The Cake Is A Lie! The Cake Is A Lie! The Cake Is A Lie! The Cake Is A Lie! The Cake Is A Lie!
no, its alrigt, we all get caught up in things, i just thought you were gone.....
well, surprise, surprise
i can only wonder....why hasnt ye taken up sig making?
the flow is terrible, try making your own background with that c4d as an overlay.... the colors dont match, the background is purple while the render is mostly blue, try for cooler colors.... V1 is too blurry, try a sharpen on it
i think were waiting on a reply that isnt coming......
ive seen better days, but that forr a number of reasons....and u need to get on more, we miss youz!
well, good luck, your prolly gonna need it...and talk to *insert name of person to talk to here* about your schedule, u may be able to keep averything, you never know
im sory, but i did get it, didnt i? and im sorry bout your lunch schedule....cant u get it changed?
oh, wats his face, ummm.........justin? no...jason? no, thats not it either.....okay help me out.... CHRISTIAN! NO WAY!!!!!! :glomp: its me, xand...i lost my password and made a new account
i didnt lsten to the music, i was too distracted by the gigantic corn rrunning across the sceen
corn........ trippy........
tempting, but good, im sorry bout your classes, tough break
technologic daft punk
bold to go under the arm...... my only complaint is the flow is completely off, rotating the background so it spurts out behind the render would help it
1. cushioned wall? 2. wat face?
buy it use it break it fix it trash it change it melt upgrade it chart it poin it zoom it press it snap it work it quit erase it write it cut it paste it save it load it check it quckly write it plug it play it burn it rip it drag it drop it zip unzip it lock it fill it coal it find it view it coat it jam unlock it surf it scroll it pose it click it press it crack it twitch update it name it read it cue it print it scan it send it fax rename it touch it bring it pay it watch it turn it leav it stop format it
yes, i see that......
im not stopping ya......
i absolutely can not stand rap music. end of story.