Aww...I'll PM you so we don't spam a lot xD Zack sat down.
Xemnas rolled his eyes. "You again," he said. He saw struggling. "You know you're useless to me...buts whats wrong?" he asked.
lol yup and I magically knew that you knew that I am good. XD
She drove you out of school? It was that bad? Wow whats her problem? BIC: Zack grinned.
I lmao'd at the b!tch fight lol Thanks for the Heads-up though BIC: Xemnas wanted to go back to Castle Oblivion, as he felt ther was not much to do on Destiny Islands as Sora wasn't there. HE ported to Namine's room as he thought Sora might be there with Namine.
GOOD!!! :D :D
Hi how're ya?
Xemnas walked around Destiny Islands. OOC: omg let me guess is no one here?
Well I liked this girl once, and it was sooo obvious (IMO), but she didn't notice, but everyone else did e.g. her friends. And her friends told her I liked her...and I got pissed and stopped liking her. xDD
Ohh poor you BIC: "Mines Zack," Zack said.
HElllo Family!!
31037 Hi guys! Do Americans ALL go trick-or-treating (not including adults)?
I'm white!!! hehe
xD sorry hehe umm lets just continue on with the story before they all us spammers xD BIC: "Where's Sora?" Xemmy repeated.
"Pardon?" Zack asked. Why don't you like birthdays?
I just used my one on msn xD
xD Yeah I know, I saw that it means "sea" on wikipedia. Tetsuya himself said so. :D
Zack just stood there looking smug. Sooo...hows it going? Life is really boring at the moment, but our birthdays are soon! :D
No, read what Dawn posted above xD
Zack looked at Eleyna. "He's gone," he said softly. He folded his arms. "Hmmm....about time you actually did something instead of just stand there," Zack sneered.