Same here, may his soul rest in peace.
Oh yeah, I sure do.
cool cheat can't wait
Darkballs look like Pac-Man on crack, there kinda annoying.
KH1: Suprisingly, the only part that was easy was the last battle, I flew through him. KH CoM: The card thing is stupid. KH2: Easy, pretty much hack and slash for me. Oh. *slaps self* I voted for KH2 because it's fun, lots of side things and bosses to do, R. Commands, and Drives. Simply the features.
Timed Guards/Parries are helpful in both of those lazies.
Aerial dodge really helps you when fighting Zemnas, y'know when he puts lasers around in a circle and hits you, with dodge roll you've would've gotten nowhere, since there is an invisible box around you at the time he's doing that
KH1: Extremly Hard Kh: CoM: Extremly annoying KH2: Extremly Easy That's what I think
I've done it, and you only get a secret ending, and that's why they created Youtube go watch it.
KH2 does have enough forms. Valor- Combat Wisdom-Magic Master- Combat and magic Anti- Quick combos Final- Everything
1. Demyx- Silence traitor! 2. Axel- Got it memorized?! 3. Larxene (no line for her)
lol ya know it! I'm Sora. I love you too <3 Kingdom hearts is kinda already a beach.
KH2 does have Aerial Dodge, and Quick Run, they're really useful.
No, it dosen't sound cool at all. Ultimate is fine.
Something tells me this is going to be funny.
Awesome, even though I have NO idea what the lyrics are, it matches the feel of Kingdom Hearts.
I'll be the main man, Sora. How old are the kids?
72 hrs on KH2