I only now started to utilize the forum board's friending feature. T_T And yay! I'm your 100th friend. -:)
Cool. What kind of music you like; any artists in particular?
Listening to music; probably going to play Burnout 3 Takedown later. What about you?
Well hello there
Alright; after all, this is the Spam Zone. And this
I directly copied this from the other thread; don't currently have the time to edit it. As some of you may already know, the US government is going to discuss about the first internet censorship system today on Congress. They are trying to get through a law, which allows the government to block any site's access or cut off their funds. It also allows for private corporations to immediately block access to a website without any court, just because they think you have copyrighted material. It also makes it a lot harder for new social media sites or new artists of any kind to get started on the internet, because big corporations shoot them down right away when they see the first sign of copyrighted material. As a result, sites like YouTube or Twitter would have to be shut down, considering they are huge nests of piracy, containing clips from movies, music, cartoons and other related stuff. This video should explain it a bit better -> http://vimeo.com/31100268 And here you can send a petition to the US government -> http://americancensorship.org/ This issue is, undoubtedly, one of the biggest issues right now on the internet. Not only will this legislation have impacts on the United States, but it will have impact upon the world. View it this way: If the United States starts blocking foreign countries and/or sites, they may very well in turn block us. Thereby leaving us at an economic disadvantage in an already downtrodden time. Furthermore, this is a very sophisticated piece of legislation that threatens to impose upon the rights granted by the Bill of Rights. That being said, should this legislation pass, and should it stand the test of the Supreme Court (as it would undoubtedly go there) then the United States would be, in my opinion, no better than China, North Korea, or any other number of countries that restrict, limit, and censor content that comes in and goes out of their countries. All of that being said, there is a few fundamental issues here. Namely: The United States is trying to take charge of the internet by governing in international territories. Secondly: The United States is trying to challenge and limit the right that we all have to a freedom of access to information. This in-turn will also limit us to a vast content base, such as Wikipedia, Flicker, Vimeo, possibly even YouTube, and most of the useful Google results.
Delete please Please delete; there is, apparently, another thread about this.
I'm actually on people's lists. Fascinating - #8-Axel - Amaury+ - AmyG124+ - Anniexo - axel91 - Black Plague - Britishism - Daxa - DPWolf - Firekeyblade+ - itachilives741 - libregkd - Machina - Namin3 - nathen - P - Suzuha Amane - terra254+ - The Genius Sex Poet+ - What?
Welcome to KH-Vids. Please, take a sit.
Fixed the quote.
I have only 357 page visits, so far. ._.
Looks good to me; good job on matching the avatar and signature, by the way.
So, in essence and in short, this is a good idea. So it could be done and be done right, considering this is Square Enix. But then again it is indeed an unnecessary feature and the series could go on without. However, it could be added to make things a bit more interesting. I specially like the "Keyfusing" term you came up with. Moreover, the notion of finding fragments of a keyblade to build a keyblade itself seems a bit more interesting to me at least; more like I prefer "Keycrafting" to "Keyfusing".
lol Arms >.>
Nothing much. Was listening to music. Thinking about playing Burnout or just listen to more music, lol. What about you? (:
Probably not.
MISTY! Hey =]
I'm fine. It's been a pretty slow Friday night, at least for me. :\ How are you?
Hey What? =]