I don't wanna see a naked man right now. *turns away* 24845
I would imagine that would hurt. But I would crack up if someone came out of a water slide like that. 24839
Now I'm not AS bored. I'm actually doing something. Typing. And typing. And typing. And typing. And typing. And typing some more. 24836
I'm good. And bored and stalking the spam zone. The usual. 24833
I'm so excited for my next birthday! I'll be 16 in... 6 months! Yeah... long way. 24825
If you should be going into 8th, then you're... about 13, right? Cause I'm 15. Two years' difference would make 13. 24823
10th grade. 24821
That picture is so freaking CUTE! I've seen it before. I wanna hug the kitty. *hugs the kitty*
I'll trade my week out of school for yours in school. Cause then at least I'll feel like I'm doing something. I'm alredy prepared anyway. I have my mom to thank for that. -_-;; By the way, what grade are you going into? 24819
My school doesn't start back until... AH!! NO!! A week from tomorrow!! Well, at leasy I still have one peaceful week. Oh, wait, no I don't. I have band practice every day except Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. 24817
That's cool. How much memory does it have? I remember when I got my first mp3 player. It was a crappy little thing my dad sent back from Iraq. And happy birthday!
I can imagine myself going hysterical over something like that. I would run around the house and scare the crap out of my mom. Then she would smack me in the back of the head because it was over something so stupid. ^.^
I saw your name on one of the polls for the Forum Awards. I don't remember what it was, so I don't know if it was good or bad. ^.^;;
*backs away slowly* Hold on... What happened to the engagement to SNRR?! Ah! No! Why not?! *hysterical yet again* ... If you don't wanna say, you don't have to. I was just wondering. 24815
So you're the "Saix" I've heard of. That is so freaking cool! I've never seen his berserk phase up close before. I always wanted to know what it looked like. Thanks! ^.^
I freaking love his hair. I wonder how much hair gel he has to use. O.o And he's not completely emotionless. At least, I don't think so. AND you think he's cooler than Axel! Yes! Go you, Xekushi! *glomps MadiYasha* My freaking gawd, I love you people!
Well, technically anyone that is a fangirl to any Organization member is a fangirl to a dead character. They're all dead, really. So no, it's not weird. Cause he's alive in my heart. . . . . Kidding. I was kidding. I'm not that weird. 24813
I love you right now. I don't know you, but I love you.
I feel so freaking smart right now. And so very observant. I even call you Xemnas. Dang. I'm smart. And I know you're a guy. That's particularly why you're not a diehard fangirl of any kind. lol. 24811
At least I'm not the only one. ^.^;;