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  1. Scruffy
  2. Scruffy
  3. Scruffy
    I don't have a mic right now..but bluetooth mics are like, $5 or something. Won't be a problem. ^.^

    1 Paragon and 1 Renegade run should be good enough to unlock all the trophies. Also, you should import ME3 from Canada. It's like, $20-$30 here. Way cheaper.
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Scruffy
  5. Scruffy
  6. Scruffy
    Haha. Don't worry, I'll pick up U3 eventually. We'll play sometime. ^.^

    I'm currently working on a Paragon run of the game. Then I'mma move onto Renegade. Then..Mass Effect 3.
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Scruffy
  8. Scruffy
  9. Scruffy
    Don't worry, I can be yo' wingman on this one if you want. ;D

    I am though! I'm totally getting drunk tonight. It's gonna be a blasty blast.
    Danudanudanudanudanudanu. <3
    Hai Cat. You've seen me playing ME2 like every time I've been on PSN, haven't you? o:
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Scruffy
  11. Scruffy
  12. Scruffy
    Hey man. I'm gearin' up for tonight, doing great. You?
    Hai Droid. -waves-
    Oh haha..I hear you. Maybe when she gets back she will. :P

    I'm gonna be ending up with a stomachache tomorrow. Or just a general hangover. Gonna be fun.
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. Scruffy
  14. Scruffy
    Somebody gon' give you a belly rub, homie? Dat might help. :P

    Nah, I get stomachaches all the time, so I know what you're dealing with. Just drink lots of water and eat good shtuff and you'll be fine.
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Scruffy
    Oh. I'm using 40 posts per page. I'm so used to this that I thought it was the norm. xD

    I'm doing great man. I think I got a new approach to shtuff and I ain't lettin' nothin' get me down. Yourself?
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. Scruffy
  17. Scruffy
    ...Or not, since my post got bumped and now no one shall see it. Oh wellz. D:
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. Scruffy
    G'afternoon, ladies and gents.

    Scruffy is here to save the day.
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Scruffy
    Profile Post

    Caaaaaat? v_v

    Caaaaaat? v_v
    Profile Post by Scruffy for ShibuyaGato, Apr 21, 2012
  20. Scruffy