So a while back, my cousin and I got into a huge Facebook debate (if you can call it that) about vaccinations. It pretty much stemmed from the fact that he, who I actually think is stripping in Texas right now, thinks that the fact that those who are vaccinated shouldn't care about those who aren't because they're already vaccinated so "who cares?" We got into this whole big thing where he used my bald spots as proof that vaccinations are bad and when I brought up that early hair loss runs in our family, I wear a hat every day for work, and I smoked for almost 9 years, he changed it to me willingly smoking. I told him I knew the dangers of smoking and tried to explain how addiction and genetics work and that I don't have bald spots anymore. So it then turned into me supposedly insulting his intelligence and that I believe everything the "news" say (he thinks the Oregon shooting is a hoax, btw) and scientists wouldn't give up their "millions" of dollars in livelihood by showing the REAL truth and blah blah blah. He's also an Illimunati nut who doesn't vote because "both parties are the same" and all politicians are in cahoots and all that crap. The conversation ended after one of his friends complained that their kid got the flu shot earlier that week and has been sick with the flu all week and my cousin said next time he's in town, I can school him on his "crazy" "conspiracy" "views" and I told him I'd rather just get drunk and watch the X-Files; it'd have the same effect. SO I WOKE UP TO THIS FROM HIM TODAY (For those who don't know and can't figure it out, I'm Jeff)
As much as I enjoy Flash, and holy **** some of those scenes. This had horrible storytelling in at least three beats that just undermined Season 1.
Want her as a founding member?
Would you be okay with Canary being a Justice Avenger?
Scratch my earlier post. Kitty's all yours~ Strangely enough, he's about to be an official Avenger; just read the new issue yesterday. Is being hired by Hydra okay, instead of Ultron directly? Oh, I thought you meant Black Canary for some reason, even though you didn't use "Black." Still good, though. I'm going to PM you something later about her. I'm adding Dick Grayson/Nightwing/Robin/Batman/Agent 37/whateveryouwanttocall him to my own roster. I'll start editing everyone in later after I do the homework I should be doing right now
Hey, about Jay Garrick. So like I said in the thread: there's not enough basis from the show to go off. However, I was actually planning on having...
Just saw it. I can't even right now. That works~ That's what I was going to suggest. Uhhh I'm going to leave Jay Garrick out of it for now, at least from the TV's universe. We've literally only seen five seconds of him and that's not enough for a basis for a character. Great combination of origins! Though I just want to mention that Cyclops isn't actually in the Justice Avengers (yet), he's just helping them defeat Ultron after Ultron sent Sentinels to the Institute (which I'll talk about in the RP). Yes to Harley and Jean. I'm going to put Kitty on hold though; someone messaged me before asking about her before you. They haven't responded to me yet so I'm not sure if they were interested or what. Yeah, definitely! They don't have to be a hero; if you want Talia to be in cahoots with Hydra/Cobra for whatever reason, you can (she doesn't have to be a part of the organization). #comicbookpeterisbetterbutokay #notarealhashtag I KNOW. I don't even have everyone I thought of yet, but I'm choosing my characters in bursts for now. Also, I meant to add earlier: you don't have to put in that little blurb about your character's history. I can do it myself as long as I know which version of the character you're going with.
Damn good choice. I'm watching the season 2 premiere right now! That version is a little too young to be a founding Justice Avengers, unless you're going with the future version? Otherwise, I was going to have him be a current Justice Avenger, but not a founder.
Awesome! I was wondering if they're going to include her flying! wonder what the chances of her office being in the same building as Nelson & Murdock?
God, I stayed up way too late writing this. I'm sure I missed something. This can be locked now; I'll let staff now. All discussion should move to the OOC thread.
