But you're not a die-hard Saix fangirl! GRAAHH!! I wish there were more Saix fangirls. Hold on... if he's your second favorite... who's your favorite? 24809
I'm emotionally attached to him. Cause I thought it was cute how much he wanted to get his heart back. His last words almost made me cry. ... Okay, not really, but still.
Everyone thinks Saix is ugly. *sits in a corner and sulks with a Saix plushie* *points to User Title* I did it for YOU, Saix! You!! ............ Okay, I'm better now. Where were we? ^.^ 24807
24805 What? Did you do what? What'd you do? *hysterical*
After Xigbar? Wow. That's a hit below the belt, don't ya think?
... Saix fangirls. I think I'm the only one on earth that likes Saix better than Axel and Marluxia and Zexion and all those other Organization members that have fangirls coming out of their ears. Okay, I'm done with my rant now. But Saix is so freaking cool! He deserves fangirls!
How can you not really be here? *is confused* Then again, it's pretty easy to confuse me. 24803
I thought you had unlimited magic in Wisdom Form. How would it waste so much MP? And I liked the finishers in Wisdom Form, with the combo plus. When I started the game over and got Wisdom Form I was so frustrated because you didn't get an extra finisher until a certain level. So, I would be sad that it was gone.
WOOT! Another fan! 24797 AHH!! EC, I just saw that one a minute ago!! I freaking LOVE that! Cause I'm the only living Saix fangirl in the world. lol
24790 Surfing DeviantArt is addicting. It's like crack. I like the KH comics peope make. ^.^
Hey. Psst!! EC!! I PMed you. Just letting you know. ^.^ 24786
I'll help with your project, EC! I just have to figure out what lines I want to do. *ponders* 24775
I feel special. lol. That story makes me wanna draw a chibi Axel. Maybe I will. I'm really bored, can you tell? ^.^ 24772
Thanks, Xemnas. ^.^ You know, I've never tried out emo. I don't think I ever should, either. I don't think it would fit me. And hello, EC! When are you gonna write more on the Babysitters Demyx and Roxas story? I really like that one! 24769
You think you're a dork just because you misspelled a word? I've never heard that one before. And hello, CtR! I'm doing fine. My mouth doesn't hurt anymore, thank God. 24765
I'll never be immune. I'm strange, too, at times when I feel like being. But for now I'm actually normal. *gasp* That never happens. 24755
People are strange. Am I the only one that's noticed? 24753 P.S. I like your sig, Xemnas! Even though I've only watched Bleach a few times.
I just got CS2 as well! First question: Is this the first time you've used any version of PS? Assuming it is, there are ways to make the effects more subtle, and not completely take over the pic. But, it could still make a noticable difference. If you go to the Filter Gallery, you can do whatever you want and change the settings of any effect you want. The only difference between the original and yours that I see is your username and splotches of red. Work on the use of brushes. It takes time and practice. And try out filters. Granted, you don't have to use them all the time, they're helpful sometimes. And Fill and Adjustment Layers are cool, too. I was messing around with those yesterday. The Gradient tool is always fun, if you put it in difference mode. Just try to get out of your little safety box and try out everything, not just the stuff you know how to use.
These are all awesome. I especially like the Dragon's Heart one by 1Hp. Too bad it takes too much motivation for me to draw these days, or I would post one. ^.^;;
Hello, Xemnas!! 24698