XD Good, for some reason people tend to label me as just a cute little sweet innocent lady at first. XD After they get to know me it changes, but...
XD I'm not exactly all rainbows and lollipops like I seem, I'm very cynical and dark, so there's bound to be tons of violence and dark sarcasm.. XP
Hey, thanks, I'm trying to make it in comic art. :)
wow o.o; no I haven't I'll try that... (sorry I couldn't call on Saturday, I became really busy...)
XD It's cause he's a bad-ass.
A fan of Deadpool? XD HA, he's tied with Gambit for my favorite Marvel Character.
Pretty good, Saw you were a Deadpool fan... instantly thought you were awesome, so I had to message you.
Hey :) It's nice to meet you.
......uhm, This is Tifa, but you can message him if you want, sorry for the confusion, are you a new member?
lol, I just go silent and walk away... randomly blurt out how it didn't hurt.. yanno.. try to keep my mouth shut. XP
I'm just really worried, and super agitated.... *sighs* most men are such babies
I saw it on there to, they explained how not much bacteria can live in a dog's mouth, but they do have bacteria, that bacteria is stronger since...
First off, that's a myth, a dog's mouth isn't cleaner than a human's. They have less bacteria, but it's way more potent, so it's very possible to...
I was on the phone with my bf... then I heard fighting and screaming and yelling and a bunch of loud noises... a little while after all this...
crap, sorry about that, I disappeared again, I don't mean to do that, I just poof sometimes... bad attention span and all that.
hey, what's up?
D: shoulda seen that coming
Burger king XD and kk, have fun~
Awesome! =3 what is it?
lol, yeeeaaa, best I don't cook