do they put his face on a carton of half and half?
I have been told that. Unfortunately, I could care less.
Money makes the world go round!!! Too bad I have none...
So my girlfriend broke up with me on text...and then I had tennis practice so when I got home, I waited for my chance to sneak out, call a cab, and head to my friends house. He tried to hide me in his room but I got found. :( So then we had to make up some excuse for why I was there and they let me stay. So now I'm posting this randomly because I just wanted to. WOO!
DayWatch by Sergei Lukyanenko
So there's this art competition in my school district and I decided to enter it under graphite drawing and here it is. I had to use a camera to take the picture because my scanner be broked. Not really sure whether it's good or not. I might just try something completely different.
AH! I understand now!
I just started watching a tv show and when it started, some voice said "this show is filmed in front of a live studio audience." As opposed to what? A dead audience?
How much chuck could a chuckwood wood if a chuckwood could wood chuck? And why is your font red?
Im on da ball!
Kinda boring but I didn't have any intranetz so I decided to draw. First time using pastels as a medium too.
coo. you feelin better now?
Merry Christmas to you to! ^^
^^ Same but i'm not celebrating till friday
what's up?
I didn't really like my entry for sotw so I made a new one. 3 actually. I think the first one is kinda messy, the second one is...meh, and the third one is sorta plain but idk. Cnc?
As I lay dying. It took me 3 days to finish the first chapter which was like 15 pages
Texas baby
If we do, i'll be impressed because the US had a bunch of debts to pay off
Don't push love away ~The Juliana Theory