welcome to my sig shop, nooks cranny......i make custom sigs for those who request them, i ask nothing in return, just dont give my art away without my permission, thats it, ive posted my past works below, if you like what you see and find yourself in need of a signature/avatar, feel free to post using the following form: type: sig/av size: default* unless otherwise specified link: text: sub-text: border: y/n anything else: default sig size: 380x135 max sig size: 500x500 default av size: 100x100 extended av size: 150x150 IMPORTANT NOTE: do not give me any picture on deviantart.com to edit into a sig, your sig/av request will be denyed past works: this a little less than half of my saved works, if you would like to see more, pm me
ummmm, riIIiIiIiIiIght
for sizing reasons, banner(thing at the top of the page, says "kh-vids") or sig(shows up below every post you make)?
all yours.....
spicy speelings for the word "the:" -zhe -teh -tha i prefer the second one, i love 1337 5 P 3 /-\ |<
my friends woudnt get ticked off or annoyed at me for singing tenacious d....they would sing along....we all listen to the D....
well, i stand corrected, i was on......im signing off now, its 11 at night, i wantz me sleep.......night all, nice talking to ya
no, just curious..... well, either way, its 11 o clock over here, and i want me sleep, so goodnight family
im kinda slightly partially on....
is the lottery an american thing only?????
hmmm the english lottory does me no good, so oh well....
im in new york, we have the lotto everyday.....
not teh emo corner!!!!! oh teh noes!!!! its 2:40 by you? only 9:30 here......U MUST COME FROM THE FUTURE!!!!! QUICK! WATS TODAYS LOTTO NUMBERS!!!!!
way to post when nobodies around..... well, this post will probably end up the same way....so im one to talk right? XD
no, i dont want your hellos, its too late....u already ruined the moment..... and, ive been asked that like 3 timmes in the past week, my sister reads the manga, i dont touch it....
wat? not even so much as a hello? gee thnx.....