikem Detectives Makaze Christhor :D Feenie Midnight Star Curious rikusorakairiown tummer terra254 . : tale_wind Mako Tsunami Axel-chanviii KH2man13 Red Robin Fire up the strobe lights!
Round Disco Fever Shinigami TsumetaiTaichou Detectives Makaze Christhor :D Feenie Midnight Star Curious rikusorakairiown tummer terra254 . : tale_wind Mako Tsunami Axel-chanviii We are a couple short.
Count me in for the next round. <3
What a twist! ! ! !
Oh yeah?!?! o= Ǿ ... Damnit... ø ... Grr...® ... This is getting tougher. T_T... ɸ ...Yay <3
Count me in<3
Is there perhaps a way to sign on as invisible to other members without ignoring them?
One more will do it I believe. :3