"A person -generally humanoid- with unique capabilities who is tasked -either by personal mission, special circumstances, or as an occupation- with combating crime, defending citizens, or protecting the Earth as a whole." Link to Role-Play Justice Avengers is a crossover superhero role-play inspired by the comic book industry. The world of the RP is a combination of different settings taken from different franchises, but will primarily take its cues from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The two main influences are Marvel and DC Comics, but other franchises that can be considered "superhero" are allowed and can be implemented into the over-all universe. Any character that fits the RP's definition of a superhero/villain or from a franchise focused on that definition will be allowed as long as we can work their story into the RP's universe. So if you're not sure if they're allowed...just ask! As such, almost any character -even if they're native to Marvel and DC- will need their history (and possibly powerset) altered to fit the RP. On that note, keep in mind that the RP will have a very Avengers-like tone and set-up so even if a character fits the definition, they may not be easily incorporated into a superhero RP. The main superhero team is the Justice Avengers, founded by SHIELD, but the X-Men also exist. We'll also make more teams as we need them. The only confirmed characters in the RP will be mentioned in the story unless they're claimed by someone; I'll pretend certain characters, no matter how prominent, don't exist in the RP until they're either claimed or used in a way. However, some characters will probably be mentioned and put "on hold" until we need them. If a character is claimed later into the story, we'll edit the RP however we can to make their "universe" fit. You can be a general version of a character or a specific one from a specific form of media (maybe you like teenage Tony Stark from Iron Man: Armored Adventures). If it's a specific version, just make sure I know~ The RP will start before the final battle against Ultron in Sokovia Latveria as everyone comes together to save the world. There will be a time-skip afterwards to the real start of the RP with the new status quo, which will be figured out after we know who all is in the RP. So your characters can be on any side (that makes sense) at the beginning and then end up however/wherever you'd like (so your character can be on Ultron's side or be a lone hero and switch to the Justice Avengers during or after the battle, etc.). Recommended franchises to choose from: Marvel Comics (Avengers, X-Men, etc.), DC Comics (Justice League, Teen Titans, Constantine, etc.), GI Joe, Image Comics (Invincible, Spawn), Dark Horse Comics (Hellboy), Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Stan Lee's The Condor, original film properties (Hancock, Jumper, Push, etc.) Official Rules No godmodding/powerplaying however difficult that may be in this RP. Be creative with your characters, but don't ruin everyone else's fun! No OCs. The basics of any characters have to be as true as possible to their source, but we can change everything after that such as gaining a new power throughout the RP, a different romance from the source, etc. To follow Rule 3, we can change anything about the character that we have to in order to make them fit into the RP. I can't stress this enough: if you want to be a character and aren't sure if they're allowed, just ask! It's a pretty open RP. If you want to claim a character for later, I'll allow it if you have a good reason.Otherwise, we'll leave them available for someone else. You can have as many characters as you want, but you must be able to keep up with them or I'll ask you to cut down. Only one of each character and each alias! If someone picks a character you wanted, but it's a different person under the mask (but same alias), we can work something out. If someone picks the same character and they have the same real name, but a different alias, then we can still work something out. There has to be a major difference between the two, though; Smallville's Superman and Man of Steel's Superman can't coexist. If you want a character, just post claiming him/her/it and what they're from! Remember to mention if it's a specific version. If you can think of a way that they'll fit into the RP, then Characters Justice Avengers SHIELD X-Men Hydra Other Justice Avengers Vision A "synthezoid" composed of Vibranium and powered by the Mind Stone -as well as other powerful elements- Vision was built as a new body by Ultron. Fortunately, the Justice Avengers took the body and gave it life as a hero. Abilities: Mind Stone-powered energy beam, density manipulation, computer interfacing, and synthetic cell generation. Boy Wonder Superman (Hernan Guerra) Son of the Kryptonian General Zod, Hernan was orphaned and raised by Mexican