:rockdover: Yay!
Death Is In Love With Us - HIM.
>:O Don't you slap meh! :guns:
Back again. ;D
The winner gets: A Pizza A Pizza Sized Cookie - I Want Larxene's Coat - I Want A Chipi Larxene Plush A date with Axel - Wants sooo much o3o A date with Goten/Goku/Gohan/Kairi A signed copy of the all the new kingdom hearts games Your own Custom Keyblade -I Want A pair of Chakrams and a Sitar(Axel & Demyx's Weapons) - I Want.
Endless Dark...In your pants.
Axel's weapons = Chakrams Demyx's Weapon = Sitar. =]
A pair of Chakrams and a Sitar. :3 The list could be endless...
Theres an auction on ebay for a custom made Organization XIII plushie. Its at $75. o.o I want an Axel plushie. v.v
o.o I want the coat!
These are amazing! The first one has to be my fave.
Dark Secret Love - HIM.
So what do we win? A cookie? o3o
Hehe Awesome! I like the 2nd one. :3 I saw Fosters home for imaginary friends on an advert once and I've always wanted to see it, but we don't have any channels with it on. >.<
*Walks in* Ooh I'm winning! ;D
Hmm Axel or Demyx. Axel because he could cook food and he's just Awesome. :3 Demyx because he could entertain me by playing music.
How To Save A Life - The Fray.