Down River-Temper Trap
Neil patrick harris
I can't describe the feeling..its so..up there...(you know because you're high /shot)
I don't know why,but i just can't help imagine you dress up as the dali lama and give advice to students in school /******ed
;-; have you not seen the last post thread? i have like 90 posts on that thing HOW MUCH DO I NEED?
I hate advertisments during good movies. HAROLD AND KUMARRRRRRRRRRR
you should be a guru
i think the amount of spammage I've done on khv answers that ;b
lol this reminds of when i stayed up till 8 am on new years and then crashed at like 12 /rararaaa
orz" /why am i awake oh god
lsgladgjawoejmfa yeah
watermelons have such nice colours green and pink x333
ditz ditz ditz
yeah,google is sexist and hates me >:
Screw google >:
its motherland /i hate google fffff
HIIIIIIIIIII Cx what do you think about will's awesomeness? what are your favourite kind of muffins? Do you watch The Guild? If so, do you like it? ice cream cake y/n?
母国 ! aagjasdlgjalsgasd
****ing kangaroos
Fire ze missles!