Lol. Well, I guess she's not coming back then.
I was expecting this.
I haven't posted here in a while. So, let's go with the last page. You don't look like how I pictured you. XD By the way, you're cute, and I have a strange feeling of deja vu looking at your t-shirt.... You don't look like how I pictured you too. O: You're cute and you remind me of a friend of mine. Pretty, and the haircut suits on you. :3 And lol, you look a little sleepy in the first pic. XD Lol'd, but I can't see your face. D:
Meh, thanks, but if I try something like air spins, backflips and such here, I'd probably break some bones, I have to wait for summer holidays, so...
Awww, thank you....? I wanna learn some acrobatics now. D:, worried? ;3
Lol no, not that much. XD But I do most of the things that they do, and I enjoy doing them. :3
Mmmwell, not exactly. I'll show you a video. Note: I'm not at their level...yet.
Pretty good, I started a new training, so I'll be able to do free running, since January.
Well, sometimes I randomly check my friends list, so I visit some profiles and see the last activity, so I would.
Lol. Yay, me and my spam have been missed! 8D
So, how are you? Missed my spam? ;D
Hello there.
Hmm. Alright, PM me your questions.
Oh, no....
Cool. Cool. Cool. Do I have to bring some beer? :D
I don't mind who made it, I always take the things that I like and that I'm sure I'll be wearing.
Yeah, Axel is a pretty cool guy, but I prefer Roxas, he's just cooler in my opinio- Wait, I'm not doing it right.
It's probably because anybody laughed, so they had to put some fake laugh to make the others think that the show is funny. :/
That's what happens to me too, but I just pop my neck and my back. Though I feel better after that.