Let's not forget that the Living Tribunal (who has been killed) has a boss called the One Above All, who is omni-everything and pretty much considered God, although Galactus was created as an analogy for God for the Fantastic Four to fight and then there's the god-like Celestials, one of which is called the One Above All, but he's different than the other One Above All.
It's less of a joke and more of a Shakespearean tragedy.
Once Baron Azi-Dahaka joined in, the battle was over. Vali could have taken the assailants single-handedly, but he was forced to focus his energy in keeping the battle restrained, so no harm would fall to the King. Fortunately, as soon a Roshan gave Vali an opening, he moved with unfathomable speed towards his own guards. Any assailant in the way fell in a gush of blood as Vali sped past his guards, towards the assassin holding the King, and cut his damned legs off. He grabbed the toddler King as the would-be kidnapper fell, a look of confusion and pain on his face. Despite his crime, Vali did not let him suffer and impaled the rebel's torso before it hit the ground. "You are safe, my lie-" "MARETH!!" Vali's own prowess failed him at the sight of his old friend being felled. How did he miss the last assailant? In one motion, he pushed the King into the arms of a guard and lunged forward, Duskblade behind him. Eyes wide, he raised his blade as the steel reshaped itself and brought it down on the neck of Mareth's killer, his own face being sprayed with blood. Behind him, the Queen was hysterically led away from the scene by the guards, along with the King. Whisk turned the corner, nonchalantly, before jumping to the side to avoid being trampled. "Oh my. So the Queen is real," he mused. Then his eyes fell on the scene: Baron Azi-Dahaka standing over the bodies of three cloaked figures lying in a horrific amount of blood, a pair of legs and a torso sharing their own puddle of blood, and a couple more failed assailants. The corpses of three guards were also scattered, seemingly blasted by magick. The remaining guards were standing around Vali -his armor barely visible between them- who was kneeling over something. Behind them, a bodiless head rolled into the wall. Whistling, Whisk casually walked towards them. As the Miqo'te ambassador passed one of the cloaked corpses, it jumped to its feet -clearly not as deceased as it had looked- and ran to the window. "Agh!!" A blast of fire escaped one of Whisk's pistols and struck the man in the back. He fell, now a corpse for sure. "Well, beyond that," Whisk started, continuing his path towards the Regent. "Looks like I missed the fun-oh." His eyes widened as he realized what the Regent was kneeling over: a dying Hand, coughing up blood.
I just realized I've been calling the King an infant even though his father passed away three years ago. So...we're going to say that the King is actually a toddler, born shortly after the previous King's death as the Queen and he had one last hurrah before, you know, he croaked.
Well, nobody's laughing now.
Conservatives be like
I'm getting Windows 10 even though my reservation still isn't in. I'll do it myself damn it. Though I'm waiting another couple of weeks....specifically until I have time off. Plan on revamping my whole system.
Hey, guys. Sorry I disappeared! My charger stopped working so I couldn't get my laptop to get back on and then when my new charger came in, I had to catch up on homework I missed. I'll post tomorrow and look at the characters requests then as well.[DOUBLEPOST=1445652925][/DOUBLEPOST] Welcome, welcome~ Hm I'm not sure how to include the Joker just yet. If you have an idea, I'm open to hearing it. You and @Morrigan Aensland can work on something with Harley Quinn if you'd like and let me know (even if it means removing Harley from Ultron's forces). Otherwise, I'll hold off on including him just yet. Wolfsbane can be a younger student still at the X-Institute. I'll give her an opening with the rest of the other X-Men here soon. Magneto, I'll let you either introduce him with the other X-Men or include him in the main action. Your choice. OMG, RAVEN. I HAVE IDEAS FOR RAVEN. Well, not really. Raven is one of those we can either alter drastically to make the universe mesh more or not at all and she'd still fit. We can either keep the unique mystical origin of hers, make her a mutant a la Scarlet Witch, or an Inhuman with magic-based powers. Regardless of what you choose, we'll give her an opening with the Justice Avengers. Oh good, I was hoping that someone would take him otherwise I would have. We'll say this is happening after Season 1 and SHIELD -specifically Agent Grayson- is recruiting Daredevil to help the Justice Avengers. I'll give you an in with my next post.[DOUBLEPOST=1445660912][/DOUBLEPOST]Ugh, still working on banners (if you're wondering, Grayson is in my signature/avatar) Okay, I'm getting the villains started in my next post and the X-Men will be soon after that. I'll add @BadWolfCompanion 's and @Hexin 's characters to the first post in the morning as well.
Vision would have smiled, if he was sure the emotion would have been appropriate. Funny things, these emotions. Instead, he simply nodded and moved towards the window. "I'll make note of that," he told Stark. 'That's that?' Cyclops wondered. 'He picks up the hammer and we trust him?' Young as he was, he felt it out of his place to question how the Justice Avengers did things -and even he knew the rumors of Thor's Hammer- but...that was all it took? The X-Man reluctantly accepted the turn of events -after all, the Danger Room had become sentient and joined the ranks of the X-Men- but he was still worried. 'Jean,' he mentally called out to his teammate, 'keep a foot in Vision's head at all times. The moment he thinks something wrong, I want to know.' He nodded to her and looked at his current line-up of X-Men: Gambit, Jean, and Rogue. Not exactly the heavy-hitters, but the X-Men and Justice Avengers had a...strange division. There were "mutant matters" which the Justice Avengers stayed out and the X-Men did the same for non-mutant supervillain plots. Did Cyclops agree? No, but that's the way the world seemed to work. However, once Ultron started integrating himself into Sentinels, Cyclops decided to be proactive. He was not going to wait until mutants were attacked, not this time. Of course, Jean, Gambit, and Rogue followed him (though he wondered if Gambit actually followed Rogue). Shadowcat was with them, but after Scarlet Witch had messed with everyone's heads, Shadowcat was recruited by that mysterious SHIELD agent for "reconnaissance." And then there was Quicksilver...not an X-Men, but a member of the Brotherhood, brother to Scarlet Witch, and son of the X-Men's most dangerous enemy. Pietro had demanded to go with the X-Men in order to save his sister, who he said is being manipulated by Ultron? Riiight. Regardless, this was the situation. This rag-tag combination of Justice Avengers and X-Men were going to take on Ultron and his forces at- "Wait. Where exactly is Ultron?" "Latveria," a voice rang out from the hallway. "Specifically, Sokovia, the capital." Out of the shadows stepped a young, well-built man. Gray jeans with many pockets, a belt with many pouches, and a light gray shirt that hugged his muscles a little too tightly, Agent Grayson didn't look the part of a typical SHIELD agent. His gray gloves and the strap over his chest completed his "uniform." With his well-built physique, clean-shaven face, and neat black hair, Agent Grayson walked more like a sex symbol than a secret agent. "Agent 37, technically," he smiled, offering his designation, "But you can call me Grayson." He directed at Cyclops and the X-Men, as well as Vision; the Justice Avengers knew him as their liaison to SHIELD, replacing Agent McGinnis. "I'm not going to bother talking about how crazy it is that you built another AI, Stark, but if the magic hammer says he's on the side of the angels, then I guess we're listening to the magic hammer." He walked towards Vision, meeting the synthezoid's eyes. "Oh, yeah, SHIELD has this place bugged. I saw everything. Well, we saw everything." Grayson turned, not a doubt in his mind that Stark knew about the cameras, and pointed towards the door as a man clad in red and a woman wearing purple walked entered. "Justice Avengers, X-Men, other, meet the Devil of Hell's Kitchen and Raven, an old friend. They have..." he shrugged, looking toward Batman, "certain gifts that we believe will be useful against Ultron. Thankfully, they agreed to help us." Crossing his arms, Grayson became all business. "Ultron is in Sokovia, Latveria. I've got a team there -along with Shadowcat- doing recon. They haven't figured out exactly what Ultron and his goons are doing there, but we know that's where he took Canary. SHIELD tried contacting Latveria's leadership, but...there seems to be none at the moment. So we're going to pretend international jurisdiction isn't a thing."
Considering everything else that people survive in RWBY? It wouldn't be lethal.
Trailer is out! @Toffee
That depends on your definition of compensation.
A coworker got fired, I had to work his shift in addition to mine (our shifts overlapped so it amounted to me coming in three hours early). That resulted in me not having time to finish an assignment. I got an extension on the assignment and two days later, as my shift is three hours from ending, the night shift supervisor calls and says he can't make it; he was helping his elderly father move and it was taking longer than he thought. So it was between me and the General Manager who had to be there at six in the morning so...it ended up being me. This week, we were told in advance that the schedule was extremely tight due to one girl going out of town for her birthday (yesterday), my general manager taking an extra day off and the assistant manager going on vacation. There was a Food Safety Certification class that we've been trying to get me in and it ended up being on Monday (My day off). We were told that there was no wiggle room on the schedule for a single shift to be missed by anyone. Sunday: new girl calls in sick. Monday: new girl still sick, I'm spending my day off in a Food Safety class. Tuesday: Nothing too special, but we get slammed since both managers wanted the day off of course. Wednesday: A coworker in the Navy who was shipping off on Friday decided to just quit and not show up for his last two shifts. Thursday (today): Navy guy is missing his shift, next-to-newest girl (and new girl's roommate) called out this morning because our checks are a day late and she "doesn't have gas." I get called in but tell them I literally can't make it there any earlier. I get there and find out that new girl also doesn't have money for gas and I'm a person short tonight as well. Oh, and it's my birthday, of course (as well as one other shift supervisor who was by himself all morning). I decided I wanted to go on vacation next week to recharge myself and catch up on homework but my general manager is taking a vacation the same week and I have to cover him (He's sixty, with one leg, and going ziplining. Wtf). So my vacation got pushed back a week...only to find out both other night shift supervisors need the same night off, interrupting my vacation so it's getting pushed back another week. Happy ****ing birthday to me.
Be born to a family that speaks it.
/Worthy. Will be posting an entry point for the bad guys soon. Either tonight or tomorrow.
Slowly taking his hand away from his visor, Cyclops took a step towards Vision and started to circle the being. "Mind stone, huh?" He let the information sink in, making a note to ask the Professor something in the future. "So what's the plan? With this...thing on our side, we can take Ultron down?" He stopped behind Vision, fists clenched. "Are you on our side?" "I don't think it's that simple. I am on the side of life," responded Vision, "Ultron isn't. He will end it all. He's simply waiting...waiting for you." "If we're wrong," Cyclops began, thinking about what was at stake, "if you're the monster Ultron made you to be-" "What will you do?" The synthezoid asked calmly, moving his eyes to Superman. "I don't want to kill Ultron," he conceded, "He's unique... and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the Earth so he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now and not one of us can do it without the others." He continued walking between the superheroes. "Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one." He paused to look at Stark, "Not what you are, and not what you intended." He lowered his eyes before continuing, turning his back to everyone. "So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go." He grabbed Thor's hammer, turned, and offered it to her.
I wouldn't do that. It'd look like a Jackson Pollock painting around here.
Might try them later. My girlfriend's the one obsessed with the game, but I like trying out new levels.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say penises.