nomads. Hernan made a name for himself as Superman when an alternate timeline's Kryptonian army attacked Earth to terraform it into a new Krypton. He is a founding member of the Justice Avengers. Abilities: Super strength/speed/durability/senses/stamina, Heat Vision, flight, and many other abilities granted by his Kryptonian physiology under the yellow sun. Weak to magic, red sun radiation, and Kryptonite. Incognitus Batman (Agent Terry McGinnis) A Level Six agent of SHIELD who is considered a "specialist," Agent McGinnis originally served as a liaison between the Justice Avengers and SHIELD. However, known to only a select few, Agent McGinnis is secretly the second Batman, a well-known hero who utilizes advanced technology. Appearing shortly before the original Batman's disappearance, Terry apparently received his blessing and joined the Justice Avengers officially after the original Batman was declared "gone." Abilities: His Batsuit gives him flight, enhanced strength/speed/durability, various batarang dispenser, magnetic adhesion, claws, elemental resistance, cloaking, computer assistance, and other minor mechanical advantages. He's also an expert fighter and detective and has access to other gadgets, such as a flying "Batmobile." Incognitus Canary (Sara Lance) After her presumed death, Sara Lance joined the League of Assassins in order to train her body and mind. She has since left the League and was recruited into the Justice Avengers after helping save Starling City. Abilities: She is a master martial-artist, weapons master, and has an unusually high tolerance for pain. She commonly wields expandable batons and a sonic device. Magick Iron Man (Tony Stark) After being kidnapped by terrorists, weapons designer Tony Stark became the armored hero known as Iron Man. After saving his company and discovering a new element, he joined the Justice Avengers initiative along with Canary, Superman, the original Batman, and others to save the world from a Chitauri invasion. Ultron's creation -and by extension, Vision's- were due to his hubris. Abilities: One of the world's smartest, Tony's built an arsenal of Iron Man armors with different specifications. Flight, repulsors, mini-guns/missiles, enhanced strength, and computer interfacing are only some of the tools at his disposal. HeartlessOfLight Flash (Barry Allen) After his father was framed for his mother's murder, Barry spent his life trying to prove his father's innocence. After becoming a metahuman, he joined the Justice Avengers after a mutual friend introduced him to Canary. He recently saved Central City and defeated his mother's real killer, freeing his father from prison. Abilities: His connection to the Speed Force gives Barry superhuman speed and, by extension, a variety of speed and vibration based abilities. He's very intelligent and a forensic expert. jackdaniel0 Thor (???) A bright young woman who, for reasons unknown, has been deemed worthy to become Thor. Initially afraid of the duties demanded of her role, she's taken it in stride and helped mankind in any way she can. Her true goals are still unclear, but she's accepted being part of the Justice Avengers and opposing Ultron. Her identity is still a secret to other members of the Justice Avengers and many aspects of her and the relationship she shares with her predecessor are still unclear. When asked as to the reasons for her existence, she simply replied "There must always be a Thor." Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Senses, Self-Sustenance, Healing Factor, Longevity, Energy Manipulation (Lightning) Chevalier S.H.I.E.L.D. Nightwing (Dick Grayson) The original Batman's original sidekick, Robin, Dick saw his parents killed at an early age. Batman showed him how to use his grief to be a hero and Robin soon became Nightwing. Before the original Batman's alleged death, Nightwing was publicly executed by supervillains. However, SHIELD found Dick Grayson alive, having faked his death, and recruited him into the organization. Agent Grayson, however, was secretly working for the original Batman and was instrumental in discovering Hydra's infiltration. After Batman's death, he discovered Terry was Batman II and the two became parents in the agency, though Dick stays out of the superheroics. Only those closest to him know his past as Nightwing. Abilities: Taught by the original Batman, Grayson is a master acrobat, detective, and hand-to-hand combatant. As a SHIELD agent, he's highly resourceful and skilled at espionage. He has standard SHIELD tech, but also wing-dings (his version of the Batarangs), and a pair of Escrima sticks from his Nightwing days. Boy Wonder X-Men Cyclops (Scott 'Slim' Summers) One of the founding X-Men, Cyclops has the most experience on his team, despite his young age. A natural born leader, he has been the X-Men's field leader -and Professor X's protege- for years. He left the X-Institute in charge of other X-Men and joined the Justice Avengers in the fight against Ultron after Ultron incorporated mutant hunting technology into his army. Abilities: His mutant power allows him to release a destructive concussive force blast from his eyes. Due to his training, he is an expert fighter, tactician, leader, and has learned different ways of using his power. However, he is unable to control it and must wear either ruby quartz protective glasses or a visor to suppress his power while his eyes are open. Boy Wonder Rogue (Anna Marie) One of the newest mutants on the X-Men team. Having an undying loyalty to Scott, she followed him to the Justice Avengers to help take out Ultron and his pseudo-Brotherhood. Abilities: Can absorb the powers and memories of those who come into contact with her bare skin. She has a bit of a hard time controlling it, but it's useful to extract information. Morrigan Aensland Psylocke (Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock) One of the older X-Men who's stayed behind to watch the mansion while Scott, Rogue, and a select few others went to aid the Justice Avengers. She believes all these events are a foretelling of worse events yet to come. Abilities: Her mutant power allows her to manipulate psionic energy to create objects such as knives or even blasts of energy. Morrigan Aensland Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) Twin brother of Wanda, Pietro reluctantly joined Cyclops with the Justice Avengers. Though he wants to bring his sister home, his true loyalty lies to Mystique and the Brotherhood of Mutants. Abilities: Super speed and a heightened metabolism. He can run up to Mach 10, though it tires him severely. Morrigan Aensland Jean Grey The second student to join the ranks of the X-Men, Jean is a mutant with growing potential and founding member of the X-Men. She's often considered the team's second-in-command. Abilities: Her mutant power gives her advanced telepathic and telekinetic abilities. As an X-Men, she's trained in hand-to-hand combat. Her strongest asset, however, may be her potential. Morrigan Aensland Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde) After discovering her mutant power, Kitty was recruited into the X-Men. Though young, she's a force to be reckoned with and has proved vital to the X-Men. Abilities: By shifting her atoms, Kitty can phrase through organic and inorganic matter without damage, though it does short out electrical systems. She can spread her power to anything/body she touches to limited degrees and is weightless while phasing. Morrigan Aensland . Gambit (Remy LeBeau) Remy LeBeau has been on and off the streets, and in and out of trouble. He left his past as a thief behind in order to help the X-Men and Justice Avengers combat the forces of evil. Abilities: His mutant ability lets him take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy, "charging" it with highly-explosive results. The larger the object, the longer the charging time. Playing cards and his bo-staff are his favorite weapons. Magick Hydra Grant Ward A former specialist for SHIELD, Grant Ward was revealed to be a Hydra agent during Hydra's infiltration of SHIELD. Since then, various events have led him to declare war on SHIELD and he has been working his way into a leadership position of Cobra. Abilities: Due to his training, Ward is a master martial artist, marksman, spy, and tactician. He has access to many Hydra, Cobra, and SHIELD resources. Boy Wonder Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) A seemingly normal young man, Jaime was abducted by Cobra and experimented on. He was fitted with alien technology in the form of a Scarab. The Scarab has kept Jaime under its control. After being "born," Ultron hacked into Jaime's suit and took control of the Blue Beetle, using him to fight the Justice Avengers. Abilities: The "bugsuit" gives Jaime a symbiotic interface, enhanced senses, clothing manifestation, concealment, a "scarab sight," and access to its artificial intelligence when not in use. When armored, Blue Beetle has superhuman strength and agility, can reconfigure his armor to different tools as well as manifest it partially, create a pair of wings for flight and defense, manipulate energy and adapt itself to different antagonists. Incognitus Ranger VI (Tommy Oliver) Tommy Oliver was a young martial arts prodigy who, due to his potential, was abducted and experimented on by Hydra who was experimenting with the Morphing Grid. A mysterious metaphysical network of power, Tommy was given a Power Coin that enabled his body to access the Morphing Grid, but was brainwashed in the process. Hydra hopes to use Tommy to find a way of access the Morphing Grid, but are content having him take down the Justice Avengers with Ultron. Abilities: Master martial artist. When in Ranger form, he gains enhanced strength and reflexes. He also gains access to the Morphing Grid's weapons tailored to his own genetic code: in this case, the Dragon Dagger, Dragon Shield, and Blade Baster. Boy Wonder X-23 (Laura Kinney) A young girl made from HYDRA's attempts to replicate the Weapon X program. She escaped and was found by Ultron, who convinced her that by ridding the world of people, she would be better off. Her main goal is to take down Wolverine, as Ultron has convinced her it's his fault she was never allowed a normal life. Abilities: Two adamantium coated claws on each wrist and one on each foot that she can extend and retract at will. She also has a healing factor and heightened senses, almost animalistic. Morrigan Aensland Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) A young mutant woman with incredibly destructive powers and unstable emotions. Hydra got a hold of her after her brother and father left her in an insane asylum as a child. After his "birth," Ultron recruited her due to her powers, promising her revenge. Abilities: The mutant power to manipulate reality itself and probability. The unstable power is linked to her unstable emotions. Morrigan Aensland Talia al Ghul Second-in-command of the League of Assassins, Talia has long since accepted her father's, the leader of the League, genocidal decisions. Under his command, she has allied herself with Hydra and Ultron to keep the secret of immortality to themselves. Abilities: A master tactician and an expert marksman with a preference to swords, Talia has been trained in steal and combat making her one of the best assassins known to man. Magick Deadpool (Wade Wilson) A mercenary who suffered a horrific military experiment, Deadpool is known as one of the deadliest men alive. His allegiances are as unpredictable as himself, having helped and fought heroes and villains almost on a whim...or whoever was paying. Lately, it seems that Hydra is the one filling his bank account. Abilities: An extremely powerful healing factor that lets him recover even from severed limbs and psychic attacks. A master at combat and weaponry, wielding guns, swords, grenades, and the occasional rubber duck. He may or may not realize he's in a Role-Play. Glen Other Arsenal (Roy Harper) As a kid, Roy Harper learned how to live on the streets of Starling City. Different events led him to become the vigilante known as Arsenal, but when he was forced to fake his death, he fled, leaving vigilantism behind. He found himself working for the doctor responsible for creating the Vision and used his skills to aid the Justice Avengers in saving nearby citizens. Now that they plan to confront Ultron once and for all, Roy donned his costume again to help. Abilities: Peak physical condition, honed senses, and a high tolerance for pain. Proficient free runner and hand-to-hand combatant, expert archer, marksman, scout, and stick fighter, an underestimated intellect, expert mechanic and thief. He primarily uses a customized recurve bow with altered "trick arrows," a large combat knife, and a pair of eskrima sticks. He also owns a red motorcycle. Boy Wonder Catwoman (Selina Kyle) A young thief caught between her own plans and those of the forces moving around, Selina Kyle has yet to choose a side and is waiting to be swayed either way. Abilities: An extremely acrobatic martial artist, often considered the fastest non-super around. She's an expert thief with the appropriate equipment along with her trademark whip (seriously beware the whip). Magick Harley Quinn (Dr. Harleen Quinzel, M.D.) A former psychiatrist in the infamous Arkham Asylum, Dr. Harleen Quinzel found herself obsessed with one of the deadliest men in the world. Through him, she freed her inner "crazy." After the death of her love, she's become a competent gang leader in her own right. Abilities: A skilled gymnast and certified psychiatrist, Harley enjoys using weaponized props and toxins. Morrigan Aensland Star-Lord (Peter Quill) As a young boy, Peter made himself at home as mercenary in space. After getting involved in an intergalactic war with his new friends, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord was instrumental in saving Oa, home of the Green Lantern Corps. He's recently received a transmission from Earth, asking for help. Abilities: A master strategist and expert with various firearms, Star-Lord's an expert on various alien cultures. His suit gives him augmented strength, durability, and space travel capabilities. His element gun can project either air, fire, earth, or water. Incognitus Ghost Rider (Daniel Ketch) After his sister was killed by a demonic gangster, Daniel was transformed into the Ghost Rider. He's made it his mission to punish the guilty, though he can't always control himself. In his human form, Daniel has often helped SHIELD deal with the paranormal. Abilities: As Ghost Rider, Danny has many mystical superhuman abilities. His Penance Stare causes others to feel emotional pain equal to the pain they have caused others. His primary weapon is his magical motorcycle and mystically-enhanced chain. Incognitus
"A person -generally humanoid- with unique capabilities who is tasked -either by personal mission, special circumstances, or as an occupation- with combating crime, defending citizens, or protecting the Earth as a whole." What it means to be a "superhero" is difficult to define. In fact, Earth has seen many different people dedicated to making the world a better place over the years. By extension, "supervillains" have risen to do harm to those who can't defend themselves. The world is no longer mundane; aliens, robots, mutants, demons, extra-dimensional threats and more have made Earth the center of a diverse universe. As such, superheroes and supervillains have emerged with various origins and abilities. The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division -SHIELD, for short- was founded as humanity's defense against extraordinary threats. With programs on the front lines such as the GI Joe branch of the military, the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, and -most recently- the Justice Avengers Initiative, SHIELD has become a globe-spanning defense organization composed of even more diverse and threat-specific organizations. SHIELD has backed Earth's defenders in protecting the planet against threats such as the Chitauri, Kryptonians, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Hydra, the Sinister Six, and even the Golden Army. However, one of SHIELD's defunct defense programs -an advanced Artificial Intelligence named Ultron- was brought to life by terrorists using extraterrestrial technology. Spreading himself throughout countless bodies and harnessing technologies ranging from Hydra's weapons to mutant-hunting Sentinels, Ultron brought it upon himself to save the destroying humanity. Fortunately, Ultron's plan to integrate himself into a new body was foiled by the Justice Avengers, giving birth to a new hero: Vision. Unfortunately, however, Ultron's mysterious endgame involving large amounts of Vibranium in the country of Latveria has not been stopped. It is up to not just the Justice Avengers, but all kinds of heroes to stop Ultron and save humanity from extinction. Justice Avengers Founded by SHIELD Director Nick Fury, the Justice Avengers Initiative was designed to bring together a group of remarkable people who could together do more to defend the world than any one person could do alone. If it wasn't for the Justice Avengers, Earth would have fallen to the Chitauri or the Kryptonians and it never would have been revealed that Hydra, a Nazi terrorist organization, had infiltrated SHIELD. S.H.I.E.L.D. Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcements and Logistics Division An enormous umbrella organization comprised of several world defense organizations. Controlled by a board, but directed by Colonel Nick Fury (at least, publicly), SHIELD has a branch for virtually any type of threat: criminal, terrorism, supervillainy, paranormal, extraterrestrial, extradimensional, and so on. Though their main branch was infiltrated by Hydra, almost all of Hydra's elements have been flushed out. Due to its large size, various of its agents have experience in superheroics. Some of its smaller departments are ARGUS (the military branch of which the GI Joes are a part), the BPRD (the supernatural), and X-Force (mutant business). X-Men Led by Professor Charles Xavier, the X-Men are a team of mutants based out of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Though they have been the subject of extreme prejudice, they are responsible for saving the world on more than a single occasion. Some have even served with the Justice Avengers, as well as SHIELD/X-Force. Hydra A terrorist organization with roots in Nazi Germany, Hydra was thought to be dismantled during World War II. However, it was splintered into many factions and had even infiltrated SHIELD. Though it was mostly flushed out out of the defense organization, Hydra has been on the rise -along with Cobra, its military division. Hydra's experimentation led to Ultron's current form. Link to OOC Thread
I've seen the Host. I liked it. D-War was just...horrible storytelling.
You know what was a ****** movie? Dragon War
My collection of films are superhero based. Either actual adaptations or films I perceive to fit a "hero" genre. Recently added the Christopher Reeves Superman films and Burtonverse Batman films to it.
I am so excited for Suicide Squad just because of Viola Davis. Oh my god, it's...I have no words.[DOUBLEPOST=1444101548][/DOUBLEPOST]Gotham what the ****, man.
I've been wanting to start collecting the Fast and Furious films so I can start working on my GI Joe/Transformers/FastandFurious crossover script. Is White House Down any good?
