XD sweeeeeeet, both of you would be welcome. XD
when I need inspiration for a particular theme I just listen to a bunch of songs with the same theme, read some quotes with said theme in it, and...
XD why cause pain to each other when you can team up and run a muck together XD
XD A twin would be cool, yea XD
XD I told you XD and yes, you ARE more awesome
sure thing, what exactly are you looking to write lyrics about?
http://vampirefreaks.com < here ironically XD and nearly like you XD
ahhhh, I'm probably even darker than him in thought process, so I'm afraid I can't help ya any there.
ooooooo, fancy smancy~ lol, kk
uuuhhhhh.... ok..
I found I guy that reminds me a lot of you actually XD he could be like, your personality twin.
lol, yay lD sowie I keep losing it , I swore I put it in my phone DX eye exam? cooooooooollll~
=D wwwwaaaaaaaazzzzzuuuuuuu XD I was gonna call you yesterday... but.. the number was misplaced... again...
cool~ I'm just chatting
oh hey, pretty good, you?
Alright, well.. I'll talk to you later then.
ok, well, facebook is acting up so I'm gonna go watch tv and talk to Dylon while he's still here, ok?
annnndd you just got off KH-vids. :/ .... arrrg
Facebook's having messaging issues.
XD I have chrome~ but my favourite was Chuck Noris too XD has been for awhile, before that it was the wrestling one. XP