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  1. Scruffy
    Thanks, Dinny. :)
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Scruffy

    I have to leave in 13 minutes.
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. Scruffy
    I think I should go on Pottermore now. >.>
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Scruffy
    I see video games as art ( kind of relates to the question below :P ). I play them not only to be entertained, but to relax and enjoy the experience. I think games have a lot of culture to them that is severely unappreciated.

    Absolutely. Look at a recent game like Journey for example. It definitely has creative artistic expression and highly unique gameplay, as well as an amazing soundtrack. Games can certainly be considered art because there are just so many aspects to them that take a lot of creativity.

    Majority of the time. When I get a new game, I usually play it from start to finish. Not in one sitting of course, but it's something that I constantly look forward to experiencing more of.

    I personally haven't experienced that, but I have had an interest in seeing why the recent Ninja Gaiden 3 has received such poor reception. It looks phenomenal.

    Gaming is now a culture. It's a culture that many of us are a part of. :P

    I think a lot of media is pointing fingers at video games as a cause of violence because they need something to blame. I think I would argue that what makes kids violent is parenting. If you know your kid is mature enough to handle a violent video game, then let him play it. Obviously he won't be at a super young age though. Besides, there aren't too many games where violence is portrayed as like a focus point of the game. Media always make it look like your objective in games is to murder as many people as possible just for the sake of murdering them, when that isn't the case at all.

    It already is. According to an article I read on Joystiq, year-by-year revenue for the gaming industry as a whole is down.

    What I think is happening is that fewer good games are being made so companies can just milk their customers with DLC. But there are still some companies out there who provide complete, in-depth experiences with their games like Bethesda.

    I like multiple sequels so long as it brings something new to the table. Expanding the story is great, and adding in new depth to gameplay is also very good. I'll throw in the example of Super Mario Galaxy 2, where many new gameplay elements were added, and it was overall a much better experience than the original.

    However, companies out there are making sub-par sequels that will sell. Such as the Call of Duty series.

    A game that has a complete package of good story, music, and gameplay.

    To a certain extent, Final Fantasy VII has had that effect on me. Cloud Strife had essentially lost his identity, and felt utterly lost. But he managed to find himself, and came back to his team stronger than ever. I think that's helped me a little, since I've found myself wondering who I am at certain points in my life.

    Either Donkey Kong Country 2, or Final Fantasy VII.

    I grew up with both, and both have fantastic music and gameplay. Though DKC2 is more out of nostalgia. :P

    QWOP. No doubt.
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  5. Scruffy

    Listen to around 1:25 for the drop. :P
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Music
  6. Scruffy
    If they did do an Avengers movie with Spider-Man in it, I hope they'd do it down the road where Wolverine is in it as well. That'd be pretty awesome.
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Scruffy
    Oh cool beans, mah wifey is in dis. I shall vote for her. :3
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Scruffy
    I repped and thanked you via VM and MSN, but not in this thread. >.<

    I shall say this again, but you did an incredible job on both sets man. As you can see, I am currently rocking dat Caius set. <3
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Art Shop
  9. Scruffy
    I've loved all of the Marvel movies. I'm a big Marvel fan overall.

    Of the Marvel movies so far, I enjoyed Captain America the best. I'm really curious to see how he's going to tie into the film.

    Really though, what they have going here with the Marvel Universe is awesome. All the movies feel interconnected because of the upcoming Avengers movie, so I'm really eager to see it. ^.^
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Scruffy
    While I don't consider myself a huge dubstep fan, I've listened to a lot of stuff by Skrillex of course.

    I think I liked Hey Sexy Lady the best from him. :3
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Music
  11. Scruffy
    There are several good ways to deal with anger, I find.

    Listening to some jazzy music really helps. Trance is also very relaxing. But really, whatever genre of music you listen to that helps you calm down and relax will work.

    Going for a walk or a run can also be very good. Pretty much any exercise in general will do. Punching bags are what most people would probably recommend, though. xD
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  12. Scruffy
    I may be late to this, but welcome back sir!
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. Scruffy


    Welcome to KHV, Venderp!

    Have a wonderful time here. :3
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. Scruffy
    Welcome to KHV, Larry!

    Glad dat Dinny recommended you. I hope you have a wonderful time here. :)
    Post by: Scruffy, Apr 15, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures