You think we should be in each others' sigs in some way? o.o
Awesome. I hope you're having a blasty blast. :)
I don't have a mic right now..but bluetooth mics are like, $5 or something. Won't be a problem. ^.^ 1 Paragon and 1 Renegade run should be good enough to unlock all the trophies. Also, you should import ME3 from Canada. It's like, $20-$30 here. Way cheaper.
D'awww. Now you have me smiling a bunch. xD
Oh of course~ Maybeh we could even do da tango. :3
Haha. Don't worry, I'll pick up U3 eventually. We'll play sometime. ^.^ I'm currently working on a Paragon run of the game. Then I'mma move onto Renegade. Then..Mass Effect 3.
D'awww. Thanks, miss. c: You're a great gal as well, you know. I enjoy your company. ^.^
Why you dancin'? Because of me? o: May I join you?
Don't worry, I can be yo' wingman on this one if you want. ;D I am though! I'm totally getting drunk tonight. It's gonna be a blasty blast. Danudanudanudanudanudanu. <3 Hai Cat. You've seen me playing ME2 like every time I've been on PSN, haven't you? o:
It's totally cool. :) I just wanted to say thank you for putting me on your list. I appreciate it.
Haha, that makes me feel good that having that effect on you. ;P
Hey man. I'm gearin' up for tonight, doing great. You? Hai Droid. -waves- Oh haha..I hear you. Maybe when she gets back she will. :P I'm gonna be ending up with a stomachache tomorrow. Or just a general hangover. Gonna be fun.
Sorry to VM you once again, but I thought I would inject some happiness and positiveness into you in the form of hearts: <3333
Somebody gon' give you a belly rub, homie? Dat might help. :P Nah, I get stomachaches all the time, so I know what you're dealing with. Just drink lots of water and eat good shtuff and you'll be fine.
Oh. I'm using 40 posts per page. I'm so used to this that I thought it was the norm. xD I'm doing great man. I think I got a new approach to shtuff and I ain't lettin' nothin' get me down. Yourself?
You think you will be able to message me whenever you can? ^.^
...Or not, since my post got bumped and now no one shall see it. Oh wellz. D:
G'afternoon, ladies and gents. Scruffy is here to save the day.
Caaaaaat? v_v
Oh dear, sorry for the late response.. I'm great, thanks. And glad to hear you're alright. <3