That's exactly why I think the Avengers as a world would fail. :/
I'm not saying it's impossible, but just saying... Take to mind though that I didn't like the original Tron worlds and the Pirate of Caribbeans world.
Sure, with the exception that it's more violent, has curse words, is realistic, and has a way more drastic plot, they're pretty much the same!
Is that a very poorly made large flame-resistant bra with a ruby in the center?
Search long enough, and maybe you'll find him! not
Done! :)
Since it seems nobody else wanted to join in, I decided to finish this early. Here it is, with 60 members included!
Since no one seems to want to join the mosaic as of right now, I'm gonna go ahead and start on it now. Hopefully it'll look good! :)
Will there be pins?!
Same here, I want to combine it with Kingdom Hearts 1 and Chain of Memories! It'll be tricky, but fun!
I actually didn't think about that. Actually, that would fit perfectly! Though I still can't see Sora flying across Earth with Iron Man.
I don't pretend I'm Asian and eat Asian food, lol. But I do have a friend who is slightly a weeaboo who likes TWEWY, but she still plays mostly Western games. And there's surprisingly a bunch of people who watch anime, mostly Soul Eater right now. But yes, I'm the only male weeaboo. That's what I try to do too. Thank god there's a thing called advisory! ^_^
I AM the weeaboo.
Don't worry, I'm not like "U SO STUPD, SO ************************ UR MOMZ". But still, my still somewhat undeveloped brain can't handle so much homework right now. >.< I feel so stupid, LOL. Hopefully I'll get used to it by college. BTW, I'm trying to spread the word about TWEWY (and a bunch of other things), but people keep play Call of Duty or Halo. It's sort of annoying when you don't like first person shooters. I actually agree with one exception: math. They make you shove two grades at once so you can get to Algebra in 8th grade.
No, but that contributed to KH's story. I'm talking about one that is not related AT ALL to the originals, with the exception of maybe a minor reference.
Can you deliver it to my house? From Houston to Equestria = 14528.67
But I wasn't distracted by anything except THE LACK OF GOOGLE'S SKILL TO SEARCH!!!!!!!!jwdskn;gfaekjdgfn Sorry, I hate Google now, lol.
Pretty sure it's not on right now, they would've added it to the OP. :\
Welcome to the club. *VOICES VOICES*