I just saw a ninja on the left. Does that count?
3 Years? Too bad.
"Hello, I'm Riccardo, you can call me Ricky, nice to meet you. So, how's it going?" Then I'd ask for her number and many things after that. But I don't have a locker....
Right that.
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.[2] Took that from Wiki.
Right. Well, y'know, we also call people like him "trolls". But that's another story.
Yeah, indeed. Especially in the Bunny Castle.
Lol, it's the first time I see you online.
Same here.
It's funner with a runner. Is it funner with a free runner, too? ;3
Well, indeed they're quite different. It's ok, that was just to make you feel better, I'd be glad to help next time. XD
Ow, harsh.
Well, I have my training program. 20 minutes of running, 3 series of 10 push ups, 5 series of 20 sit ups everyday except sunday. It's kinda a hard training, but I downloaded this program from a web site.
Nothing. I'm just ill. How about you?
Hi .
It's strange to see your name in teal.
Hey dude. Long time no see.
Cool. I'll add you nao.
Awesome, put me on the list then. :D