Alright, so I'm leaning towards that world-building crossover RP. Though it's mostly a Marvel/DC universe, I combined elements from what I see as other "hero" franchises, but unless characters from those franchises are used, we won't see much of them (most likely just as plot elements now and then). As it stands now, the main team will be the Justice Avengers but if there are enough heroes, I was going to split them into different teams and then have a Civil War later, same for villains. The beginning is pretty open when it comes to characters' stories (Working with Ultron? The Justice Avengers? SHIELD Agent? X-Men/Fantastic Four? Lone hero roped into the events? Stuff like that). After the "Age of Ultron," I was planning on a time skip to the new team(s)' status quo and adding the elements of any new franchises that aren't mentioned in the OP, but belonging to any characters' chosen. So the current state of the world is a general and vague combination of Marvel (specifically the Cinematic universe), DC (a more general version), X-Men (a general version), and random elements of everything else; Just because something exists (The GI Joes, for instance) doesn't mean it'll play much of a part, if any, unless needed to. I have a list of recommended franchises, series, etc. to choose from, but if they can be considered a "superhero" by the included definition, I'll allow it. Here's the current draft of the OP. Spoiler "A person -generally humanoid- with unique capabilities who is tasked -either by personal mission, special circumstance, or as an occupation- with combating crime, defending citizens, or protecting the Earth as a whole." What it means to be a "superhero" is difficult to define. In fact, Earth has seen many different people committed to making the world a better place over the years. By extension, "supervillains" have risen to do harm to those who can't defend themselves. The world is no longer mundane; aliens, robots, mutants, demons, extra-dimensional threats, and more have made Earth the center of a diverse universe. As such, superheroes and supervillains have been emerging with various origins and abilities. The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division -SHIELD, for short- was founded as humanity's defense against extraordinary threats. With programs on the front lines such as the GI Joe branch of the military, the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, and -most recently- the Justice Avengers Initiative, SHIELD has become a globe-spanning defense organization composed of even more diverse and threat-specific organizations. SHIELD has backed Earth's defenders in protecting the planet against threats such as the Chitauri, Kryptonians, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Hydra, the Sinister Six, and even the Golden Army. However, one of SHIELD's defunct defense programs -an advanced Artificial Intelligence named Ultron- was brought to life by terrorists using extraterrestrial technology. Spreading himself throughout countless bodies and harnessing technologies ranging from Hydra's weapons to mutant-hunting Sentinels, Ultron brought it upon himself to save the destroying humanity. Fortunately, Ultron's plan to integrate himself into a new body was foiled by the Justice Avengers, giving birth to a new hero: Vision. Unfortunately, however, Ultron's mysterious endgame involving large amounts of Vibranium in the country of Latveria has not been stopped. It is up to not just the Justice Avengers, but all kinds of heroes to stop Ultron and save humanity from extinction. I think I might be ready to post it tonight after some fine-tuning.[DOUBLEPOST=1443995739][/DOUBLEPOST]Franchises that I had in mind while typing that were Spoiler Marvel Comics Specifically the Cinematic Universe with the inclusion of Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix series. However, X-Men and Fantastic Four, as well as Spider-Man's corner of the universe are big names within. Mutants, Inhumans, are commonplace. A major difference is SHIELD being MUCH bigger as it's now an umbrella organization so I'm not sure on Hydra's involvement with SHIELD yet, but it wouldn't be too difficult to do. DC Comics I was thinking of current live-action series such as the Man of Steel film and Arrow/Flash series, but it's more of a general "use-what-we-need" feel. GI Joe Definitely a more general feel, possibly from the film series. I'm simply seeing them as SHIELD's version of the military. Specialized soldiers. So...Cobra + Hydra? Image Comics Things such as Invincible and Spawn, the Crow, Savage Dragon, etc. Though Spawn and the Crow are probably the best known properties outside of The Walking Dead, which doesn't really fit, and Saga. Dark Horse Comics Hellboy, specifically. Power Rangers Specifically the original series, but I can see different teams working simultaneously throughout the world Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Not going to lie, the fact that TMNT started as a parody of different comic series and their origin is a Daredevil reference inspired this. Other There are some other properties I had in mind such as the Hancock, Chronicle, Unbreakable, Crank, Jumper, Push, Big Hero 6 and The Condor films and television series such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Heroes.
So my girlfriend started watching How to Get Away with Murder and I have a problem with this. I have homework and I can't stop watching it. Holy ****, this show is ****ing....Christ, there's no word for it.
Well, I try~